I have this condition (help)

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Mar 16, 2007
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I have this condition

A mental condition actually, and I'd like to know if anyone else has it, or perhaps a name to it.

Observe these images



When I see something that is randomly lined or patterned, I get an extreme sharp pain in my head and I get extremely agitated and irritated. My whole body starts to itch, especially at my feet area. If I stare at the image too long, I will pretty much end up with an intense pain all over my body, sort of like spasms. It's pretty horrible actually.

I have seen a doctor about it and he doesn't seem to know what causes this in me. I have been having this condition since I was like born, according to my mom. Does anyone know what causes it or is their like a medical term for it. It's getting quite irritating already and I would like this metal condition of mine to be solved. Help me please :(
Wow dude, that ****ing sucks. I can't help on identifying it at all, but I can sympathize with having a condition that no one seems to be able to help you with, can be incredibly frustrating. Hang in there man. =/
You could probably make some good money doing medical research with a neurologist.
It's not too much of an issue because you don't see such things everyday, but when I do, it really gets to me. Just today, I saw some broken glass window with lines all over and my head practically burned to death. That's why I decided to make this post asking about it. My doctor says that such kind of things can actually be treated with some kind of mental therapy where I am forced to view such images over and over to get over the pain and get used to it, but I haven't actually gotten the time to do it yet, but I most definitely will. I never knew such a problem was never documented or somewhere on the interwebs (since google gave me no results)

Anyway, most of my teacher's and friends know about it, and so does my family, so they try not to make me see such stuff actually. Hopefully, I can get over it soon.
My god, we must help this man. We will scour the earth for anything with many lines, and obliterate it so our comrade may live in peace.


You should tattoo important facts onto your body and start conversations with "Have I told you about my condition?". Great way to pick up.

But seriously, it sounds like it could be a mild form of epilepsy.
the picture of the egg hurt my head and eyes too, and annoyed the shit out of me. thanks alot, you gave me some weird disease.
This is very interesting.

You could probably make some good money doing medical research with a neurologist.
And this.
Does it burn when voldemort is nearby?
^ and increase the contrast -- you might also want to try using a darker coloured reticule for aiming during games.
Such as blue or magenta as opposed to just white.

Finally, lower you're sensitivity settings until you can get correctly adjusted.
i know what you mean, it reminds me of the very few times i had migraine ( <dont know if you spell it like that : / )

Woah dude, sounds irritating. But unfortunately, neithet have I heard of this before, nor do I have anything like this. (except that when I shiver, it's more like I'm twitching)
See a specialist? I don't think you'll get the right answers here.
A mental condition actually, and I'd like to know if anyone else has it, or perhaps a name to it.

Observe these images



When I see something that is randomly lined or patterned, I get an extreme sharp pain in my head and I get extremely agitated and irritated. My whole body starts to itch, especially at my feet area. If I stare at the image too long, I will pretty much end up with an intense pain all over my body, sort of like spasms. It's pretty horrible actually.

I have seen a doctor about it and he doesn't seem to know what causes this in me. I have been having this condition since I was like born, according to my mom. Does anyone know what causes it or is their like a medical term for it. It's getting quite irritating already and I would like this metal condition of mine to be solved. Help me please :(

definately brain worms ..you should get a lobotomy


I cant believe i actually have to ask what should be freakin obvious to everyone:

what makes you think we'd have an answer when a medical doctor doesnt? no seriously
maybe someone else has experienced something similar and that's why he asks? (which he said in his post)
therefore they could give a reliable diagnosis, right ..btw I've had brainworms before, the best way to get rid of them involves a salad fork and a hand drill give me a minute I'll whip up a diagram so you know where to start drilling
Thanks alot Pesh, youre a really nice guy :|

No Cptstern, I posted it so that perhaps someone had a name for it. Perhaps it was common? Perhaps someone else actually had this. And no, I don't think it's brainworms.
therefore they could give a reliable diagnosis, right ..btw I've had brainworms before, the best way to get rid of them involves a salad fork and a hand drill give me a minute I'll whip up a diagram so you know where to start drilling

I have Brain Worms, and I can say that is the only treatment. Just hope it doesn't transfer into Alien Cancer...
I've had brain worms before, and I tried that. Doesn't work. You have to pull every brain worm out individually, preferably with something that isn't metal.
Thanks alot Pesh, youre a really nice guy :|

No Cptstern, I posted it so that perhaps someone had a name for it. Perhaps it was common? Perhaps someone else actually had this. And no, I don't think it's brainworms.

your doctor didnt order a battery of tests? Pesh was able to give you more sound advice than your doctor? out of curiosity does it say "vetrinarian" on his diploma?

I've had brain worms before, and I tried that. Doesn't work. You have to pull every brain worm out individually, preferably with something that isn't metal.

which is why I advised he use a salad fork cuz they're mostly made out of wood ..wood is a good conductor of brainworms ..it's like the pied piper of brainworms
I have Brain Worms, and I can say that is the only treatment. Just hope it doesn't transfer into Alien Cancer...

or advanced delusional schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage
I'd have to agree with Stern. If the doctor didn't do anything to you, except for saying "Mental Fixing"....That's just retarded. But, I guess if a pet doctor received that medical case, I'd expect him to have no fkn clue.
well to be fair a vet could have prescribed plenty of sunshine, a field to run in and food supplements to make his coat shiny ..I'm sure that would get rid of his brainworms
Those pics don't cause any pain, but I find staring at them to be irritating.


Poor guy is probably frothing at the mouth right about now. :rolling:
He came here for help and all you could do was laugh and post annoyingly crap pictures. Shame.
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