I hope we don't have to babysit Barney

MrBongo said:
The "Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault" demo had some very good A.I. in it that actually adapted to your playing style (like Half Life 2 claims it will). If you were overly aggressive, you would eventually die, but your allies would know to advance quickly so as to keep pace with you (their commander). Advance too slowly, or try to be too defensive, and the enemy AI (equiped with the same AI powering your teamates) would actually flank you and kill you. It was....awesome.

I thought the AI was non-existant. All they did was stick next to you and occasionally rush into a pack of 30 japs only to be slaughtered.
I think Barney will be baby sitting most of you .. "He'll be the one showing u up in the game " and after the level he'll be like "Ill buy you a beer after my shift" muahahah
Yeah I sure hope he buys you a beer. He said it himself. Acually he said he would buy me a beer a few times!:) "Hey, catch me later, i'll buy you a beer."
maybe you meet up with him before the shit hits the fan and you guys have a beer together! Damn that would be cool....
Wait a minute how can i be talking if im banned for 24 hours and its not 24 hours yet?
Damn thats wierd...
Get a better banning system(Or something cuz im not banned)
Minerel, Thanks for pointing that out...see you in 24 hours

I think you escot father gregory if you do escort anyone. Man I hope you don't. Yeah Barney was fun in HL like that green tentacle thing you tell Barney to stay and he would go shoot the thing and he would be killed. hee hee good times.
Ownzed said:
Yeah I sure hope he buys you a beer. He said it himself. Acually he said he would buy me a beer a few times!:) "Hey, catch me later, i'll buy you a beer."
Gah... .. eh... ug.. bu..


AngstyTeen said:
I think you escot father gregory if you do escort anyone. Man I hope you don't. Yeah Barney was fun in HL like that green tentacle thing you tell Barney to stay and he would go shoot the thing and he would be killed. hee hee good times.
I was playing HL1 today and was taking a Barney along with me, then I set some trip mines in a hallway to stop grunts from coming up behind us. Right when I tell Barney to stay put he runs back to go and try to shoot the grunts... running straight into my mines.
Calm down RakuraiTenjin, if you pressed your "Use" key on any Barney in the game, he eventually offers you a beer. That includes the first guy, who, apparently, is the "real" Barney Calhoun.
They're all clones of each other.
el Chi said:
Well, they often had a misplaced air of defiance when it came to bullets:
<Stands perfectly still in direct firing line of gun turret>
"You think you're so sodding hard! Bring it on you three legged metal tw-"
<Falls over dead>

Hey el Chi, long time no visit for me here.

Just wanted to point out that in the HL engine the AI characters could either run, or shoot - but not both at the same time (this info I remember from the Valve sticky thread, from last year some time). It made them look decidedly stoopid of course but was a limitation of the AI routine.

Obviously from the vids we've all seen this particular problem has been fixed.
WTF mstrum!?


The AI will be much more advanced... Don't worry about impossible escort missions.

If anything, -with this advanced AI- they will be escorting you. :)

Edit: Nice work mods.
iamaelephant said:
Calm down RakuraiTenjin, if you pressed your "Use" key on any Barney in the game, he eventually offers you a beer. That includes the first guy, who, apparently, is the "real" Barney Calhoun.
You never got the chance to press use on him!

He was banging on a door as you pass him while you're riding on the tram.