I just bet $20 over at SA on the release date...

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Here's to hoping we will be hearing good news. :)

I am not sure what I will do with the 2x:10bux: but I know this makes the wait a little more "fun." EDIT: oh yeah, and the $20 was in favor of a September 30th (give or take 7 days!) release date.

I put $50 that they miss it by about 3 days.
Originally posted by Tr0n
I put $50 that they miss it by about 3 days.
You did? Man. Why 10 days after Sept 30th?

And yes it was an easy $20. Suckers. :p
They may be losing $20 but Fragmasters going to lose his dignity.
Originally posted by Feath
They may be losing $20 but Fragmasters going to lose his dignity.
HAHAHAHA oh so true.
Originally posted by Feath
They may be losing $20 but Fragmasters going to lose his dignity.

And I cant wait to LMAO at him :cheese:


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I can't wait!!!!oh yea feath does rhyme with teeth :)
It will really suck if Half-Life 2 gets delayed and then we won't have a funny video or a good game. :( All we'll have is Fragmaster saying, "I told you so!"
Originally posted by Feath
Too bad he will never live up to his word. If he dressed up and handed out one copy I say he could sleep easy at night knowing that he is not a total jackass.

But in his case it is damned if you do and damned if you don't. That what you get for being an idiot. :dork:
Originally posted by CommieX
It will really suck if Half-Life 2 gets delayed and then we won't have a funny video or a good game. :( All we'll have is Fragmaster saying, "I told you so!"
I'll bet you $10 bucks if you have paypal my friend. I've got a little extra cash floating around for such causes.
Originally posted by Critcal_Waste
I'll bet you $10 bucks if you have paypal my friend. I've got a little extra cash floating around for such causes.
Hehe, sorry to disappoint you but I too think it will come out on the 30th. I was just thinking "what if".
Originally posted by Critcal_Waste
Too bad he will never live up to his word. If he dressed up and handed out one copy I say he could sleep easy at night knowing that he is not a total jackass.

But in his case it is damned if you do and damned if you don't. That what you get for being an idiot. :dork:

Actually, he's said repeatedly he will do it. I think this stupid bet is the reason he refuses to believe that the game will be ontime. He's in denial.

Oh well, we'll have to wait and see.
Like they say: Denial leads to suicide.
I don't think he will do it. Hell, I wouldn't, but on the other hand I wouldn't go around saying stupid things and making stupid promises.
I still think that HL2 won't come out on the 30th...

Not that I'm saying it'll have a huge delay. But I thought that it'll be released a day early, or delayed an extra week so they can print up more copies of the game.:borg:

I mean, Fragmasters gotta know by now the whispers about the whole 3-6 month delay is more BS than the ETSC(sp?) quote saying that the date is still Sept. 30th.

So why doesn't he admit it?

My thought: He knows its either coming out slightly early, or slightly late(By as much as a week either way.)
Originally posted by CommieX
Hehe, sorry to disappoint you but I too think it will come out on the 30th. I was just thinking "what if".
That's cool. I might have another fish betting against the 30th (give or take 7 days, as the bet states) over on SomethingAwful. If I am out $30 its cool, but if it comes out on the 30th and I have $30 bucks to fan myself with well, it will make the day just that much richer.

Originally posted by what
Omg :gb2gbs:

Check it out, I dug up pics of Kevin "Fragmaster" Bowen
LOL is that really him? If so, someone needs to photoshop a goatee and HEV suit on him ASAP. I want to know what it's going to look like.
Im pretty sure that is, Lowtax and Fragmaster were the stars of a movie called DOOMHOUSE 2000, well not a movie but rather recorded in lowtax's house, I think it is him...
Ahh...well here's a little something I made with my severely limited editing skills.
Nice. Can't really tell it is him with the face. Leave off the beard and glasses, then send it to him at PHL.
Roflmao! yeah do it :P and get munro to put that on the first page :D
Haha, that is funny, good job. He looks pretty stupid so his statements fit in my mind now.
Are the bookies taking bets on this? You could bet £30 against HL2 coming out, then if it isn't delayed, you get to play HL2, and if it is, the bet just payed for your copy, when it is released.

It's a win win situation.

Oh and the funniest thing ever, the UK copy of PCzone (I think, maybe it was gamer) has a Christmas relase of Doom3 down as almost certain and the September release of HL2 down as highly unlikely (it's in the section where they list to-be-released games along with the expected date).
Ohhh it's getting hot:devil: the bet's between myself and sceptic goons has upped to $30 bucks!

Either way this is getting tense. I just might go $40, but I am not too sure anyone else would want to get in on it. Plus, it is getting a little "rich" for my blood. Anything beyond $50 is well, a lot of money for a single bet.:eek: