I know a guy who knows a guy...


Companion Cube
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
I personally know someone who is friends with someone who is friends with two people on the portal team.

Portal is finished and ready to ship, but the delay is caused by the 360 version of hl2 and ep2.

i dont know if anyone cares...
So Portal is ready and TF2 is almost ready. That leaves Ep2.

God damn consoles.
Bleah. They should release Portal/TF2 as standalones instead of keeping everyone waiting. I could understand if having them bundled in the Orange Box would be more profitable, but it isn't. :(
Waiting time is directly proportional to game quality.

p.s. I think EP:2 really needs some new textures. The wooden box, fuel drum or ammo box look all the same. I have been seeing since HL2, then in CS:S and Ep:1.
vavle should just release for PC first, forget the consoles
I also know a guy who knows a guy, and I don't believe a thing either of them tell me.

It'll be ready when it's ready.
Bleah. They should release Portal/TF2 as standalones instead of keeping everyone waiting. I could understand if having them bundled in the Orange Box would be more profitable, but it isn't. :(

It is more profitable. Portal and TF2 wouldn't sell as much on their own. By bundling them with Ep2 they can jack the price up to $40. They're basically force feeding their customers something that they may or may not want, which is obvious considering that they don't even offer separate Steam deals.

I'm just glad they're releasing the game on consoles. That way I can rent it, beat Ep2 and Portal, mess around with TF2 ... then take it back. Done. It's not worth it to buy these things separately, eventually they'll release them all in one package.
smwScott said:
which is obvious considering that they don't even offer separate Steam deals.

Well unless you ALSO know a guy who knows a gut who knows Gabe thats just rumor spreading. No one knows what packages the games are going to be avaliable in or singularly.

sarcastinator said:
I also know a guy who knows a guy, and I don't believe a thing either of them tell me.

What i was thinking
Well unless you ALSO know a guy who knows a gut who knows Gabe thats just rumor spreading. No one knows what packages the games are going to be avaliable in or singularly.

I know a guy who knows a guy that ****ed a pig, and he read the press release and countless articles stating that the games would be released in two SKU's, the "Orange" and "Black" boxes. So ... yeah, we do know.
And how exactly do the details of the initial retail release translate to "It will never be available on Steam EVAR!!!!11!1one"
I personally know someone who is friends with someone who is friends with two people on the portal team.

Portal is finished and ready to ship, but the delay is caused by the 360 version of hl2 and ep2.

i dont know if anyone cares...

How do we know your lying and just a prick who has a predijuce against consoles? 'Cause that's the way its sounding.
And why should we care? Honestly, I don't really care about the reason for the delay.
Waiting time is directly proportional to game quality.

p.s. I think EP:2 really needs some new textures. The wooden box, fuel drum or ammo box look all the same. I have been seeing since HL2, then in CS:S and Ep:1.

Agreed. There is still even the same faces with rebels, there needs to be more human heads than those 9 different, there is about 100 humans you meet in HL2, and only Eli, Grigori, Kleiner, Odessa and Alyx have different clothes.
And how exactly do the details of the initial retail release translate to "It will never be available on Steam EVAR!!!!11!1one"

Um, it translates into exactly what it says. That is, "The games will all be bundled together in two SKU's." They've said from the very beginning that they plan on bundling Portal and TF2 with Ep2 and when they announced their release plans this was confirmed. What are you getting at? That is the way the games are going to be released, you're being forced to pay an extra $20 for games you may or may not want if you want to play Ep2. That's the way it is.

Seriously, unless they change their plans, which we've seen no indication of, it just is what it is. Jesus, why are people jumping all over me for pointing out the obvious.
Let me spell this out for you. Pretty much everything they've ever released can be bought on Steam piecemeal. They probably didn't state this explicitly because it's so blindingly obvious that putting it in the press release would give anyone with an IQ higher than 20 an aneurysm.
I know a guy who knows a guy that says that smwScott doesn't know what he's talking about.
Portal is finished and ready to ship, but the delay is caused by the 360 version of hl2 and ep2.
I thought they were doing well w/ developing on the consoles?
And oh yeah, They learnt from last time when they released hl2 for xbox like one year later. Nobody flipping bothered buying it XD
I can't believe you guys are believing this guy. Have you seen him anywhere else after this thread? We have no proof that the 360 version is causing the delay other than some ******'s word.
I know a guy who knows a guy that says that smwScott doesn't know what he's talking about.

God you people are ****ing reta.... a bit slow.

Whatever, we'll just have to wait and see. While they could change their release model, they've shown no sign of it. I believe CSS was originally packaged with HL2 and it was awhile before you could buy it separately.

More importantly, I don't care. Believe what you want to believe, don't listen to what they explicitly said. I don't give a shit.
Would make sense. It seems logical.
^ Guys, bitching isn't going to alter the amount of time it takes for the games to be released, in fact NOTHING you do will change the release date. It's irrelavent.
I can't believe you guys are believing this guy. Have you seen him anywhere else after this thread? We have no proof that the 360 version is causing the delay other than some ******'s word.

We're not believing him, necessarily, but there's nothing wrong with listening to what he's said. It's a rumor, but it's believable and makes sense... so there's not a problem here. Whether we think he's right or not, the games are still going to come out at the same time, I don't think your hostility is entirely justified here.
I think that was the problem with the xbox verson of HL2. It came out awhile after the PC version, so everyone bought the PC verson. Xbox came out later, and didn't sell very well (of my understanding). It's probabily for the best if they release Ep.2, Portal, TFC with the xbox 360stuff.

And waiting never hurt anyone. Except Eric Cartman and his Wii.
I think that was the problem with the xbox verson of HL2. It came out awhile after the PC version, so everyone bought the PC verson. Xbox came out later, and didn't sell very well (of my understanding). It's probabily for the best if they release Ep.2, Portal, TFC with the xbox 360stuff.

And waiting never hurt anyone. Except Eric Cartman and his Wii.


We're not believing him, necessarily, but there's nothing wrong with listening to what he's said. It's a rumor, but it's believable and makes sense... so there's not a problem here. Whether we think he's right or not, the games are still going to come out at the same time, I don't think your hostility is entirely justified here.

But...but hostility and violence is the answer to all our problems D:
*Hands smwScott a Flame Shield.*

Here, take this, you'll be needing it.

*Barrel Rolls out of topic*
So portal is finished but the delay is caused by the 360 version of Hl2 and Ep2?

Nevermind that HL2 has been done since 2004, and simply needs to be ported to Xbox 360 using XNA, which makes porting about as simple as porting PC code?

And that Ep2 is the big game, and needs to be done on PC and Xbox 360, and Portal is NOT the one that matters?

You fail at life.
So portal is finished but the delay is caused by the 360 version of Hl2 and Ep2?

Nevermind that HL2 has been done since 2004, and simply needs to be ported to Xbox 360 using XNA, which makes porting about as simple as porting PC code?

And that Ep2 is the big game, and needs to be done on PC and Xbox 360, and Portal is NOT the one that matters?

You fail at life.

HL2 is also been retextured and redone with HDR for the consoles, so as to not look ugly compared to Episodes 1 and 2.
GG. I'm still waiting fro Portal.
if any thing is holding the release date back its the ps3 version (being developed by EA) because theyre a few weeks behind the valve teams, which duznt bother me cuz im getting it for ps3...

the game will come out when it comes out u dont need to find someone to blame just because ur getting ur panties in a twist waiting for it to come out
Can we stop the silly release date wanking? It got old ages ago.
i thought it was cuz the ps3 cuz dat comes nex year. cuz dat was ment 2 be same date but dey delayed the ps3 by a year lol f##k getting ps3 ima stick 2 my 360 and pc.