I haven't slept for 3 nights...

Well, Im going to bed now, you can either join me or sit around here with these freaks. Night.
go away ms.radioactive.

have nightmares.

thnks for calling us freaks
there was someone here in the forums that didnt sleep for 5 days and started to trip out

i forgot who it was tho, but he had some good storys
Farrowlesparrow said:
Too late...I'm off to church.

When I was young I had a hard time staying awake in church after a 10 hour sleep :P
Ah good old sleep deprivation. I remember when I went to Edinburgh for the comedy festival (actually it wasn't for that, it was to get drunk), and I remember I was up for ~56 hours before finally sleeping. A nightmare I don't want to replicate, I love sleep, me.

If I try to stay up through the night, when I comes to the morning I end up passing out at 10am, until 3pm.
Funny thing you should mention this...

Come August, when I get season 4 of 24 on DVD, me and a bunch of friends are going to watch all 4 back to back without a break. Well, it ends if there's only one person left, who wins a fiver from each of us.

I am so gonna win this.
I've gone several days without it... a tad bit strange at the end. Tracers/mild hallucinations and a hella weird perspective on everything.
My eyes hurt often a bit after LANs over several nights ...
Wow, people going silly over a few nights without sleep. Try going over 6 years without natural sleep from an injury to the back of the skull and being forced to use meds that made you feel like crap just to be able to sleep for a few hours, being constantly tired no matter what you try and wishing you could just sleep a full night without having to take anything atall. Having doctors and specialists look clueless to the actual cause, putting you through countless tests and scans, giving you even more meds because they don't know what else to do and then after refusing to take anything, finding that you've probably been able to sleep naturally for months anyway.

If you'd start seeing things after a few days without sleep. I'm pretty certain I would have noticed after all those years :)

Anyway, going without sleep is nothing to be proud of, its not big and its not clever and you will just make yourself ill, go get jobs instead :p

*mumbles* lazy bloody students ;)
i only did 4 days because I had loads of work to do, i do keep a normal (albeit semi nocturnal) routine normally...
I was going to write my own experiences here, instead I will quote two thoughts that sum up what i was going to say.

"you'll zone out when thinking about the most simple things." - Top Secret

"body clock is completely screwed up" - lePobz
go to bed and count sheeps up to 1000,000


think of your future girl.
Gorgon said:
go to bed and count sheeps up to 1000,000

Apparently, counting actually keeps you awake instead of making you sleep.
Not sleeping ain't too bad. Means more times for the things you love in life. I have insomnia and it means I have pretty much all night to do whatever I want.

To quote Die Another Day

You have plenty of time to sleep when you're dead.
Yeah but not sleeping in reality leaves you rpetty dead to the world or at least no where near full capacity.
Kind of like me every day? Last night I got one hour sleep. Going through what the doctor calls a "bad" phase at the moment.
Jeez, I got 5 hours sleep last night and I'm exhausted now. I couldn't miss a night's sleep..
blah, it would be soo much better if we didn't have to sleep, who developed these mortal coils anyway? They suck, having to put them on stand by every 17 hours (on average) to recharge.
mortiz said:
blah, it would be soo much better if we didn't have to sleep, who developed these mortal coils anyway? They suck, having to put them on stand by every 17 hours (on average) to recharge.

But sleep is gooood :D I wouldn't be able to stand it, not being able to just rest and take a break from everything for a few hours every day..

but then again, if we never had to sleep we wouldn't know any better.. and would probably wish that we had an excuse to do nothing for hours :P
I need my sleep but I'm destined for a late night tonight ;(

Stupid History work :|
pffft, homework

who does that? :D

yeah, I need sleep, at least like 5 hours, and with that I'll be kinda tired the next day
Hazar said:
pffft, homework

who does that? :D

yeah, I need sleep, at least like 5 hours, and with that I'll be kinda tired the next day

Wish I could operate on 5 :( I need at least 7 if I want to be able to think straight the next day :P
Heh, this is gonna be a 2 hour kip for me.

Yeah but this is coursework - 40% of a grade which determines what Uni I go to :|
hmmm, maybe you should do it then :P

and yeah, if I get 5 hrs one night, I'll need about 11 the next night :P (well, maybe 9-10)
ComradeBadger said:
Yeah but this is coursework - 40% of a grade which determines what Uni I go to :|

Don't you just love having ~12 years of schooling compressed into about 2.5hours of evaluation? :p
eh Badger... whatever uni you go to, you'll realise its all worth it. You get money being there (albeit not much) and you have about 1 lecture a day, and naff all to do afterwards... except socialise, drink, and whatever hobbies you want/have.
It's all worth it :) And going to a good uni, when you do decide to work... all the support is there for you. :cheese:
Going to Lincoln - ranked high for my subject - History :O

But atm, coursework is just something to do while Trackmania Sunrise Demo.exe downloads :P