I Have Been Sick.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Wow, since Sunday (6 days ago) I've had the flu, and I've come to a conclusion about the flu - it sucks.

I couldn't go on the computer for 6 days! (I COULD have, but I was throwing up and sleeping for 6 days basicly, so I didn't go on for fear of puking on my keyboard)

The worst part of it is, IT WAS ON MARCH BREAK! My ENTIRE March Break gone. I have Saturday and Sunday off until school. WTF IS THIS?!?!? Someone probably gave me the flu on purpose, just to ruin my March Break!!

Someone high up must not liking me having time off :(
I have the flu, I've been coughing 24/7 and whenever I snezze snot goes absoulutley everywhere, all over the bloody place.
Long time since I have gotten the flu :)
But I remember staying all day sleeping. The next day I would be fully recharged.
The flu doesn't make me throw up, the stomach flu or food poisoing does. But I never had the stomach flu for a very long time.
I haven't fallen sick for ages, at least for 2 years! mwahahaahahahahahaaa
next time, try having a small bucket between you and the keyboard.
I see what you mean Dog. It's hard to get up and get on a computer with the flu. But it helps if you have a laptop aswell which you can fit nicely on your bed, with a bucket beside you.
For some reason the flu has a worse effect on me than it does on my brother (From who I caught it from). I puke and am week and sleep alot and cough and stuff, for him it's like a bad cold basicly... That sucks.
I made it through the winter without a serious illness.

For once.
No, I mean a bubble boy because he gets sick every winter.
If you were going to only go on the computer during the break it'd have been wasted anyway xD
I live out in the middle of nowhere, and I can't drive, The closest friends house is a 4 mile bike-ride, and I'm not in the best physical condition.

The computer is the only thing for me to do.
Dog-- said:
I live out in the middle of nowhere, and I can't drive, The closest friends house is a 4 mile bike-ride, and I'm not in the best physical condition.

The computer is the only thing for me to do.

4 miles on a bike is not bad at all
Dog-- said:
I live out in the middle of nowhere, and I can't drive, The closest friends house is a 4 mile bike-ride, and I'm not in the best physical condition.

The computer is the only thing for me to do.
4 miles away isn't far at all.. I mean even then, surely you know somebody with a car and want to go do something.

It's not good to be couped up at home all the time on the computer.