I know a dude that looks like Gordon


Jan 19, 2004
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At my school my math teacher has a "Student Teacher". He looks like gordon but glasses arn't as round. He looks draw dropping similar. I'd tell you if he sounded the same but gordon...dosn't talk in hl\hl2.

The face, the hair the...everything..
I'd take a pic of him but..it would be wierd asking a teacher for a picture...
Who cares, ask him for a picture of him! Say for memories... :P
She, I clicked 'The Army of two' in your sig and got pop upped like a zillion of them! hahAHAHAH!
She, I clicked 'The Army of two' in your sig and got pop upped like a zillion of them! hahAHAHAH!
yay!!! dissable popups?
Yea I saw a guy, on the station waiting for my the train home from work, who looked like Gordon as well. I had the same problem with the weirdiness of taking someones picture u (in this case) dont know at all.
If i do get a picture of him, i will compare his head with gordons... Ima email gabe and ask if Gordon is modeled after anyone :).
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
Yea I saw a guy, on the station waiting for my the train home from work, who looked like Gordon as well. I had the same problem with the weirdiness of taking someones picture u (in this case) dont know at all.

It was alternate reality. You saw gordon freeman in the future when he was at the train station to go to City 17!
My dad looks exactly like gordon freeman. All he would need is a different hair color. He has the same hair style, facial hair, facial structure, even the same color eyes.

Not that anyone cares. :monkee:
Yeah, I saw a hostage in CS:S that looked like George Bush.
Well thats why im a T, so i can own bush every single round :).
Shit... maybe you've found the real Gordon Freeman?

.. sorry if this joke has already been made. I'm too lazy to read.
puh-leeze. anyone with brown hair, glasses and facial hair can look like gordon.
Jadewolf5675 said:
Now this is what I call news!

Ha! What isn't new on these forums?

"GUYS! GUYS! My dog just barked and it sounded like he said 'Half-Life 2'!!!"

Yeah...you get the point...
just walk up to him and take a picture. Then trow glitter in his face and run off screaming "woooOOOP!".

He will be so confused that he will just pretend it didn't happen. Plus, he will have to walk around looking like a magical fairy all day.
Intamin said:
"GUYS! GUYS! My dog just barked and it sounded like he said 'Half-Life 2'!!!"

:laugh: ........ i had a goatee going and im getting glasses soon .... i COULD have looked like gordon :P
Intamin said:
"GUYS! GUYS! My dog just barked and it sounded like he said 'Half-Life 2'!!!"

"Was he a golden retriever?"


Edit: LOL @ Homer too.
I would have to assume it was a bulldog

or a shitsu
Haha, very nice indeed. We should have a thread where we try to keep a pun or joke going as long as possible, it'd be challenging to say the least.

On Topic: Well, definitely take a picture of him. When he's writing on the board, call his name and blast his eyes out with the flash then run away and sit down before he knows who did it! lol!
Dunno anyone who looks like Gordon... but my uncle looks and sounds exactly like Ned Flanders!
Minerel said:
If i do get a picture of him, i will compare his head with gordons... Ima email gabe and ask if Gordon is modeled after anyone :).
I am sure valve will love retarted e-mail like that

Jezus christ! shitheads ****ing up this forum. I wish a suicide bomber would ring you bell.. ahh what a wonderfull thought
The Two Swedish TV hosts: ANDERS AND MÅNS!!!


Brian Damage said:
Dunno anyone who looks like Gordon... but my uncle looks and sounds exactly like Ned Flanders!
Appearentely that's the number one look-alike person in the simpsons, it must be something about mustasches bears and glasses that does it.
Actrually Evil, i did email gabe about it.
Gordon aint modeled after anyone according to gabe.
i have posted this before. it's me when i got attacked by the vacuum cleaner.
I wonder if Gordon Freeman will ever appear in the Simpsons?
bxstreetlife said:
yo minerel ask that dude if he knows how to beat thoses damned Strikers ...
No, just say to him; "Weren't you supposed to be in the faculty lounge half an hour ago?" or, "Morning professor, looks like you're running late." When you hold up the door for him.
And giraffen, you look frightingly alot like Gordon.
But if I shave off all my hair I'd make a good Dr Kleiner, try n beat that!
giraffen said:
i have posted this before. it's me when i got attacked by the vacuum cleaner.
thats not normal...you sure they didnt abduct you...then made a model and return you to your bed while you were heavily sedated ?
giraffen said:
i have posted this before. it's me when i got attacked by the vacuum cleaner.

Hahaha Awesome !!

Grab some corwbar and get more pictures !!

Your Girlfriend is like alyx !? :eek: