I have a question about nuclear fission...

HunterSeeker said:
Well the mass of a single uranium atom is 238.07/6.0225 × 10^23 = 3.953009548 * 10^-22.

Now 100% energy convetion only happens in antimatter reactions (you could probubly have him turn some atoms into their antimatter equilents if you wish as when an antimatter atom clashes with a regular atoms 100% energy converstion occurs, most explosive reaction possible).

To calculate a 100% energy convertion you need to use einsteins equotion. E =mc^2.

In our case its: E = 3.953009548 * 10^-22 * 299 792 458^2 = 3.953009548 * 10^-22 * 8.987551787*10^16.

The resulting energy is: 0.00003552787803 Joule. Very little, I doubt it would be even noticible!

Hmm...an antimatter attack would look pretty cool. Would it just look like a conventional explosion. Also, how would I describe a transformation to antimatter in crazy magical terms?

For example, for splitting an atom he would be projecting his mental self-image at a subatomic level, then cut an atom (which would look like a miniature sun) in two with the edge of his hand. What would antimatter conversion look like?
Thunderclap said:
What would antimatter conversion look like?
I find antimatter itself difficult to envision. The individual quarks themselves are different. I suppose it is most analogous to turning every part of the matter inside-out...
Two particles collide, when they do they both turn into energy.
MaxiKana said:
Two particles collide, when they do they both turn into energy.

THAT'S antimatter? That's it? What actually IS antimatter. I looked it up on Wikipedia, but then it started talking about antihydrogen without explaining what the hell makes it 'anti'.
It's basicly the same as normal matter, just the oposite of it. If the two collide, they both turn into energy.

Basicly a particle.
Thunderclap said:
THAT'S antimatter? That's it? What actually IS antimatter. I looked it up on Wikipedia, but then it started talking about antihydrogen without explaining what the hell makes it 'anti'.
Antimatter is created when you let radiation collide with certain elements (I think Ge is one of them). Ge, I think, will produce a positron, which is an electron, but positively charged.

Also, couldn't we just use fusion? That's like, thousands of times more energy-yielding than fission :|

In the meanwhile, I'm going to write a short explanation on radioactivity here.

Right, radioactivity occurs when elements don't have enough neutrons in their core to keep them stable, as lots of protons in the core will result in it being unstable, because the protons are all positively charged and try to push each other away. The gravitational effect (the weight :p) of the neutrons will keep the protons together. However, having too many or too little neutrons will make the core unstable.

When a core is unstable it will produce radiation to become stable again. Often after having become stable again, the element will have changed into another element.

There are three types of radiation:

ALPHA radiation:
This is actually a Helium (He) atom that is "slung" away by the element. It is positively charged.
It can ionize other atoms by slamming into them. This is not very good, which is why you should stay away from this kind of radiation.
However, alpha radiation can only go through a few centimeters of air before being stopped, so it's only dangerous if you swallow the radioactive material.

BETA radiation:
This is an electron that is "slung" away by the element. It is negatively charged (although it sometimes is positively charged if the element will become stable by doing that).
It can also ionize other atoms by slamming into them, although their damage is not as great as alpha radiation. But it can go through a few metres of air before it will be stopped.

GAMMA radiation:
This radiation consists of gamma rays, effectively very short electromagnetic waves. (Light is also a longer electromagnetic wave, as are radiosignals)
Gamma rays are neutral, and are a byproduct of ALPHA and BETA radiation. You see, atoms will, when sending out radiation, go into a higher energy level. This will make them unstable again, so they will send out gamma radiation to fall back to their original energy level.
It can also ionize other atoms, but because it is so small, the damage is almost unnoticeable. But it can go through several hundreds of metres of air before being stopped, so too much of this radiation will damage you.

That's radiation for you.
Antimatter is basically matter whose particles are the exact opposite of normal matter. An anti-electron (AKA positron) for example has a positive charge, while regular electrons has a negative charge. They also rotate in the opposite direction.

IIRC there is nothing different between antimatter mass and regular mass unless you start to look at an atomic (or sub atomic) scale.

When an antimatter particle colides with its regular opposite it is converted to gamma rays. Why this happens I dont actually know.

EDIT: It might be worth mentioning that when matter is created an equal amount of antimatter is created. So theoretically there should be an equal amount of antimatter and regular matter in the universe. The thing even a very small rock that enters earths atmosphere would set of an explosion so powerfull that it could end life as we know it, possibly ending life on earth completly even (this is unlikely as there are many microorganisms that live very deep in the earth). It is theorised that there is anti-matter galaxies.
Now folks, I'm not necessarily looking for fission. ANYTHING that looks cool as a telekinetic attack is in. I'd prefer it to be at the atomic level, not just him Force-choking the guy or something.

Examples: Causing the atoms in a human body to rapidly accelerate, creating heat that leads to spontaneous combustion. Manipulating iron in the blood to kill a foe, like Magneto did to awesome and gross effect in X-Men 2.
Causing a black hole to occur in his enemy's stomach would be awesome, but I think that might be a bit too overpowered, wherein the singularity will eat up the enemy, the hero, and the whole damn planet within seconds.
It would depend on the mass of the black hole on whether it it him and the planet up or not.
Wait! What did Breen say in the reactor!? How was Gordon going to be annihilated again? Could the synapse be recreated in my story? How is it done with the dark energy?
Just have him slam a couple grams worth of Hydrogen atoms into eachother.

If he can move some charged particles around, he can create an electric current.
If he runs this current through the air, he can separate hydrogen from oxygen in the water molecules.
He can then move some neutrons around, making deutrium or tritium, then smash the atoms together, and create nuclear fusion.

Half a gram of this would yeild about Hiroshoma's power, if the conversion were pure.

Alternatively, If he can concentrate a HUGE amount of energy on a bit of vacuum, that energy will convert into matter, and an equal part antimatter (multiply .001 and (300,000,000)^2 to find how much energy you need. The same energy will come back out, as the particles should collide pretty quick, resulting in another hiroshama sized explosion.

I guess he could have stored up a bunch of antimatter, that he made before, magically (have him create a magnetic field by moving nitrogen molecules in teh atmosphere) isolate and transport it, then release the magnetic field.
THAT'S antimatter? That's it? What actually IS antimatter. I looked it up on Wikipedia, but then it started talking about antihydrogen without explaining what the hell makes it 'anti'.
Antimatter is this:
A antiproton is a Proton with a negative charge
a antielectron is an electron with a positive charge
and neutrons don't change cuz der neutral!!
This is what makes it anti. All the charges are opposite.
Basically when a piece of matter and it's opposite come in contact they both release all there energy.

When the big bang happened it's wondered where all the antimatter went? Is there an entire antiuniverse?
How about you make one the warriors sword collapse into a singlularity bathing the mountain in deadly partilcles that have yet to named by human science, destroying him in every way it is possible to be destroyed, and in some ways that are essentially impossible?
Thank you spookymooky! This is what I was looking for! Fusion FTW! But...what's deutrium? Do you mean Deuterium (2H)? What is 2H? How is is it different from H2?

EDIT: riomhaire, I actually suggested this earlier...:lol: Best Breen Speech in the game IMO.
Thunder, it would be D2(D=Deutirium) It has nothing to do chemically an Isotope is different only in the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

If you want an Antimatter reaction,It would basically be a blinding white light and the surronding area would be sheath in Gamma Radiation. Not to mention the intense heat.(So Sci fi has lead me to believe anyway)
Thunderclap said:
Thank you spookymooky! This is what I was looking for! Fusion FTW! But...what's deutrium? Do you mean Deuterium (2H)? What is 2H? How is is it different from H2?

EDIT: riomhaire, I actually suggested this earlier...:lol: Best Breen Speech in the game IMO.
Deuterium has an extra neutron, making it heavier. It can be used in Deuterium Oxide to potentially create nuclear weaponry. Normal sea water comprises of 0,01% Deuterium.

There's also Tritium, which is highly interesting for fusion, but it is very hard to manufacture and practically non-existant in nature.
Oh, D2's an isotope. Okay I see.
So, just some rearrangement of neutrons and you have the isotope. Whirl two topes around, smash them together, and boom you have Hiroshima? Quite simply really. Thanks.
Thunderclap said:
Oh, D2's an isotope. Okay I see.
So, just some rearrangement of neutrons and you have the isotope. Whirl two topes around, smash them together, and boom you have Hiroshima? Quite simply really. Thanks.
...In layman's terms, yes :p
Thank you all. Hooda thunk there'd be so many nuclear physicists on a game forum?
Thunderclap said:
Thank you all. Hooda thunk there'd be so many nuclear physicists on a game forum?
On a HL2 forum. Gordon Freeman is also a physicist :p
Minerel said:
and neutrons don't change cuz der neutral!!

Actually there is anti neutorns, they have to same charge but opposite direction of rotation.
Thunderclap said:
Thank you spookymooky! This is what I was looking for! Fusion FTW! But...what's deutrium? Do you mean Deuterium (2H)? What is 2H? How is is it different from H2?
You are most welcome, and yes, I did me Deuterium.