I have brought news to thou who need a average video card!

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This is from www.Hardforum.com (people there are professionals at this type of thing)

If you want to get a 9800 pro 256 mb, You are paying overkill for a last generation card. Instead, if you save up about $30 dollars more, you can get a Nvidia 6800, and it will run %15-30 percent faster than 9800 pro.


"6800 wins most of the benchmarks, often by a wide 10fps+ margin...

Plus you get Shader Model 3.0, FP16 blending for HDR Lighting (ie FarCry 1.3), excellent OpenGL for Doom3, etc..."

Another interestin fact " With Half Life 2 beta, at 1600x1200 with 8xAF, the 6800 128mb is a bit over 50% faster than the 9800XT according to ixbtlabs.com. (36.9fps on 6800 versus 23.5 on 9800XT)."

Now Im no Nvidia fanboy, I actually use to want 9800 pro, but this is a much better deal for those who want the best performance for their money.

Original thread:http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=779051
Im surprised no one noticed this befor. Becuase i just saw it on newegg for $290
hmm...very intersting. I was thinking about going with the 9800 pro 128mb which can be had for $195 on newegg. But this has got me thinking again. Although I will have to spend $100 more then I was planning to.
Hmm... I got my ATI (not some crappy 3rd party vendor) Radeon 9800 Pro 256 for $230, brand new, in box... but then again, I found that on eBay...
It's a great price and I've mentioned this before in some of my more recent posts.
The 6800 for 299$ gives you awesome performance for a great price.
It is the best card for that 300$ price point but it is in a different price category than the 9800pro.
The 9800pro 128mb for 199$ is still by far the best performance for the price.
I know, I was stating about the 9800 pro 256 (overkill for the price)

And I beleive the most bang for your buck you can get is the 9700, not that I would buy it.
EDIT- Readin the value graphs again I have realized that the 9800 pro is not on the list : ) You might be right.
yeah but what about the new power supply you'll have to get? Heard the 6800 is a power hog, what was it like a 500+ PSU that you have to get so your comp. won't crash? *NOTE* Just stuff I've heard, nothing solid
yeah but what about the new power supply you'll have to get? Heard the 6800 is a power hog, what was it like a 500+ PSU that you have to get so your comp. won't crash? *NOTE* Just stuff I've heard, nothing solid
If you guys were a bit earlier you could have preordered a 6800ct at compusa for $300. Mine came in like a week ago :cool:
Something I noticed was in this example the 6800 actually performs less than a 9800XT with AA and AF enabled. Link