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- May 24, 2003
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Those opf you on GMT will realise jsut what time I'm posting this...I just spent the night out with my friends for probably the last time (Well, kind of, we will meet up but it wont be the same). We all had lots to drink and we really bonded a lot...I especially came out (If anyone of you knew me in real life you would realsie i can seem quite shy), i even danced properly as opposed to just moving my head a it...ists quite a lot for me. Anyway, this will probably seem meanngless to most of you but i really hada lot of fun...We met this australian guy and tried to help him draw out money from a bank machine (it was broken) but he left us once we giot to our final destination...Anyway, it was so fun i can describe....I',m still rather drunk, more drunk than I've ever been but it doesn't matter. Sure,m go on about binge drinking but i only do this on special occasions and tonight was really special. In the morning i might feel like it was meaningless but right now..>In the moment it feels amazing. We went to a kareoke bar and did "Summer of 69" and thats almost what if feels like now.
I apologise for the spelling and horrible horrible mistakes I've surely made, but remember the time and my alcohol - blood level. When i get up tommororw i will explain all, but right now I'm just thinking about the fun I've had tonight. Heh, someone iun th art group thought iu fancied them because they though t i was winking at them...anyway, like i said i will explain when i get up...Sorry agian for the mistakes but I've had more alcohol tonight than i ever had....apparendlt, I'm just like me but 10 times more so....WHich is nice. Also, my friends girlfreidn said I'm a really nice guy, kind of similar to her (No, i really really don't want to imply that thers anything there...seriously) Again i apoligise for this....But I;m incredibly drunk and i can;t help it
. Relaly i will make it all better tommorow....
PS, my beiong a Christian doesn't make my actionms tonight anything of a conradiction :|

Edit: I'm not even going to bother editing out my mistakes...I;m jsutgoing tgo say again...Sorry but its taking all my normal control of my emotionsd to stand up straight
I apologise for the spelling and horrible horrible mistakes I've surely made, but remember the time and my alcohol - blood level. When i get up tommororw i will explain all, but right now I'm just thinking about the fun I've had tonight. Heh, someone iun th art group thought iu fancied them because they though t i was winking at them...anyway, like i said i will explain when i get up...Sorry agian for the mistakes but I've had more alcohol tonight than i ever had....apparendlt, I'm just like me but 10 times more so....WHich is nice. Also, my friends girlfreidn said I'm a really nice guy, kind of similar to her (No, i really really don't want to imply that thers anything there...seriously) Again i apoligise for this....But I;m incredibly drunk and i can;t help it
PS, my beiong a Christian doesn't make my actionms tonight anything of a conradiction :|
Edit: I'm not even going to bother editing out my mistakes...I;m jsutgoing tgo say again...Sorry but its taking all my normal control of my emotionsd to stand up straight