I have voted on everything on Steam Greenlight


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Well that was a lot of time spent procrastinating. I can confirm that there is very little good on there! Out of the 965 games I have voted for 16 including 3 mods because I thought "they're mods, why not? I won't be paying for them anyway". Four Five of the games I voted for have already been released too so now I have to buy them I guess. Shit.

Now for Rim-Fire's guide to the games on Greenlight (or have already been Greenlit) worth looking at.

  • Contrast (Greenlit) - A 3D/2D platformer where you can become a shadow on the wall of a 3D space and use other shadows as platforms.
  • Routine (Greenlit) - Space survival horror. Not too much info on this. I'll be honest, I upvoted this one largely because of the words "space survival horror" and the fact that it looks gorgeous.
  • Dream (Greenlit) - 3D exploration game. Again looks gorgeous.
  • McPixel (Released) - Cross between WarioWare and an adventure game.
  • Minor Wars 2081 (Released) - Modern day Decent basically.
  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Released) - Sequel to a Mario rip-off though it doesn't look much like Mario now. 2.5D platformer where you can swap between two characters with different special abilities.
  • Miasmata (Released) - 3D survival/adventure game. You're a scientist with a disease searching an island to try and create a cure while being stalked by some sort of creature.
  • Fly'n (Released) - A very fancy looking 2D platformer.
  • Chuck's Challenge 3D - The sequel to Chip's Challenge. The sequel to Chip's Challenge. The ****ing sequel to Chip's Challenge.
  • Doctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot - To be honest I just voted for it because I like Doctor Who. It's really supposed to be that good, unsurprisingly, though I do think the actual actors from the show feature.
  • BitRim - Being made by StardogChampion
  • No Time To Explain - I thought the flash game was good and a had a lot of potential for expansion.
  • Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan - It's Irish.
  • Parallax - Looks like it could either be a good first person puzzler or a complete headache.

I also downvoted and favourited this one game called Anodyne which is a clear Zelda-clone (and admits it in its title). I wouldn't have high hopes for it actually making it on Steam and I'm dubious of its quality but I favourited it to keep an eye on it.
*checks Sub Rosa's page*

"Sub Rosa is a multiplayer..."

Yeah, no.
Well then.

The word "multiplayer" causes you to downvote, but the words "space survival horror" causes an upvote?
Wouldn't I like to get one of these riomhaires under a microscope.
tl'dr riomhaire is gay for downvoting sub rosa which is pretty much the only worthwhile multiplayer game this year that isn't gay ass 420 poopscope homosexual Battlefield everyone in this thread eat dicks case closed
**** yeah miner wars! There is a hole in my heart where Descent 4 should have been. Hopefully this will fill that void.