i have no life


May 19, 2003
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let's see, i haven't been out of the house in about 5 days -- then again, I am sick -- and all I've been doing is sneezing, playing company of heroes and the ship, and practicing SAT problems.

I need to get laid.
Where do you live and are you willing to pay airline fees?
Sounds like you should play some more Company of Heroes.
I never leave the house, and yet I have the best life ever. I think someone's priorities are in the wrong.

*rethinks life*
if you dont hav life then how you tipe?????!1
It would be a thousand times easier if you were gay:cheese:

If he happenned to live with another male who also happenned to be gay who also happenned to be suffering from a want of getting laid, then maybe.
Actually, smoke is right here, I was being entirely serious.
RJMC`s typing provides us with endless fun.

May he never learn proper English :D
I hate it when people are like "dude you should get out more, come to a few bars with the lads", in reply to "I love staying inside, all warm and at my computer." It's just lame. I don't want to have to go out, being lugged around by lamers who proceed to get hammered, throw up, and pass out in a gutter. I don't drink, so I don't see the point.
Sometimes it's more fun talking to you guys than real people.
Yes, this way you don't have to look at someone's face :x
Eh spending nights alone at the comp being bored can sometimes be nice, but other times I want to kill myself when I should be out
oh, and im also spending my nights downloading british sci-fi -- doctor who and torchwood -- to watch.
I usually spend time with my friends blowing stuff up, damageing property, doing stupid shit like shitting in construction sites and getting high when we have the money. A lot funner then staying at home in my humble oppinion.
How can you prefer staying in to going out... and to those who say they don't much like the whole drinking thing - I have friends who don't drink, and they still have a nice time out :)

It's all fun.
I like the best of both worlds, i go out whenever i can with the missus or mates (if i can afford it) but i also enjoy kicking back and having a quiet night in sometimes!
RJMC`s typing provides us with endless fun.

May he never learn proper English :D
Man, I swear I made a post exactly like this a while ago; upon searching I found I did do something pretty similar: http://halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=2124245&postcount=92

Anyway, I've recently realised that the whole "having a life" thing is ridiculous. To everyone it means a SOCIAL life. Which is just one type of life, and just because it's the one everyone implies when they say "life", doesn't mean it's the only one, and that everyone should have a billion friends, and a girlfriend, etc.

Your life is whatever your life is. If you're happy with it, without ANYONE telling you how THEY think it is, then you have a life. Don't listen to idiots perhaps in your school that are part of some "popular" clique, that's one kind of life and in all honestly I think it's stupid. I spend my time enjoying a internet social life and creating art or music, I also have a job in which I do very much the same thing. Not much of a real-life social aspect in it, is there? Am I satisfied and am I enjoying MY life? You bet your ass!

Don't give a shit about anyone else's evaluation of you, don't give a shit about the norms, if you enjoy it and are getting by, continue it by all means.
Well sometimes I find myself spending most of the day indoors at the computer I don't like it and I never pass up an opportunity to go out with friends and stay in on the computer instead. Ye, sure you can have fun on the computer, chat to people, have a bit of a laugh. But real life is so much better.
When I'm in the office on the computer, I'm just imagining it. But when I step outside, suddenly I'm in the real world.

Which is what solaris just said.
Anyway, I've recently realised that the whole "having a life" thing is ridiculous. To everyone it means a SOCIAL life. Which is just one type of life, and just because it's the one everyone implies when they say "life", doesn't mean it's the only one, and that everyone should have a billion friends, and a girlfriend, etc.

A social life is pretty important, without social skills, one cannot function.

Your life is whatever your life is. If you're happy with it, without ANYONE telling you how THEY think it is, then you have a life. Don't listen to idiots perhaps in your school that are part of some "popular" clique, that's one kind of life and in all honestly I think it's stupid. I spend my time enjoying a internet social life and creating art or music, I also have a job in which I do very much the same thing. Not much of a real-life social aspect in it, is there? Am I satisfied and am I enjoying MY life? You bet your ass!

Bet it feels a bit.. empty at times, I'm sure.

Don't give a shit about anyone else's evaluation of you, don't give a shit about the norms, if you enjoy it and are getting by, continue it by all means.

This, I'll agree with.
Vegeta897 said:
Don't give a shit about anyone else's evaluation of you, don't give a shit about the norms, if you enjoy it and are getting by, continue it by all means.

It's all good until your parents kick you out of the house and you have to find a job.
A social life is pretty important, without social skills, one cannot function.

Bet it feels a bit.. empty at times, I'm sure.
You're taking this a little too literally, I'm not saying I don't have any social interaction, it's just not my entire life. Not to mention socializing on the internet helps with socials skills.

And Depth, I never said don't get a job, what does that have to do with social lives? That's what we're talking about here. If you don't have a job you most certainly won't feel good, so that's why my theory still works.


Vegeta897 said:
if you enjoy it and are getting by, continue it by all means.

Job or no job, whatever, that's not the point I was trying to make, but my theory works anyway :p
I don't have a job, and I still feel good about my life. Then again, my parents still pay for my stuff.
I have a job in front of a computer and spend my night now in front of a computer...it's ALL in what YOU want to do...
There's nothing that depresses me more than the thought of a job.