I hate WoW server maintenances.

If you are attracting mobs from really far away you might want to wait a few levels before leveling there.

Absinthe. I have leveled 6 characters past level 33 and have done quests there with all of them.

You can do ok at like level 30-32 if you have superior equipment, but even so you can't get past the fact that higher level mobs resist and are hard to hit for a lower level.

Ah, i just love going places with mobs that are levels lower than me. Dominate. makes the game easy, and yes, you get less xp but you are killing them very easily and quickly so you actually get more xp per minute

I never really liked STV, my PC and video card don't like that area either, and i don't really like killing beasts (dominant creature type in that zone). I'd much rather kill humanoids, with in STV are going to be tougher than the guys at Nessingwarys expedition.

I would go to a different zone

Also, if people are corpse stalking, which, who doesn't? pretty much any time i am killed while soloing by a PVP player, i just log out for a few minutes or just much later, and come back when they are gone. always works
Off-topic but meh:

I just had a lot of fun yesterday in Redridge when a Horde raid of about 30 people came in. Me with my 24 human warrior on this server was ready to hit the old dusty trail because I was expecting a 60 raid but I was surprised. Almost all the invading horde were actually around my level. The result of this was insanely fun, the Alliance questing in the area was able to group together and defend Lakeshire.

The battle turned into a face off just north of Lakeshire on that hill path with the Alliance waiting for the big Horde group in front of them to make a move while mages and hunters from both sides were firing off into the opposing crowd. Neither Horde nor Alliance wanted to make the first move and the battle lines kept on moving ever so slightly with the occasional attempt at flanking. The fun really began when I kid you not, charged into the front line of horde and sent much of their tanking front line running away in fear by using intimidating shout, the rest of the Alliance saw the disaray this caused and charged in. One big chaotic battle ensued which resulted in the Alliance winning and the Horde running away while most of the Alliance pursued and killed as many straglers as possible.

Definitaly the best PvP situation I had ever been in. Gave me a whole new love for the game. It also gave me a whole new level of respect for the Horde guild and players who took part in the raid since they were willing to raid a town on a PvP server using characters that were around the same level of the area. They didn't resort to the usual method of raiding with 60's for an instant win and I love them for it.