I just played through Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I resqued Maryl and I just have to say, they dont make games like this anymore with real stories and real plot so that you feel that your really part of a story and fighting for a reason... games have become unorginal and uninspired its sad really the game actually is a lesson on how f*xed society and government can be

and I figured something out

SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see below)-------------------------

solid snakes real name is david
...thats always been there. I'm guessing that it comes from the name of the guy who voiced him. (He also penned the screenplay for Xmen).
On the contrary, I think they're making more games like this now. Maybe not a lot of FPS's, but certainly in other genres theres been a real leap ahead with story telling since they have more space on the discs and more power they can use.
MGS has the best story out there right now, but other games have great stories. The second best plot for a videogame in my opinion is Max Payne. Others have decent stories too but MGS and MP really stand out.
number one- i posted a thread the other day about exactly the same thing
number two- at the beginning you see that his name is david hayter anyway "solid snake (david hayter)" - and the voice actor has a completely different name btw, but he chose to put snakes fictional name there instead of his.
number three- although they used the same dialogue and voice acting in the remake- the demo clips are ****ing class arent they!!! like when ninja slices a bullet in half, or when snake does a frontflip onto a missile....
and number four- i saved meryl too. i just couldnt let her die. i couldnt. Not even to get stealth... i just had to save her...