I hate you ATi

May 15, 2003
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So I was having awful stuttering and lag problems all of a sudden in HL2. As Enter buggy *pause* stutter for few seonds start buggy up *pause* etc

So I decided to update my drivers... so off I trot and install the latest drivers.

Whoops. My card isn't supported in their driver releases.

Fan-****ing-tastic. I install the drivers anyway, as my card is a 9800-series, so I assumed it was just left off, no big deal. Reboot the computer.

No 3d card detected. GG ATi.
*lends ComradeBadger his Nvidia 6800 card* here mate.. try this, BUT only till you completed hl2 :p

Hope you find a way to make it work, damn shame i cant be a tech guy on that one :(
that's not nice. disabling autosave helped the stutter for me a lot. type sv_autosave 0 in the console to disable autosave at the start of the level and mark all your autosave.sav and autosave.tga files read-only to disable autosave at the trigger points in the level. you could also try sv_forcepreload 1 and cl_forcepreload 1
ComradeBadger said:
So I was having awful stuttering and lag problems all of a sudden in HL2. As Enter buggy *pause* stutter for few seonds start buggy up *pause* etc

So I decided to update my drivers... so off I trot and install the latest drivers.

Whoops. My card isn't supported in their driver releases.

Fan-****ing-tastic. I install the drivers anyway, as my card is a 9800-series, so I assumed it was just left off, no big deal. Reboot the computer.

No 3d card detected. GG ATi.

Hmmm the latest drivers do support the 9800 series........ :bounce:
Not the 9800SE though :p

Dw, I've fixed it now.. took a lot of haxing ;(
Yea the 4.12's broke my ATI 9600SE :\ (again shit/slow edition)

Then I got a new computer with a 6800GTO 256mb, never been happier :) I use forceware drivers with some rivatuner tweaks (unlocking more pixel/vertex pipelines) so the thing is blazing fast now.
Re: ATI drivers

I've a Radeon 7000 series with 64meg ram. I had a weird problem where the characters' eyes came out white, but i hadn't fallen prey to the dreaded stuttering bug. I updated my drivers, and although it fixed the eyes problem, now i've stuttering all over the game. My advice, set a restore point before upgrading any drivers just in case.
That eye thing is just scary. ATi drivers are sometimes bitchy about updating, I've had a few 640x480@16 colours moments. Not as bad as updating nvidia laptop drivers though. Anyways, I'm switching to NVidia 'cos I want a 6600GT.