I haven't beaten HL


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
I have barely played it at all..... I went so far as to get the sub machine gun.

Do fully enjoy HL2 should I dig up HL and beat it?

All this G-man conspiracy and Xen I keep hearing about, I haven't experienced..... should I dust off HL?

Or can one of you be nice enough to summarize the events of the previous game.
You really should play it and complete it, Take at look at my sig, it is that good :)
It's still the best FPS ever. Almost 6 years years later.
Yes you should beat it.Good gosh its the best game ever made. I played it...probably 4-5 months ago for the hundredth time. Beat it in a week.
Good grief, you're not even 1/12 through the game! I though you were going to say you'd bugged out at Xen (understandable, I often do when I replay) or something.
you'll want to finsih it before hl2, there will undoubtedly be loads of referencial plot points, maybe even jokes about the whole black meda incident.
I played through it in august last year ("one month" before HL2 was released... HAHA not funny :) ), it took me and my friend 16 hours to complete, from 10 am to 4 am at night :D played it through on one day.. it was the most boring day of my life... :smoking:

The game doesn't really have a storyline, and if you don't wanna spend all that time playing, here's a quick recap of the major issures:

Spoilers (I guess.. most of you know this stuff :)):

Shit goes wrong when you open a teleport gate, everybody dies, aliens come, government doesn't want the outside world to know, Commandos come and kill everybody, you kill them, you go to Xen where the aliens came from, kill the mother-alien and when you are coming back to earth G-man asks you to work for him, if you don't say OK he kills you :S
I suspect he was working with the aliens ;)

And there you have the HL 1 storyline :p
valdiorn said:
Shit goes wrong when you open a teleport gate, everybody dies, aliens come, government doesn't want the outside world to know, Commandos come and kill everybody, you kill them, you go to Xen where the aliens came from, kill the mother-alien and when you are coming back to earth G-man asks you to work for him, if you don't say OK he kills you :S
There's so much more to it than that.
westie said:
You really should play it and complete it, Take at look at my sig, it is that good :)

Whoa, man. Hardcore. Hardcore.
I never finished it either. I remember getting up to a point where I was at the bottom of a (looked like a missile silo or something) and there were soldiers dropping down into it from a helicopter above. No idea how far along that was, wish I still had my save games :)
I have been playing videogames all my life long (I'm 29) and I can tell you I simply had never seen anything like that. Depending on how many FPS you played, it may not tell you much today... but give it a try. The story is interesting, the puzzles are great and the level design is superb. Moreover, you will be able to get the hang of the interface and this will be useful when you finally manage to play HL2.
half-life really was a gameplay revolution in it's time! i mean the best game at that moment (released around the same time i believe) was SiN. Well i don't know but half-life lasted much longer, was more fun and it just kicked (and still kicks) ass!
I especially liked HL deathmatch. the entire atmosphere it breathed out made me an addict :p i still think it rocks
Hell, don't stop at beating Half-Life.
Beat Blue Shift and Opposing force while you're at it. :D
Yes, beating HL is a must in order to fully appreciate HL2. And this forum ;) If you don't there will undoubtedly be things in HL2 that wont make sense or that you just don't understand. I guess.

Beating HL is whole-heartedly recommended. It's a nice experience.

- Yellonet
I don't see how you could be excited about HL2 if you haven't played HL1. Visuals are NOT the point.
westie said:
You really should play it and complete it, Take at look at my sig, it is that good :)

ehhh, theres no desert eagle in hl
Terranboy said:
I don't see how you could be excited about HL2 if you haven't played HL1. Visuals are NOT the point.
Yea, its the story !
cant wait to see what will happen in HL2 !
ehhh, theres no desert eagle in hl

No desert eagle in HL, yes but there is in Opposing force and i played HL through opposing force (HL game with opposing force weapons).
i finished it like 3 times. its really worth it. i cant understand how somebody can say hl has a boring storyline... well, whatever.
PLAY IT! Then play Opfor and BS to get the full story. :O
Weedums said:
I have barely played it at all..... I went so far as to get the sub machine gun.

Do fully enjoy HL2 should I dig up HL and beat it?

All this G-man conspiracy and Xen I keep hearing about, I haven't experienced..... should I dust off HL?

Or can one of you be nice enough to summarize the events of the previous game.

You, my good Sir, disgust me!

j/k :cheers:
There are going to do a lot of mentioning of HL in HL2, so, although not really necessary to play HL before HL2 to enjoy the game, you'll get a much deepter experience of the story line of HL2 if you can begin it with some knowledge of HL, OF, and BS.
I have completed all three HL games! I bought HL Generation early this year! It's just best!!! Don't stop playing! Rock on!
I had HL when it first came out and opposing force but unfortuantly not blue shift. My original HL was scratched so i had to get Half life generations so i have 2 opfors.
westie said:
You really should play it and complete it, Take at look at my sig, it is that good :)

wow that date in your sig is my birthday :D
Play it for the game, not the story. It is an exceptional game and even today you should enjoy it. But if you go out to play it for the story (which people on this forum blow way, way, way out of proportion) you will be dissapointed. The story really is mediocre at best.
iamaelephant said:
Play it for the game, not the story. It is an exceptional game and even today you should enjoy it. But if you go out to play it for the story (which people on this forum blow way, way, way out of proportion) you will be dissapointed. The story really is mediocre at best.

it's not the story itself that everyone loves, it's the way it's told in half-life that makes it sound so good.
I agree its the way it is told. Not the story itself...

But isnt that really just a way of saying the story. I mean there are loads of books with the same storylines (More or less) but only one or two are actually a good read..
I bought half-life in anticipation of half-life 2, but it wouldn't install, so I recently (about a week ago) downloaded the latest version off of Steam. Now, whenever I get to the end of the tram ride and the security guard is supposed to open the door, he's not there! I tried using noclip to exit the tram, but it must break the scripting sequence or something because there is no way to progress.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

By the way, this is my first post, nice to meet you all!
westie said:
You really should play it and complete it, Take at look at my sig, it is that good :)

desert eagle? in half-life? do you mean magnum? you somehow managed to complete the whole game with that one gun, how did you get enough ammo? and its not like you start the game with the magnum....can anyone else smell bullshit? :hmph: :rolleyes:
westie said:
You really should play it and complete it, Take at look at my sig, it is that good :)

Have you seen the HL speed demos? One guy beat it in 45 minutes! Extreme bunnyhoping

bodhi said:
desert eagle? in half-life? do you mean magnum? you somehow managed to complete the whole game with that one gun, how did you get enough ammo? and its not like you start the game with the magnum....can anyone else smell bullshit? :hmph: :rolleyes:

Maybe when he obtained it, he stuck only to that weapon? The ammo part im still puzzled on
You answered your own question, Sup.

You don't need that much ammo, just look at the speed demos. How much ammo do you think that guy used? Maybe 1/100 of what is in the entire game, I would guess.
bodhi said:
desert eagle? in half-life? do you mean magnum? you somehow managed to complete the whole game with that one gun, how did you get enough ammo? and its not like you start the game with the magnum....can anyone else smell bullshit? :hmph: :rolleyes:

I actually play the game using a mod called Counter-Life (not sure which version it's up to now), it just seems a lot more fun than the original way (bit easier though). It lets you import the weapons from counter-strike and use them in Half-Life (where med stations and HEV rechargers become stations where you can buy guns, grenades and health - and dropped weapons are money instead).

The CS weapons are kindof skinned badly, so I replace most of them, but rest assured that you can use a desert eagle if you use this mod. I'm not sure which version is the newest, but the one I have only works with WON and doesn't have the berettas, the TMP, the galil or the famas.

Actually, it's the only time I use CS based stuff :p .

Off that topic, has anyone ever done the opposite of what the G-man says? If you just stand there for a bit, you get the 'alternate ending'. I never realized you could do that until I did it my 4th time through. Too bad they don't let you fight the fight you have no chance of win-ning (hey, he says it like that :p ).
Bah, alternate ending? Can you post it in spoiler tags? I've never heard of it...
iamaelephant said:
Bah, alternate ending? Can you post it in spoiler tags? I've never heard of it...
If you just stand there and do nothing, G-man eventually says "looks like we won't be working together" and the teleporter closes. He then teleports you to a huge canyon full of alien grunts and stuff. It's not much of an improvement over the other ending really.
Wow, I read all three pages. And then I started the game up, and on the train in... seeing the G-man on an opposite train.. then seeing him later in the game on another train :O. I've just have to finish it now.. kinda ancy that i have to go from the beginning (like 6 formats after my first time through). I'll work my way through just for seeing all the dedication to the plot... and just the general game itself, I never knew that half-life (no mods) was admired so much for the game itself, and not for all the mods that we're so easily produced and distributed to please the masses.

I will post another thread when i'm done to see if it lives up to the hype you guys have broiled inside me ;)

PS: I bought Half-life about a month after its release.
Everyone needs to play Half Life once in their life, it should be a law! ..ahem

..outburst over...
i'd have to agre with fatpie on this. if you don't play Half-Life at least once in your life... your a bleedin communist! :D