I hope this game scares the hell out of me


Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
I have been thinking this for a while, that I hope this game is going to scare the hell out of me. Even though there are many parts of the game that do not look as horrifying, there could be some very suspensful and thrilling aspects to it as well. Half-Life had some very thrilling parts to it that made me feel that I was actually there, when the huge alian grunt chased me down through the subway, that was very satisfying. If you play this game at night and and your hands start sweating because of the suspense and depth, your imagination runs wild and it gives you a very odd, but satisfying feeling. Half-Life 2 could have the potential of being a very scary game, which I would like and I think most of you would.
I love being chased in games and feeling in danger.. I get this really freaked out but excited feeling, as odd as that sounds. Didn't happen for me in HL, but it has happened for me a few times in CS (lol)
mmm.. no doubt, if from what I hear about the ai is true, it could quite possibly be very suspensful (is that the right word)..
The only thing that scared me in HL1 was when I first fell into the water with the big fish. I didn't see the scripted part where the scientist gets eaten the first time.
I hope this game is released!

Oh yeah, that fish scene got the adrenaline pumping! Awesome stuff.
Mr-Fusion said:
I hope this game is released!

Oh yeah, that fish scene got the adrenaline pumping! Awesome stuff.

ROFL no shit on both of those
I made a bid on an auction for HL for PS2. If I can snag the game for $6, I'll play through it again. For some reason, I've always wanted a console version of HL.. lol
Brian Damage said:
Well, you'll get more of the story that way, Shuzer...

Yep. The fact that you can use a USB keyboard and mouse for the game makes me happy :)
I think that D3 will be better to play at night with no lights, but i bet hl2 will have some good scares too.
I remember the late nights of playing HL. I got the crap scared out of me when one of the headcrabs jump out of a vent at me..
Doom 3 will be the scariest thing ever to make my pants wet.. Half-Life 2 will be more like a good action movie; suspenseful, thrilling, edge of your seat action.
quake I and II scared me so hard... i was afraid to play the game alone...(well i was lil kid)
Doom 3 will be so damn scary...

Yeah that fush scene scared the absolute hell out of me :(
alians as the marine was the scairest game i ever playing. the beeping of your radar getting quicker and quicker but you carnt see the bloody thing coz its so dark! and then EEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! scairy shit
Yep those scary moments were an aspect of the game that made me love halflife so much :D

When i was 12 or somewhere around that age, I first played this game (Still have original box :D)
and at the part where you meet a dying scientist saying something like "It'll kill us all" , and you meet a big green 'dragon-like' monster, that's kinda scared me lol :D
And the feeling that you didn't knew what was gonna come next, was cool also.

The green tenticle scared me. i mean i threw a Grenade at the hole and then when the tenticles went down for like 5 seconds, i was like learning foward on my seat trying to run so fast to the ladder and through the door. I remember when i made it to the door and then i let out alot of breath! it was like i was holding my breath when i was at a crazy moment! LoL.

The Fish scared me when i was lowered into it from the cage! i was like NOooo!

The Big monster in the Train station and Car Park chasing me! WoW.

i mean when it was in the train station and i was running through the tunnel...you heard it coming towards you..then i saved it in this little room with two doors! nuts.

HL2 will be scary i mean i seen a screenshot of a Zombie climbing a Pipe on the side of a building coming after you! Think of hl when the zombies couln't climb nothing...This one they can! Also the Combine you mobiles to call for help...And when you try and hide they will be searching for you!

This game will be GR8!
The fish... omg the fish... that thing was fl0cking scary...
Yep, the fish were definitely the scariest things in HL. Ichiosaurs or whatever they are called. Once when I accidently dropped into water I remember I pushed the reset button because I got so ****ing scared as the fish thingy rushed towards me and for some reason couldn't manage to hit esc. :) Just totally paniced. :eek:
Heh.. I loved having the flashlight in the vents where you couldn't see the headcrabs.. Then they jump out at you and you have a heartattack..
I get scared way to easy. Ever have a friend over that never plays these types of games and he just runs full speed into hostile areas? Or he isnt looking the right way all the time, sad.... Meanwhile im hidding behind the chair. Its nuts.
Headcrabs in vents didn't scare me. They could give me a shock, but they didn't scare me. The only thing that 'scared' me was those big aliens in Opposing Force that lived in the sewers. You ran down there, pitch black and then one of these big muthas suddenly appeared and wanted to kick your ass...

Aliens vs Predators is a classic example of scaryness in a game. Those bloody aliens could get you from every goddamn angle. It didn't make it any better that you were about the only marine on the space station which was by the way, out of electricity most of the time :-P...
Hl2 will be the only kind of game that will make my pants the good kind of wet AND the bad kind of wet at the same time...
I agree Champ, Aliens versus Preditor 2 was the scariest game i've ever played. Running through those tunnels with only your flashlight and your radar beeping. Then you hear running footsteps behind you and when you turn around, nothing is there. I almost crapped my pants when those suckers would fly at me from the dark. Outdoor complexes scared the helll outa me too. You would hear "GET OUTTA THERE! THERE COMMING!" I would be like "WHERE!?" and then you'd see packs of em crawling on the ground and on the walls, coming right at you!
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels, was scarier... but hardly anyone played that and it's really ollllddddd...
I agree. Space Hulk was the scariest game ever. Four monitors, no idea where the hell the damn Genestealers were going to come from. I've never been so afraid of T-Junctions in my whole life! :x
I remember space hulk... Wasn't as scary as AvP though...
Using your powerfist to parry genestealer claws, missing and they tear your face off...

That game used to get my really psyched up with all the crazy Marines coming out with weird proverbs... lol
LOL I remember the sewer alien part in OP4, when I was younger I remember I were way too scared to go down there, so I stopped playing the game.. I hope to god HL2 will have the same effect, that'd be so damn cool to feel really scared again.. Like you forget it's just a game.
I shaet my pants whenever something really freaky chases me, and I barely make it to a door or a something to hide in. I hate/love the feeling of it right behind you, it always scares the bajeezes outa me.

Ever run up the stairs because you got a weird tingly feeling up your spine and neck?
To me, games like AvP are just unplayable. They are just TOO ****ing scary. The worst part is the waiting, you know... just walking around nervously, hearing noises from somewhere, desperately looking for the source, but there's nothing there. You KNOW that they are there somewhere, but you can't see them or know when they are going to attack and from which direction. It's... just... horrible... :x Like SilentKilla said, just watching someone play AvP can be a terrifying experience... :eek:

And I remember reading a review on Space Hulk in a gaming magazine back then, the guy who wrote said he had never been so scared in his life, he had to seriously struggle to finish the game before the deadline for the review. Heck, even the screens in the review made me wanna run screaming, so I'm sure you guys aren't talking rubbish about that game being scary. I almost wish I had seen/played it back then.

No wait, I don't... :/

EDIT: Sewer alien part in OP4? Hmm, what's this? I can't remember that sort of thing even though I just finished it a few months ago. Did I miss something? :( If it really was scary, I'd remember it!
The Doom III Teasers scared the hemoglobin outta me!
System Shock 2, just basically creepy on a tonne of different levels, and packed with atmosphere throughout. I can remember that listening to the voice recordings of the dead crew, being one of the principal things that really freaked me out. From the alien autopsy that suddenly goes horribly wrong, to the often desperate logs of members trying to avoid detection by shodan and hoping to be rescued.

Edit: Yeah I hated the fish in Half-Life, they were just pain evil Sons of Bitches.
Oh yeah, System Shock 2 was another brilliant one. I played that in coop mode with a friend of mine using voice com while playing. We started every night at about 1am and played till early morning, it was amazing. Just watching the intro .avi makes me wanna play it again, probably not alone though, too scary!!

I *really* hope they can get a coop mode for HL2, it's just SO much fun playing with a friend or two. I remember hearing a rumour that the svencoop team made some sort of deal with Valve or something and are bringing out a coop mode when HL2 is released. Anyone know if this is true?
perrkele said:
I *really* hope they can get a coop mode for HL2, it's just SO much fun playing with a friend or two. I remember hearing a rumour that the svencoop team made some sort of deal with Valve or something and are bringing out a coop mode when HL2 is released. Anyone know if this is true?

It was mentioned by VALVe. However, one of the SC team members posted here saying, at this point, VALVe hasn't contacted them, or provided them with an SDK, or anything of the sort.
perrkele said:
I *really* hope they can get a coop mode for HL2, it's just SO much fun playing with a friend or two. I remember hearing a rumour that the svencoop team made some sort of deal with Valve or something and are bringing out a coop mode when HL2 is released. Anyone know if this is true?

Valve said that HL² won't ship with a co-op mode, but that is principally down to the nature of the game and storyline (you can't have 2 Gordon freemans after all). Gabe did say that they will work with a couple of Mod teams on one.

I think a co-op story driven mod would be nice though.
perrkele said:
EDIT: Sewer alien part in OP4? Hmm, what's this? I can't remember that sort of thing even though I just finished it a few months ago. Did I miss something? :( If it really was scary, I'd remember it!

It's that part where it's literally pitch black, and the huge pig-bug guys that shoot purple lightning and take a half-clip of SAW to take down are everywhere.
That part never stops being freaky. It's so hard to see with the night vision.

Anyways, according to that one dude who went to valve, the new version of the apache was smart enough to thoroughly scare one of the people who programmed it. :) Plus, the icthy is guaranteed to be back.

Edit: a pc-edition of decay would be cool. I have it on PS2 and it's way fun, but computer is obviously better for multiplayer.
Mechagodzilla said:
Plus, the icthy is guaranteed to be back.

*motions to Alex when it comes to the lake, sea, river, bathtub or whatever that needs crossing

'Go on love, I'll stand guard in case any combine are about, whilst you swim to the other side' :angel:
For me, no game has come close to being as creepy as Silent Hill. The school, hospital and sewer areas had me so shook I had to force myself to go through them.