Metal Gear Discussion Thread

the only MGS I played was one of the ones they released for the gamecube (dual snake or something? I dont know) I didn't like it very much at all, I didn't know what all the fuss was about. It seemed really dated and very unfun. Are all the games top-down like that?

Now that I have a PS2, I will be renting MGS3 soon.
I loved the over-the-shoulder stuff, but good god they ****ed up the camera control for it, that's what I really hated about multiplayer.

The more you play, the better you get used to it. I had troubles with it too, but after a while it felt great.
I can't say I've ever had problem with the dialogues in the MGS games, but MGS2 required me to play it through a few times(I did it for the unlockables also) to get the story better..
Can't say I think the dialog is bad though.. Seen games with far far FAR worse atleast.:laugh:
See, I don't WANT to play through MGS2 again. It's not that I hated Raiden, it's that I thought the gameplay in general was just really mediocore.

Also, do people still play MGO? Last time I got on (about a month ago) there were only a couple hundred online.
Played through the PS1 MGS countless times. Then PS1 faded away, GC came out and I heard Twin Snakes was being developed. I immediately bought it and played it through and I was really satisfied. At this time I didn't have a PS2 nor plans to buy one. So then Sons of Liberty came out, and boy was I sad that I couldn't play it. Then a few years later Snake Eater came out and that's about when I decided I wanted a PS2. After waiting a little while more I finally bought a PS2 and got both games immediately. I had nothing to do for three days so I completely blew through SoL during those three days. I loved the game and was reminded how much the MGS series rocks. Immediately following the conclusion of SoL I fired up Snake Eater, and I am still currently playing it slowly with spurts of Burnout, life, and a barrage of PC games.

Hideo Kojima is the cause of my wet dreams. kthx
It's one of my favorite game series, and MGS2 is my favorite installment. The gameplay is by far the best in the series, although the plot has some problems. Still, it's much better than your standard video game fare.

The writing is in fact terrible in all the games, not only because of bad dialogue but because of the melodramatic and preachy speeches all the characters spout off. From the subtitles in the MGS4 trailer it looks like this has been somewhat remedied though.
Well, no shit. I must mention again the drinking game I thought up- taking a shot every time snake repeats something in the form of a question. You'll be hammered in minutes :D
I do admit it's very melodramatic and preachy but I don't find that to make it terrible but to each man his own I guess.:p
I quite enjoy it because I think some of the things they say althoguh dramatic and preachy are interesting.
Fair enough, but a good writer could convey those things through subtext in believable dialogue. With MGS games it's more like the storyline pauses every once in awhile for one of the characters to deliver a five minute PSA on the horrors of nuclear war.

I don't mean to rag on the games, it is my favorite series. I'm just saying this is by far its biggest flaw.
I killed Solid Snake. Ate his liver with a spork.
I figured since Resident Evil had a thread, Metal Gear should have one, too.

*There might be possible spoilers*

I have only played Metal Gear Solid, and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, I never even knew about #2.. I wasn't really big into Metal Gear, because when I went to rent what I thought was Metal Gear Solid 2, it turned out to be that shitty VR Missions game for the PS1, and that kind of turned me off metal gear..

I don't remember much about Metal Gear Solid because I owned it when I was younger, and then it got stolen, so I don't remember it too well, I remember the nikita (sp?) gun, wher you can control the rocket, and I remember the gas boss, and the sniper boss, I don't really remember the story, I was young so I used gameshark for almost every game I played, and for Metal Gear my favorite thing was just walking around in boxes, that was great, and the neck-snapping sound was sooo good in Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid 3 should have the neck-snap sound from the first 1..

Metal Gear Solid 3 just blew me away when I played it, it's basicly everything I've wanted in a game, it's so F***ing sweet, I've beat it, but not very succesfully, I beat it on normal with like 500 alerts.. right now I'm working on it again with no alerts, and no kills (exceptions of bosses), I'm at the spot just before The Fear, and I havn't raised 1 alarm or killed 1 person (The Sorrow is going to be easy, eh?). I've also killed The End without even facing him, when he is in the wheelchair at the warehouse I just sniped him with the sniper rifle, and 1 shot to the head, and he blows up. You can get the sniper rifle in that Ponizovje swamp, before you get to the cutscene with him, there is a little rut on the left side of the mini valley where you can get it, you've got to deal with 3 guards, though..

So... discuss.

You killed killed The End before Sokrevenno forest? I'm sorry to tell you, but you've just ****ed yourself. You just doubled the difficulty of that area. Istead of facing The End in the forest, you now have to deal with a bunch of those Black Ocelot guys or whatever they're called.

They're tough to get past. They have snipers of their own, and machineguns. But they're much more fun than The End, so it's worth the extra effort.
I didn't have that much trouble getting past'em my first time through tbh, I just RLH(Run Like Hell)'ed my way through.:)
You killed killed The End before Sokrevenno forest? I'm sorry to tell you, but you've just ****ed yourself. You just doubled the difficulty of that area. Istead of facing The End in the forest, you now have to deal with a bunch of those Black Ocelot guys or whatever they're called.

They're tough to get past. They have snipers of their own, and machineguns. But they're much more fun than The End, so it's worth the extra effort.

There's actually another way to beat him.

Start the fight with The End. Restart PS2, change system clock forward about a week. Load your game. Get codec message saying The End died of old age :P

Or something like that.
The End is definetly one of the most satisfying fights in the game, albeit that it's somewhat teidious. I ended up killing him by sneaking up behind him and blasting him right in the head with a shotgun.
Whenever I replay the game, I just do the reset PS2 clock. I don't feel like looking for him for 40 minutes.
I just find it cringeworthy to sit through some of the cack Kojima gives us. :p
I'd say it much more fun to face a whole bunch of guys rather than that son of a bitch. I hate The End with a passion.
This is being done on the PSP, it's called Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, it leads to the founding of FOXHOUND, Kojima has stated that it might become a series of its own on the PSP leading up to the first Metal Gear games.:)


I didn't know that, f**k yeah! :D
Are the PSP games any good? Might pick em' up..

No. MGA was slow, boring, had an awful story, and was frustrating. To me, MGA is to the Metal Gear series as the CD-I Zelda games were to the Zelda series. No exaggerations.
You have to REALLY like strategy games to enjoy Metal Gear Acid.

I do have a question, however. In MGS 2 Snake finds a list containing the name of Patriot members from 100 years ago, but according to MGS 3 the Patriots were formed in the 1970's.

Is this just a plothole or did I miss something.
1. The American branch of the Philosophers changed their name to the Patriots in the '70s.

2. The Patriots/Philosophers are an unknown entity. They likely do not exist physically, merely people who follow their beliefs and interests.
You have to REALLY like strategy games to enjoy Metal Gear Acid.

I do have a question, however. In MGS 2 Snake finds a list containing the name of Patriot members from 100 years ago, but according to MGS 3 the Patriots were formed in the 1970's.

Is this just a plothole or did I miss something.

I think that list showed the American Branch of Philosophers(who's children later formed the Patriots).