I have a question...???



How do you rise in ranking on this site? Such as, going from Headcrab to Zombie. Or can you pick what you want?
When your postcount increases so does your rank.
Wrong forum, but you are right my fellow members.
my rank is the highest, therefore bow down to me and obey all my commands
get your butt over to the right forum headcrab
Bashing people because of their rank is rude...bullsquid.
Bashing people because of their rank is rude...bullsquid.
lol, i just thought it appropriate that i use his rank in the remark just b/c the thread was about ranks
Heh, the post ranking was removed once due to people thinking themselfs superiour in title rank thus talked down to new members thinking they were in a position to act big.
Hey, shut up, Prowler! ;)

No wait! I was only joking! I didn'tAARARAGGG!

/me gets lynched

But seriously, I for one think it's better with post counts and ranks, because people are mature enough not to set much store by them.
/me posts too much.

I gotta learn to keep my thoughts to myself, stop speaking to people, and discontinue my participation in these forums.

Naaaaaaah. As if.
I've noticed that some people spend too much time on this forum ;)