I just Played XBOX 360 AND OMG!!!!

Cormeh said:
Highly uncalled for fella.


DrDevin said:
Well actually the 360 is currently slower then a top end PC

I disagree, the best gaming pc money can buy won't have the power of the 360.
Warbie said:
I disagree, the best gaming pc money can buy won't have the power of the 360.
I'll second that. A straight-specs comparison doesn't cut it when talking about consoles.
DrDevin said:
PC games will always look better then console games because a PC is flexible with upgrades, AA/AF and monitor support.
Actually, this is typically the downfall of PC gaming. The power is there, but the fact that optimization has to be for a broad spectrum of hardware and versions it can never be harnessed to its full potential.
DrDevin said:
Well actually the 360 is currently slower then a top end PC

http://news.com.com/Xbox+specs+revealed/2100-1043_3-5705372.html It doesn't though. The ATI card is, quite obviously, next-gen compared to the current X series, so it beats it on that, then it has 3 x 3.2ghz CPU's all working together and it doesn't have hogs such as Windows XP and all the other shite PC's have to have loaded into the memory that all use the systems power.

Face facts, any new console will be better than any PC out for a couple months and they cost a fraction of the price compared. If i was out looking for cutting edge technology i'd rather spend £280 on a 360 than spend £1000+ upgrading my PC to cutting edge when no PC game even needs half what a cutting edge PC can deliver. Oh and in 5 years consoles probably won't even look that bad compared to a PC because to be honest, graphics are pretty much the best they'll look until they go VR, which by that time the PS3 will be out, which is looking quite nice, if indeed, the real-time video's shown are true, but i'm not holding my breath on that one just yet.
Very true Alig.

One of the reasons i'm getting a 360 is because I can't aford to get a new pc. Even if I could, and had £2000 pounds to spend, it wouldn't be as powerful as a 360 - which is costing me £300.

Then there's Xbox Live (which I'm a big fan of) and the games that aren't available on the pc.
3 x 3.2ghz CPU's all working together and it doesn't have hogs such as Windows XP and all the other shite PC's have to have loaded into the memory that all use the systems power.
Thats wrong! 1CPU 3 cores. They share the same damn bandwidth which makes quite the difference!

I believe the current most top end Pc\Server is faster than the 360, but the fact is no games will take advantage of the most top end hardware because they want more than 2 people to their game they put 60million into.
Minerel said:
Thats wrong! 1CPU 3 cores. They share the same damn bandwidth which makes quite the difference!

I believe the current most top end Pc\Server is faster than the 360, but the fact is no games will take advantage of the most top end hardware because they want more than 2 people to their game they put 60million into.
You're right, it doesn't really matter how powerful it is theoretically. Its whether developers can properly harnass that power (i.e. multithread their apps well).

From Anand's blog:
The first hurdle is obviously getting game developers to multithread their engines. This is a much bigger hurdle than optimizing for Cell or the 360's 3-core PPC processor. I have a feeling that it may take a while before we see properly multithreaded game engines running on consoles (the current estimate is year-end 2006 for multithreaded game engines to appear on the PC), so the first generation of games for the 360 and PS3 may end up being more of a competition of GPU horsepower. From what I've seen thus far, the demos that are being showcased aren't really focusing on the physics or AI aspects of what these next-generation consoles can do, rather mostly focusing on the fact that we finally have consoles with GPUs powerful enough to render scenes at 720p or 1080p resolutions.
Freemanator89 said:
Yeah.. you're a dumb ass, as for me, I'll be sticking with my pc for quite a few years to come. Lol you reffered to your pc as a "super computer" :hmph:

And you knocked a kid down to play a game? Disgusting fag
Thats alot of money spent if thats the computer you got in you sig. Could have bought some of these guys on the forums an XBox 360 too bad.:)
I played it and the graphics aren't anything to write home about. Jaggies everywhere. I felt like I was playing an upgraded Xbox.
Shame the release date has been bumped back to the 2nd of December over here, but meh, already got one pre-ordered for me b-day which is on 8th December, so wahey :smoking:
I have to start cracking my technical wip again.

Here we go:

The Xenon processor was designed from the ground up to be a 3-core CPU. The three cores share a meager 1MB L2 cache, which should be fine for single threaded games but as developers migrate more to multi-threaded engines, this small cache will definitely become a performance limiter. With each core being able to execute two threads simultaneously, you effectively have a worst case scenario of 6 threads splitting a 1MB L2 cache. As a comparison, the current dual core Pentium 4s have a 1MB L2 cache per core and that number is only going to rise.

Only one out of its three cores would be utilized when running present day game engines. The reason this is a problem is because these general purpose cores that make up the Xbox 360’s Xenon CPU or the single general purpose PPE in Cell are extremely weak cores, far slower than a Pentium 4 or Athlon 64, even running at much lower clock speeds.

All of the early demos we’ve seen of Xbox 360 and PS3 games, not a single one appears to offer better physics or AI than the best single threaded games on the PC today. At best, we’ve seen examples of ragdoll physics similar to that of Half Life 2, but nothing that is particularly amazing, earth shattering or shocking. Definitely nothing that appears to be leveraging the power of a multicore processor.

From anandtech:

So we asked Microsoft, expecting to get a fluffy answer about how all developers would be exploiting the 6 hardware threads supported by Xenon, instead we got a much more down to earth answer.

The majority of developers are doing things no differently than they have been on the PC. A single thread is used for all game code, physics and AI and in some cases, developers have split out physics into a separate thread, but for the most part you can expect all first generation and even some second generation titles to debut as basically single threaded games. The move to two hardware execution threads may in fact only be an attempt to bring performance up to par with what can be done on mid-range or high-end PCs today, since a single thread running on Xenon isn’t going to be very competitive performance wise, especially executing code that is particularly well suited to OoO desktop processors.

With Microsoft themselves telling us not to expect more than one or two threads of execution to be dedicated to game code, will the remaining two cores of the Xenon go unused for the first year or two of the Xbox 360’s existence?

But for the most part, on day 1, you shouldn’t expect Xbox 360 games to be much more than the same type of single threaded titles we’ve had on the PC. In fact, the biggest draw to the new consoles will be the fact that for the first time, we will have the ability to run games rendered internally at 1280 x 720 on a game console. In other words, round one of the next generation of game consoles is going to be a GPU battle.

You think the console will be more powerfull then an Athlon X2 and 7800gtx sli with 4GB ram and a Raid 0 array of 2 10000RPM NCQ drives in RAID?

I'm not saying the 360 is a better deal (hey I'm getting 1 myself because it will look amazing while being cheap!) I'm just saying PC's are currently faster. PC games are not as optimized though so there is another tradeoff. We will see how it turns out when the consoles come out.

Most of the info from anadtech because I'm too lazy to rewrite it. I suggest reading all the papers on the consoles as you can, it is very interesting and informative.
DrDevin said:
All of the early demos we’ve seen of Xbox 360 and PS3 games, not a single one appears to offer better physics or AI than the best single threaded games on the PC today. At best, we’ve seen examples of ragdoll physics similar to that of Half Life 2, but nothing that is particularly amazing, earth shattering or shocking. Definitely nothing that appears to be leveraging the power of a multicore processor.

Let's not make decisions based on the 360's first generation of games, especially when we consider that these games (taken from NTSC) , 'started development on a single core machine, then moved to another single core machine, and then they recieved beta kits with triple cores running at the wrong speed, and then less than two months ago they recieved triple cores at the right speed'.

DrDevin said:
You think the console will be more powerfull then an Athlon X2 and 7800gtx sli with 4GB ram and a Raid 0 array of 2 10000RPM NCQ drives in RAID?


Take the Xbox, with it's lowly specs. Now compare the specs a pc would need to perform as well in games (i'd like to see somone trying to run Burnout on a GF3 powered pc ;))

The 360 has a beast of a next gen gfx card, faster than a 7800 of any flavour. Even when pcs catch up, and have comparable gpu's, I still doubt they'll run games as well - we'll probably have to wait till the generation after next.
At best, we’ve seen examples of ragdoll physics similar to that of Half Life 2, but nothing that is particularly amazing, earth shattering or shocking. Definitely nothing that appears to be leveraging the power of a multicore processor.
That would be wrong. Ps3's Physic Test demo with real-time water. At that time of E3 we had seen nothing like it.
Most consoles feels like an "upgrade" of their predecessor imo.
PS2 felt like PS1 with better spec, I mean the controls were pretty much identical?
I don't give either way.

I've got this PC here. I don't see a need for a console (especially since my brother's getting his own PC and thus won't be bothering me).
Gargantou said:
Most consoles feels like an "upgrade" of their predecessor imo.
PS2 felt like PS1 with better spec, I mean the controls were pretty much identical?

anyone else burst out laughing when after they read 'upgrade' they thought about what they've done with their pc's for the past 15 years ? ;)
destrukt said:
anyone else burst out laughing when after they read 'upgrade' they thought about what they've done with their pc's for the past 15 years ? ;)

Cormeh said:
I also hope the Xbox 360 plays like an upgraded Xbox :laugh:

Yes indeed. :D

That was the silliest thing I've read for a while. :P

(No offense MiccyNarc) ;)
anyone else burst out laughing when after they read 'upgrade' they thought about what they've done with their pc's for the past 15 years ?
True, but the fact remains the same. It all feels like an upgrade. Which is why im buying the revolution, it dosn't feel like an upgrade but something new.
I came into consoles on the switch from 2d to 3d, so thats what got me into 64/playstation after that it will went downhill.

Thus I went to the pc, because I could do so much more than just play games.
Meh, am neither a console nor pc fanboy, im a neutral gamer, i play any game on all formats, best way to see it really, have no hatred for neither.
Damnit, allright I'm sorry for getting a little out of hand, ok a lot, but hey, he pushed the mexican, :p
Bah. I don't like it. I mean, it's cool, but it's really nothing more than a souped up Xbox with a paintjob.
Hmm, can someone get him to change his signature and his location length, the location is just ridiculously long and the signature is horrid.
damn am i the only person that thinks king kong looks like crap, as well as COD2?
I also hope the Xbox 360 plays like an upgraded Xbox
It's called "innovation", and it's severely lacking in the X360.

Think before you post please.
anyone else burst out laughing when after they read 'upgrade' they thought about what they've done with their pc's for the past 15 years ?
At least the PC upgrades don't claim to be something new and truly innovative.
Yes, they are better. "Better" wasn't what we were expecting from the next generation.

Again, please start thinking before you post.
MiccyNarc said:
Think before you post please.
I did think before I posted thanks.

The fact remains that the Xbox 360 is in loose terms an upgraded Xbox, and not one person here can judge how innovative it really is on 15 minutes of play and one demo game.
MiccyNarc said:
At least the PC upgrades don't claim to be something new and truly innovative.
I'd argue that GPUs were extremely innovative when they first appeared and I will say the say thing for PPUs when they appear. Both of these are very serious innovations in PC technology and I can't wait to see what's next! A Cell-like architecture will be a very interesting development indeed once people get comfortable with the necessarily more complicated code (face it--we are heading there, though to a much greater degree than the PS3 will be when it releases). That basic design is really going to shake things up in the PC world in the next 10-15 years. As such, it should be a great time to be a gamer. :cheers:
Cormeh said:
not one person here can judge how innovative it really is on 15 minutes of play and one demo game.
Very true. Its going to be second and third gen games that will tell us how truly innovative the consoles are. After all, if you can't properly take advantage of the tech, then it really isn't that innovative because nothing new comes out of it.
Drackard said:
and i suppose pacman looks good bizzy ?

its just my opinion man. i was at the ign live event, the only thing that actually looked next gen was gears of war.

king kong, cod2, and tony hawks didnt look that great.
i mean if you've never played a PC game before than yea, cod will look good compared to current console games, but cod didnt look that much better than my pc.

Gears of war, now that game looks incredible.