I haven't slept for 3 nights...

May 24, 2003
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...and I don't feel tired.
How weird is that? I feel almost drunk though, but thats probably the fall out from Saint Patrick's day. I must have been drinking from about 7 till....7.
I've been busy though :naughty:

Anyway, not that any of you care...I just thought I'd post that. It is after all 4:26 AM.
Not really. After all, its been two days since I had some alcohol. I did have an awful lot though...I should probably be dead.

I've stayed up for days on end before just to see what would happen, and even by the second night I was yearning so much for my bed. Now I'm just sitting comfortably...

Strange really...
Sleep deprivation has become a staple part of my daily routine, and I never think it's a good idea.
Ah yes. After a while, you're going to start becoming very clumsy. Or you'll zone out when thinking about the most simple things. I did this at a friends house once. Day 3 we were playing Halo and I was driving. I zoned out and drove right into a wall (head on) and the gunner asked me what I was doing. I snapped out of it only to do it a few more times. =/
But once you go to sleep after staying awake for that long, you will be the happiest man alive.
Learning isn't part of my volcabulary Viper!

Ritz, Kage. What are you doing up? I smell a conspiracy and it smells like...
oh...sorry, I left my socks on the radiator.
Isn't the lack of sleep for three days supposed to cause hallucinations or somethine like that.
I did the same for 4 nights whilst doing uni project + other uni work ... when I got home at friday dinner time i just collapsed in bed ... my body clock is completely screwed up now though, hence why i'm online at 5:20am :(

Just go to sleep man
I will like to experiment that

*drinks coffe*
<RJMC> said:
I will like to experiment that

*drinks coffe*

I've actually been doing something that has kept me awake all night...

When I tried to stay up as an experiment, I couldn't go for very long.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Ritz, Kage. What are you doing up?

Destroying the world of men....

Im watching Lord of the Rings.
what were you doing that kept you up all night??? :naughty:

btw, go to bed :p
Farrowlesparrow said:
I...did not have flatulent relations, with that women.

You wish, you would'nt be able to handle me.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I used to stack beans for a living, and I eat bran for breakfast...

Flatulence is my middle name!

Crazy bastard...
gooooo tooooo sleeeeeeeeeppp...... /hypnotic voice
Farrowlesparrow said:
Too many...

Its now 7 in the morning. Not slept since Wednesday night...

If you go to bed I promice to stop beating you up and stealing your lunch money.
Wow...I'm still here.
Still busy as well.

This not sleeping is really quite strange this time round because I'm enjoying myself...
Farrowlesparrow said:
This not sleeping is really quite strange this time round because I'm enjoying myself...

Hallucinating already?
Sadly no...

I'm actually enjoying myself for entirely different reasons...Still in themselves rather pleasing.
I don't want to! I'm tired damnit..I can veil anything I want, especially this :naughty:
*injects sleeping drugs into Farrowlesparrow*

*injects poison*

*injects morphine*

*injects neurotoxins*