I have a hard time swallowing this

Ghost Freeman

Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
How can a company like Valve, loved by all, get hacked, DDoSed, and lose their own shit?

How in the hell?
I think valve get alot of negative publicity because they can never keep to release dates, but thats why I love em :)
The leaked source code, the attacks on the Steam servers, and the HL2 script leak.
Because there are one hell of alot of derranged, evil, stupid, nasty, horrid, selfish bastards out there....

Ghost Freeman said:
How can a company like Valve, loved by all, get hacked, DDoSed, and lose their own shit?

How in the hell?
Overconfidence probably. Gabe's recent comment about Catwomen will probably come back to bite him in the ass at some point too.


Don't worry about it, its only a game as they say :)
Getting DDoSed is pretty easy since it has nothing to do with YOUR computers being compromised.

They got hacked when someone hacked a computer belonging to their service provider (or something like that).

The ONLY thing stopping hackers is cost/benefit ratio.

EDIT: RE: the script "leaking". They have to preload it sometime. It's your own fault for spoiling the story if you choose to "read ahead".
Sorry...I have to say when I first saw the title of this thread I thought you were talking about semen....seriously.
I don't think the script leak was that big of a deal. It wasn't as if you start CS:S and a drop down thing goes "HL STORY: ALL INFO HERE. CLICK TO READ"

It's in a GCF data file and the game won't even read it.

Besides, Shmozy said that they said if you check it out it'll be too hard to understand anyway
DarkStar said:
Sorry...I have to say when I first saw the title of this thread I thought you were talking about semen....seriously.

That's because you are between the ages of 12 and 16 and think EVERYTHING has to do with sex.
The script wasn't leaked you silly people. It's not like they had it all hidden and encrypted. They have to start putting HL2 out somehow.

They also said that it doesn't make sense to read it. (after taking a look )I agree it makes no sense.

People will do what they can or are allowed to do. It's a goal to disrupt that big of a system. Don't you know the goal of hacking ?

It's a sad reality of Internet Bussiness.
The Dark Elf said:
Overconfidence probably. Gabe's recent comment about Catwomen will probably come back to bite him in the ass at some point too.


Don't worry about it, its only a game as they say :)

Gabe was right to not like Catwomen, it was a really really really bad film lol, god knows what the game is like... :x
Ahnteis said:
That's because you are between the ages of 12 and 16 and think EVERYTHING has to do with sex.

Actually I'm over 20, and I'm convinced more than ever that everything does INDEED have to do with sex.
IMO they are great at making games, but not so great at being a 'dynamic' 'modern' company.