I Just Saw The Most Bizarre Thing....

When he asks for it back i'll give it back. Until then I will enjoy it. And you will like looking at it.
Yakuza said:
It appears that the Aliens have gottin word on were the leprechauns are hidding their pot of Gold.

Bah! Damn you! You made the first leprecaun crack. Why did I not find this thread sooner?

I was gonna say... Don't you know? We're at war with the leprecaun's... we're stealing their gold.
Fat Tony! said:
If aliens attack just bring out your plank of wood with a nail in it and hammer the bastards
Gotta love The Simpsons :cheers:
"The humans will create bigger boards with bigger nails in them..."
Hehe, I love hearing about this kind of thing :)

Don't hang yourself up on trying to explain it though, you saw something uniquely awesome and that'd be enough for me.