I hope it won't be like Willy wonka and the chocolate factory.


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
You all remember the moment when charlie thinks hes won the Chocolate factory but Willy wonka says NO!


" Under section 37B of the contract signed by him, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if - and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy - "I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained," et cetera, et cetera..."Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum," et cetera, et cetera..."Memo bis punitor delicatum". It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal. You stole fizzy lifting drinks. You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing. You lose. Good day sir."

The comparison/analogy I'm trying to draw is could valve make it that all the people that have used a certain application to view the files contained within the preloads be punished?, so when they come to play the game you will get a similier punishment that poor charlie got.

Would Valves preloads be good anough to know they've been tampered with early?

Lets hope not.
You gonna turn a diff'rent colour or what?

Homer: I am offended by your signature..
I know not the application of which you speak. If, however, it only 'views' the preload cache, I find it extremely unlikely that anything will come of it. If there were any changes made to files, on the other hand, you probably wouldn't be punished, it just wouldn't work.

Edit: As for the Wonka analogy, huh? Couldn't you just say 'will my game not work now?'
I don't post here much and sorta lost interest a while back so am not to positive, but didn't the second test come from someone opening the preload files?

Meaning they expected someone to tamper with them?

Then again I'm not to sure...
that movie was cool...

ah yes what were you saying?
I'm in the same boat as StickEGreenleaf, I lost interest in HL2 months ago.. The only reason I stick around here is for Source World and the Art section...
he's saying if you break the rules, he doesnt want to be punished :) (because now you cant go behind valve's back like you could before, because of steam)
Yeah that would be an awesome breach of privacy and trust!!

Steam detects you have gcfscape, analyses a few registry entries to see if you've used it to open the hl2 gcf's then it deletes your steam account!! Wow court case right there!!

Valve don't give a shit if you look in the gcfs. It's no different to looking in and extracting the gcfs for all their other games. Gene Wilder always used to frigthen me when i was younger....he's a nutter.
Mr-Fusion said:
Gene Wilder always used to frigthen me when i was younger....he's a nutter.
Yes, but a hilariously quirky nutter!

Oh and yeah I agree with all that other stuff too.
I'm sorry, this was a crap analogy and a waste of your eyes and mind.

Feel free to delete the thread Moderators.
I hope it IS like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, with Gordon and the G-Man at the end of the game all warm and fuzzy flying around together in a Wonkavator over City 17. That would rock! :sniper:
yes, but charlie gave willy wonka back his everlasting gob-stopper, so we cant lose!
koncept said:
that movie was cool...
Aren't they remaking it with someone like Jonny Depp as Willy Wonka? Depp's fantastic, but I doubt he could top Gene Wilder's performance.
It is definently an interesting conspiracy theory... Though not very likely. :p

EDIT: And yes, the movie owns you all! :naughty:
Here's another quote that I believe applies more realistically to this thread..

"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
That would be a funny thing to do from Valve. Man, would we see a lot of angry faces!
el Chi said:
Aren't they remaking it with someone like Jonny Depp as Willy Wonka? Depp's fantastic, but I doubt he could top Gene Wilder's performance.
Wilder -WAS- Willy Wonka......

just the way he was in a daze the whole film, his voice etc. anyone else will overdo it, trying to make it funnier/ whatever else they think we want.

it should be good... but not the charlie & the chocolate factory we all know and love :(

the casting was perfect first time round, imo

my spirit will go on - dragonforce
Not reading the rest of this read...

Are you serious? What could of POSSIBLY made you think that? Also, I bet more than half of the people of preloaded have taken a look inside. Do you REALLY think that VALVe is going to somehow target the hordes of them?
Look, all we have to do is give Valve the everlasting gobstopper, and everything will be fine.
Well, I wouldn't have thought willy wonka would have picked on charlie for using the flying lemonade,

Stranger things have happened.
No, you give back the leaked beta you all downloaded on a cd to Valve as a goodwill gesture.
suggestion for remake casting:

DUN DUN DUN! gabe newell is! that one german kid!

(would have been funnier if i had more then 5 seconds in photoshop,but bleh)
Oh yeah, Gabe as Augustus Gluump. The chocolate river was just too tempting. :angel:

Not lemonade, but Double-Bubble Burp-A-Cola

Charlie was framed; the old man made him do it.

A remake? Bah. No way. Anyone who's seen the first one knows it's not possible.

If they do make one, though, it'll be one of those remakes that have really big budget and great big budget effects pretending to be low budget, and some stuff identical to the first just to please the older crowd, and some kids now will like it, but it will never be as good as the first one-- which Wilder's and the kids' performances totally made worth watching. The European setting helped also, and made it just quirky enough to be memorable to American audiences. A remake? Never.