I have faith...


Feb 9, 2010
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...that Portal 2 will shed light on the much anticipated HL2: Ep3 as we've all been waiting for. I suspect this was their plan all along. Tell me it isn't like Valve to do something like that... use a game to make the announcement rather than an interview or press conference. It would also explain why they've remained silent on the matter.

April. 18th ladies and gentlemen... the day we've been waiting for.
I lost all faith in Valve after the TF2 hat store.
There is very little doubt in my mind that Portal 2 will bring up more questions than answers.
I will have a chance to play Duke Nukem Forever before HL Episode 3.
We all knew about this when the list of achievements from Portal 2 was released. There was a suspicious yet intriguing achievement called Ship Overboard. The description of it called for the finding of a missing experiment, and that is just how most people would describe the Borealis: a project started by Aperture Science that mysteriously and suddenly disappeared. Whether we'll actually catch a glimpse of the ship, I don't know, but it sure seems likely.

I was listening today whole hl 2 and both episodes official soundtrack.
I listen to it with full attention and I slowly fall into the lovely post apocalyptic trance and I try to convince myself that we really HAVE to wait for this episode 3 so long, becouse actually after that will hapen a small part of my life will die.So I hope that after ep 3 they will reless some more of this fantasitc storyline.

So yes, april 18 it is.The closest we can get probablly. :)
My idea is that the ending of Portal 2 will end in a way that is hard to describe, or even to be understood. If it ends, or there are hints of "Leaking ceilings" and "Flooded testchambers." What if the Borealis is a huge ship... That ran tests on the Portal Device. After all, it is used for teleportation.