I have a referral, why?


Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
I noticed in my user info it says I have 1 referral, so I searched and found this thread.

Now, how come it says I have 1 referral, even though I never did that link thing with somebody?
I beleive that users can mention other members which referred them when signing up, but I don't remember any more :P
haha! I looked at your avater, but not your name... I thought you were munro!

I was thinkin' "Oh, great. This place is doomed,... Not even Murno knows what the heck is going on anymore!"

heh heh... heh.... :dork:
Well, I thought it was funny. :sleep:
LittleB said:
I noticed in my user info it says I have 1 referral, so I searched and found this thread.

Now, how come it says I have 1 referral, even though I never did that link thing with somebody?

maybe someone, without telling u did it? anyway it doesn't matter.. no big deal.. u have a referral.. the HL2.net police aren't after ya :p
I believe, if I registered, and put my user name in a certain box somewhere, my referal count would increase by one :)
you can give out links that if someone uses it to sign up, thats a referral.
neptuneuk said:
is there any point to it?
Other than to think in some weird world it gives you more chance of being a mod (which it don't) then no not particularly.
Yeah, I've never told anyone to sign up using my link.. but I have about 2 referrals :o

...5 :eek:
Yes, and it means that this thread will get closed because of spam.