I just had a meeting with my gf's dad.

Zerox said:
Marriage just aint a good idea since you probably get divorced later on. Anyway, Maybe she says no cause you've only been dating for like 7 month or so.

Good luck anyway.

What a postive outlook on life you have. :rolleyes:

Congrats, thenerdguy.
Zerox said:
Marriage just aint a good idea since you probably get divorced later on. Anyway, Maybe she says no cause you've only been dating for like 7 month or so.

Good luck anyway.

Lighten up mate. There are still alot of very sucessfull marrages in the world despite what people say.
Yeah...Besides its proven that married couples live longer. That even takes into accounts unmarried couples who live together....
well I would say that 2 years minimum is best before marrige but if you meet "the one" or whatever like nerdguy has, (or at least thinks he thinks he has :p) then well I suppose it must be quite clear ive really no idea but thenerdguy clearly does, I cant imagine nerdguy going for someone random, he clearly has a good judgement. Therefore I disagree with you :O ¬! Omg!
What did you have for dinner? oh and GoodLuck!
Lets face it, most people on here are too young to really know...and those that are old enough are too cynical.

(That wasn't directed at the "What did you have for dinner post?" :))
Zerox said:
I don't have time to answer to stupid questions, sorry! :thumbs:

No need to be insulting. I was merely asking what you meant about "getting real" as there are plenty of people that manage to have very sucessfuly mariages. Sure there are a lot that don't work out, but that's no reason to be so pessimistic about it.
Wow you guys really suck. :)

Well the thing is people do not think that marriage is sacred anymore. For me marriage is lifetime. Not months. So I will be putting all I have into making it work. Marriage is 50/50 but you have to put 100% in that 50.

(Man im allready talking about marriage stuff and I havnt even asked her.)

I dont think that you will be seeing a nerdgirl around but who knows, Shes into quilting,plants,and dolls. (antique dolls) (And she knows how to cook!!!!!!!!!) :)

(EDIT) And if you guys dont cool it this thread will get locked and ill get pissed!
thenerdguy said:
(EDIT) And if you guys dont cool it this thread will get locked and ill get pissed!


Truly the best of luck to you. Not that you even need it I'm sure. :)
I met Amy about 4 years ago when she was on vacation and went on a float trip and soneone flipped her canoe so I dove in after her when she didnt resurface. She had gotten trapped under the canoe and I was able to move the canoe off her and pull her back to the surface.

So I allready had the hero light when I moved to where I live now and we started to see each other.
so the hero thing does work.....gooood.
/me dons evil-looking matador suit with oversized sombrero

BURNZIE-MAN!! I will destrooooooooy you!


Hmm... I'm just picturing the reception with all her friends and family on one side and a whole bunch of laptops on chairs for nerd's side with all of us on video conference in tux's :LOL:

Congratulations man! It's awesome to hear you're so pumped about marriage, I really think you guys will be happy... if she says yes :p

Haha, no, she'd be silly not to ^_^

Hmm... can't go wrong with wedding pie.
But seriously, I think you have a severe lack of self-esteem if you need to ask her father permission for anything. It's a free world, you don't need anyone's approval or permission for marriage.
Cybernoid said:
But seriously, I think you have a severe lack of self-esteem if you need to ask her father permission for anything. It's a free world, you don't need anyone's approval or permission for marriage.

He didn't HAVE to ask permission, he WANTED to. That doens't make him a guy with low self-esteem. He shows more balls than the average man disregarding the parents feelings.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
He didn't HAVE to ask permission, he WANTED to. That doens't make him a guy with low self-esteem. He shows more balls than the average man disregarding the parents feelings.

The way I see it, asking for permission hints that the girl is owned by her parents. That's just... well, it's retarded, really.
:) Congrats man

Cybernoid said:
The way I see it, asking for permission hints that the girl is owned by her parents. That's just... well, it's retarded, really.
x2 :¬ \
Well the parents don't own the daughter of course, but wouldn't you be a bit interested in the intentions of the person who's dating your daughter after spending years of raising one of the most important persons in your life?

Right. I knew you would.

Of course the daughter always has the last say in it and as a parent you will have to respect (not always accept) that but by no means it is a bad thing (maybe a bit old fashioned) to ask permission to date/marry.
Cybernoid said:
But seriously, I think you have a severe lack of self-esteem if you need to ask her father permission for anything.

Cybernoid stop using a joyous occasion to flaunt your silly opinions, that shows a lack of common courtesey :)
some people like to be old fashioned when it comes to stuff like that
Bad^Hat said:
/me dons evil-looking matador suit with oversized sombrero

BURNZIE-MAN!! I will destrooooooooy you!



i shall not sucome to your evil ways el' bad^hat'io


.... :LOL:

seriously, that wedding idea is teh shit lol :) :p :LOL:
Cool it or the thread will get locked!!!!

We don't want that to happen. Thenerdguy is a great guy, and we should only praise and congrat him.
Sprafa is right....Keep this thread about thenerdguy. Cybernoid consider yourself warned. Keep causing trouble and you know where it will take you.

As for everyone else involved in this little flame match, don't let yourselves be taken in by the bait.
Zerox said:
Marriage just aint a good idea since you probably get divorced later on. Anyway, Maybe she says no cause you've only been dating for like 7 month or so.

Good luck anyway.

If you want to get real, marraiges aren't based on "luck", they are based on commitment. If you think you need luck for your marraige I would ask you to heed your own advice because chances are it will be doomed to fail.
Cybernoid said:
The way I see it, asking for permission hints that the girl is owned by her parents. That's just... well, it's retarded, really.

The way I see it, showing courtesy and respect to her parents not only could make the marriage easier (more family support when needed, and trust me everyone needs support), but also shows the kind of person you are.
The comment I made about the dinner, it was a joke :(
Nice one thenerdguy

congrats and good luck :D
how come my posts always start new pages :(
StarMonkey said:
how come my posts always start new pages :(

Not on my page format :)

I had that problem awhile back, happened like 7-8 posts in a row once. Creepy.
not a double post, i posted twice on purpose :p
StarMonkey said:
not a double post, i posted twice on purpose :p

That's 3 out of 5 posts on one page, stom spamming or I'll report you :D

Edit - LOL, just started a new page >_<