I have witnessed the basest of crimes.

What a furry (heh heh) mess the artist is in.
She looks like she's covered in paint splotched with a tainted brush.

Terrible texture.

I'll NEVER understand how these people relate human beauty to animal beauty.

I'll take soft, supple, succulent skin any day of the week over splotches of overgrown stubble.
mhm...tasty I <3 Krystal.

http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/7199/1107890270870hr7.gif < NSFW-----
Jesus christ my ****ing eyes.
Oh my ****ing god **** shit no no NO NO. God DAMN sweet Jesus of Nazareth my god no.


Ban you and your mother for showing me this. Ban you hard. Stuff like this should never be seen by innocent eyes.
Now I will lie awake at night, tormented by the knowledge that some yiff, huddled around his computer somewhere, is making furry Alyx sex poses in Gmod.
AH!! MY EYES!! I'll scoop them out where's the spoon?
All my righteous indignation and fury aside - Crystal is kinda hot. That kinda creeps me out.
Kill it with fire!
Oh lordy. That hurts me even more than the "Team Furtress" one I saw the other day.
Three of us.

*washes hands*

It won't come off!
Oh my ****ing god **** shit no no NO NO. God DAMN sweet Jesus of Nazareth my god no.

I thought you were atheist. ;P

Now I will lie awake at night, tormented by the knowledge that some yiff, huddled around his computer somewhere, is making furry Alyx sex poses in Gmod.

Yiff is the synonym for sex, as stupid as it sounds. Furfag is the correct term.
It's Krystal people! With a K!
Yes, she is hot. There a few good 34's of her.

Anyway, that's kind of weird.
Well... different strokes right?

... no, I still can't tolerate it. Let's bomb DeviantArt into dust. This filth must be purged.

Hey, I'm still using that!
DeviantArt is the slowest gallery I've ever had the misfortune to browse through.
I wouldn't mind it so much if the skin wasn't so awful. Looks like a clown except blue rather than red.

Other furry pic, not so bad. But thats just pr0n.
It's Krystal people! With a K!
Yes, she is hot. There a few good 34's of her.

Anyway, that's kind of weird.
Krystal is not 34. She's way too popular of a furry character.

That skin looks horrible.

Pinkle's Alyx furry is win. (If she doesn't mind me reposting)


Okay, what can people find sexy about this image?

Oh baby, you can just imagine yourself flicking out your tongue, lathering her beak up with your sticky saliva and breaking off the tiny bits of dried blood and insect pieces from her previous meal.

And if you get really kinky, you can grasp a hold of her sexy wrinkled bird feet and swirl your tongue around her big claw, piercing your tongue a little on the tip if you're into that sort of thing.

Maybe ruffle your fingers through her feathers, tiny little parasites accumulating in your fingernails.

When you kiss, I bet it'd be hot. She'd open her beak up wide as if she were about to regurgitate food to her young, and you could tongue wrestle with her, rimming the edge of her beak at the same time reveling in it's hard surface.
Who says that image is supposed to be sexy?

Looks like concept art for Wind Waker or something. Minus the breasts, lol.

edit: Well now you've added that image...
Who says that image is supposed to be sexy?

Looks like concept art for Wind Waker or something. Minus the breasts, lol.

It doesn't matter what the image is, it matters that they are bird chicks. or other animal chicks. What I wrote is meant to make you laugh, not make you mad.
so the furry is people that like to imaginate....

eughh now all the disney movies whit humanized animals are ruined for me
I can't fathom furies. It makes absolutely no sense. I personally believe it's the calm before the storm of mental illness. Those people have to be really screwed up in the head to be into that kind of stuff.
Krystal is not 34. She's way too popular of a furry character.

That skin looks horrible.

Pinkle's Alyx furry is win. (If she doesn't mind me reposting)


About to post this myself. Pinkle's furry alyx is the only furry image that hasnt enraged me. I actually find it quite pleasant.