I just had the craziest dream!


Jul 4, 2003
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I dreamed that me and my best friend went to England to meet a bunch of you guys from the forum, farrowlesparrow was the main guy, and even though I don't know what you lot look like, my subconcious substituted (early era) beatles for you lol...

Well anyway, farrow owned an awesome pub/bar that we all stayed in, and to stay there me and my friend just helped out. Tunrs out this bar only played good music (deftones at the time lol)....

Anyway somehow we all got into a fight because some one stole my fifth of lord calvert whiskey and me and my friend were booted on the street. Some smelly bum stole my digital camera and I chased him down and beat it out of him.

We managed to get home ala mario 64. Since we didn't have any money we just jumped in paintings and came out on the other end. It was.... strange.
Innervision961 said:
I dreamed that me and my best friend went to England to meet a bunch of you guys from the forum, farrowlesparrow was the main guy, and even though I don't know what you lot look like, my subconcious substituted (early era) beatles for you lol...

Well anyway, farrow owned an awesome pub/bar that we all stayed in, and to stay there me and my friend just helped out. Tunrs out this bar only played good music (deftones at the time lol)....

Anyway somehow we all got into a fight because some one stole my fifth of lord calvert whiskey and me and my friend were booted on the street. Some smelly bum stole my digital camera and I chased him down and beat it out of him.

We managed to get home ala mario 64. Since we didn't have any money we just jumped in paintings and came out on the other end. It was.... strange.

Yep, sounds like England.
wow, dreaming of a fellow forumnite, ive never done that before :O
KoreBolteR said:
wow, dreaming of a fellow forumnite, ive never done that before :O

Well it wasn't just one, it was pretty much everyone I talk to here... Thing is, I don't know what anyone looks like, so I can't remember everyone who was there. :|
Just to make your dreams come true, I'm going to get a pub. But what to call it...

I had a dream where me and some other people met in the Reichstag or something. This was...:x Years ago. So I was there, Munro, Badger I think, Stone, possibly Zerimski.... There were others, but I can't remember now. Most of them are gone I think.
I've had crazier.

Particularly that one dream which I posted about a few weeks ago. Best dream ever.
I had a dream where I got diabetes from falling out of an airplane and then ended up going blind. The lesson from this: Stay away from airplanes.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Just to make your dreams come true, I'm going to get a pub. But what to call it..

But then you have to Have giant paintings that are placed on rips in the space time continuem.
I dream about chocobos eating my face

Farrowlesparrow said:
Just to make your dreams come true, I'm going to get a pub. But what to call it...

The Crab's Head.
I've had a dream about Tr0n.

I'm surprised i havent had one about Qck
I usually think about him before falling asleep
Innervision961 said:
and even though I don't know what you lot look like, my subconcious substituted (early era) beatles for you lol...

who was ugly Ringo? :p
Ikerous said:
I'm surprised i havent had one about Qck
I usually think about him before falling asleep

How touching :)

I actually have had a dream about a few people on these forums, but it was terrifying and I don't really want to share it :(
they don't involve me do they? :O

haven't had too many dreams lately.
qckbeam said:
I dream about Farrowlesparrow all the time...
Yeah I dream about me a lot too...


I dream fantastic, wonderous dreams. When I actually go to sleep for more than an hour or two that is.
i had a dream that i was sent to a concentration camp set by the mods, yesterday.

i died. horribly. munro was cutting me into 1000s of particles with a huge knife.

and the mods were laghing. thats all i can remember.
15357 said:
i had a dream that i was sent to a concentration camp set by the mods, yesterday.

i died. horribly. munro was cutting me into 1000s of particles with a huge knife.

and the mods were laghing. thats all i can remember.

You're having flashbacks to the real event. That's what morphine will do to you...
kirovman said:
You're having flashbacks to the real event. That's what morphine will do to you...

morphine? what morphine?
When I was 5 I dreamt I was a donkey and I was eaten by a butterfly. nvm.
craziest dream i had 2 nights ago, i was swimming on a beach with my mom, and i saw this tiny island like 20 feet out so i swam out to it. when i was swimming back i was attacked by a shark. that was the entire dream, but the story gets even crazier. that day in school in biology class, we watched a video about shark bites. then when i went home, i was watching RealTV and they were showing clips of animals attacking people, and more shark bites. it was really odd.
The only thing more boring than talking about dreams, is making a thread on the internet about dreams

Nuff said...
Last night I dreamed that I was on this crazy airplane with a wacko pilot and we were brushing tree tops and coming within like inches of crashing. Inside the plane there was some asshole, I think it was the mullet guy from Donnie Darko, who tried to open the door but then it closed and sealed itself shut and they gave everyone life jackets and I got two. And then we landed in this farm with a huge peach orchard, like really big peaches and we drove the plane along this country road and the pilot was trying to find a runway and the peach farmer said we could use the middle of his orchard as a runway and then we took off again and flew through some canyons but something was broken and everyone had to move to the right side of the plane, sort of like in the movie Speed, and this sort of attractive/bland face girl came snuggled up next to me and eventually we landed and everyone was dressed in this 1800's period clothing and it turned out that the plane was actually some sort of bus/roller coaster and it was only my imagination that made me think it was a plane.
Dan said:
Last night I dreamed that I was on this crazy airplane with a wacko pilot and we were brushing tree tops and coming within like inches of crashing. Inside the plane there was some asshole, I think it was the mullet guy from Donnie Darko, who tried to open the door but then it closed and sealed itself shut and they gave everyone life jackets and I got two. And then we landed in this farm with a huge peach orchard, like really big peaches and we drove the plane along this country road and the pilot was trying to find a runway and the peach farmer said we could use the middle of his orchard as a runway and then we took off again and flew through some canyons but something was broken and everyone had to move to the right side of the plane, sort of like in the movie Speed, and this sort of attractive/bland face girl came snuggled up next to me and eventually we landed and everyone was dressed in this 1800's period clothing and it turned out that the plane was actually some sort of bus/roller coaster and it was only my imagination that made me think it was a plane.


I wish I could remember dreams.... I think i'm missing out! lol
Razor said:
anyone dreamed about me :o.

I dreamt I was a rabbit repeatedly whacking its head against the ceiling.Its a terrible terrible dream. :(
I dreamt about a guy with a bass hitting me over the head with it and then I fell of a cliff into a pit and i crawled out and I was in WWII and then I staarted to run and It turned into CSS and then I got killed by an AWPER and I could see my body

thats it.....
I once dreamt that Jon Bon Jovi forced himself on one of my best female friends, and I had to choose between believing Jovi or my friend. Eventually, I stabbed Jovi, and cried my eyes out.

Strange but true.

-Angry Lawyer
Innervision961 said:
We managed to get home ala mario 64. Since we didn't have any money we just jumped in paintings and came out on the other end. It was.... strange.
Well, that is our primary mode of public transport...

Fun dream though :)
I had one the other day where I was at this Maddox convention (yeah, like that ascerbic whiny arrogant yet hilarious bastard of a human being) with all these people really wanting to see him. I can't think why seeing as all he'd do would be to rip the piss out of them. Anyway, it was in a seafood restaurant and then the toilets collapsed for some reason... Beyond that I don't remember, but I don't think he turned up in the end... Meh.
I've had my fair share of dreams where I have met people from forums, not here though, I haven't been here long enough.

Oh btw KoreBolteR your sig owns :D
Disturbing shit.

I had a dream where a CS:S-like event happened where tons of terrorists were attempting to bomb the **** out of the Whitehouse or something and,if Im correct, a couple of forumgoers were in the dream:All I remember are Razor,MarcoPollo,a couple of others in different forum sections,and a few CS:S players I know were CTs and we managed to kill the Terrorists,but some dude named Jandor got his arm blown off.Other than that it was funky.Especially when the Terrorists had headcrabs on them.