I just pee'd my pants in excitement

Looks sweet.

I'll definitly check out the demo.
:dozey: They changed the date to the 23rd of July

http://www.planetmohpa.com/ <--- it's in German, but I looked on filefront.com it said the 23rd, it also says the 23rd on there- it's an edit update look closely, look for 23.7.

Either date, I probably won't be playing it... I won't be present when you guys share your experiences :( .
Has there ever been a Civil War game? If not I understand...

Part of me hopes this game fails so that developers will get a whisper of "overkilled franchise" blown through their ears.
:dozey: WW2 games will not die out, as long as there is still technology advances. Take a look at Counter Strike, people are creaming their pants for CS:S just because it has technology advances i.e. graphics, physics... that is just about it.
Wow, I really hope this game is better than the console version (I know it isnt the same game, but the pacific theatre version for ps2/gc/xbox blew).
This game does look amazing. This is sure getting my bandwidth.
CB | Para said:
I can't believe you guys bashing this game, have you seen the videos? It looks badass!

I sooo agree with you, the game looks fantastic in the videos. I just hope it runs well!!!
I must admit i'm getting pretty excited about this new MOH game.
:x I am hardcore MOH fan. My patience for this game is equivalent to having held diarrhea for one hour.