i have decided... TO BUY AN X-BOX!

You don't gotta use a keyboard for stealth games..just buy a pc controller.. i have a PC PS2 controller right here..
Foxtrot said:
How can you be for mod chips but against pirating games? I know a lot of people that have been getting an xbox recently, before Halo 2 ships.

It depends on the kind of mod. Ie at allmost every Valhalla I go to. People are getting their X-boxes chipped so they can install an OS onto it and use it as a HETS (Home Entertainment System)
let me just simply say "isn't it a few years too late to be purchasing an Xbox now?" and Xbox users can tell me otherwise but isn't Xbox2 coming out in 2005?

i dunno...if u waited this long, another year won't kill ya :p

edit: nm this post.