I just got a Hadron

Anyone know the exact date the experiment starts? Would rather like to have a party the night before.
Put your pants back on people, nothing's gonna happen that will destroy the world. Move along.
So, these guys are pretty smart and resourceful
i think large hardon collider is a pretty cool guy. eh smashes protons and doesn't afraid of the end of all existence.
I originally read it as hard on and opened it wondering why pes would make a thread full of little boys. :p

It was only this morning that I realized it was hadron.
anyone else read "I just got a hard on" ?

LOL silliness
Isn't there some controversy on whether or not any mini black holes created would decay quickly enough or at all?

Also... all this shit named after Hawkings drives me nuts.

"I call it a Hawkings Chamber"
This experiment is worth the risk in my opinion. And if it does destroy the world, it is at least a pretty awesome way to go.

Edit: I think the decay of any possible mini-black holes depends on the existence of Hawking radiation, which hasn't been fully proven yet.
So basically, we know that Hawking Radiation exists if we survive, and that it doesn't exist if we all die.

I like the way these scientists think.
This is going to be pretty much the most dangerous thing we have ever done since making the atomic bomb.
I didn't want to decrease the efficacy of my post before, but, um, surely fire was pretty dangerous? Certainly if you scale the danger to how many people were around/the state of civilisation.
Fire came after the atomic bomb? This... I did not know.
Our forefathers were given the bomb by the Gardeners way before they even invented the wheel, man. That's what happened to Atlantis.
Our forefathers were given the bomb by the Gardeners way before they even invented the wheel, man. That's what happened to Atlantis.

I thought it was the Draconis. Ya know, the reptiles from Draco, in the Orion constellation. At least that is what David Icke wants us to think. (Yup, I did it, I brought up one of your countrymen...) ;)
Best thread title pun ever

Can't wait 'till they switch this thing on and we all die.
I'm looking forward to this.

Oh yes.
I'm going to die a virgin... :frown:
Shutting down.

Attempting shut down.

It's not... it's not shutting down. It's... AHHHHH!
20 years from now, Brian Cox is going to lead the human resistance against Combine occupation.