I just put my dog down

I feel you homie.. I remember losing my first dog. Damn painfull..
*hugs absinthe*

For me, pets are as much a member of the family as any of my siblings or anyone else in the family...extremely painful when they go.
Very sorry to hear about this Absinthe, been through the same thing with several companions myself through the years.
It feels like I've taken a sledgehammer to my gut. He had cancer for over a year and we put him through surgery and chemo when his first tumors started appearing. Despite his age at 12, he was in extremely healthy shape all things considered (golden retrievers tend to die around 13 or 14).

Unfortunately, when taking him to the vet for a clean bill of health for flying overseas, we discovered massive inflammation on his underside from more growth. This was just last Thursday or so, and we decided it would be best if he was put down.

So there I was, sitting in the vet's office with his head in my lap while he was given the injections. And he just slowly drifted off until he let out a few last sighs of breath. I've been to funerals of relatives that cannot even begin to compare in terms of the sadness I felt.

I'm not really expecting any responses to this topic. I figured I needed to get it off my chest somehow, as I feel so horrible at the moment.

Aw man, that sounds tragic. I'm very sorry. I can imagine how painful it must be, because it makes me tear up just reading that.

At least he isn't in pain anymore, and going to sleep is a nice way to go. At least he lived a long happy life.
I'm so sorry Absinthe :(

I hope you pull through ok.
Sorry to hear that :/.

I've got a German Shepherd atm, but I had a Golden Retriever before. On the second day of Christmas I was going out with my parents to visit my family and before leaving we let the dog run around for a bit, take a piss etc. Suddenly, he just fell limply to the ground. Turned out his heart burst due to some disorder he was born with (we had no idea about it). And he was only 3 years old ;(
Ulgh, I'm truly sorry. Losing a dog is such a hard thing to cope with. When i was younger, we lost our dog and I became so so depressed that my parents nearly put me into counciling.

I've got a yellow lab right now. It's hard to explain how much I care about my dog. Raised him since a puppy. It's literally like losing a family member.
Sorry to hear that Absinthe, really. I know that pain. I had to put my dog down 2 years ago, as he was in the middle of acute liver failure. Aas the drugs stopped his heart I stroked his head, and he laid it down slowly on the table like he was going to sleep.

I was utterly, utterly gutted, but I knew it was the right decision, since I had given the vets shit in order to get them to make sure they knew there was nothing they could do for him first. It sounds like you did the same for your guy. Be prepared for the dreams, though...! I dreamt about Kerry for weeks afterwards - in every dream I was convinced he had come back to life, despite the odds.
A dog will always stick by you, everyone can walk out on you, but if you have a loyal dog, it will always stick by your side, to lose a friend like that is downright tragic.
Too true.
That blows Absinthe, I've got 3 dogs and 2 cats myself. The dogs are young but the cats are getting up there. One has been with me my entire life ...well conscience life anyway. I'm hoping he has at least 3 years left..but who knows? It's gonna suck when we have to put him down.:(

Anyway, you'll pull though:)