I know this is the halflife 2 forum but...


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have posted messages here raving over far cry and how fun and good it will be while we wait for halflife 2...well guess what...this is not good news for those who were thinking of doing that...:

Crytek Raided [February 04, 2004, 11:02 am EST] - 35 Comments
German website PC Games Online (thanks Fappin) has word that the offices of Far Cry developer Crytek were raided by the police this morning. Here's a rough Babel Fish translation of a bit that suggests a disgruntled ex-employee (are they ever gruntled?) tipped the police that pirated software was in use: "According to first estimations of the police Crytek used illegally software for play production and caused thus a damage within the six-digit range. Evidence was placed already surely. The law guardians had become attentive by the reference of a former Crytek coworker."

its on bluesnews.com and ve3d.com with links....this sucks!!!!
WHAT? OMFG! I can't belive that! sucks if that were true!
tis weird but i carnt imagen a major game developer using pirate software
Well if this is true the guy who tipped them off is bound to have his name floating on the web in a short while. :)

Time to fetch my cricket bat and a plane ticket.....
Im pretty close to germany :grin:.
Heheh, I wouldn't be supprised if an angry mob beat the hell outa him. I mean for goodness sake. Why would you do such a thing. :(

I dunno, maybe he had good reason. But I doubt it....

Oh shit! the patch for the mp beta might never come out now!!! :O :O :O
if it's true then it's their own fault really. should've known better than to use pirated software.
Well, if it's true, they were using pirated software. Their own fault, not his.

Meh, don't really care about Far Cry anyway.

EDIT: Lol, Dedalus said the same thing at the same time
Ha! serves em right. Trying to make money without paying for software, lowest of the low. Even lower than kids who use pirate software.
wtf? Now Im just sad. This is terrible. Someone should take out that ex-employee.
It's not as bad as it sounds, at least not yet. There's a press release planned within the hour, and a Crytek employee that posts at QT3 had this to say:

I can't really say a great deal, as there will be a press release soon, but I think the people assuming guilt before innocence should hold their horses. I'd also like to point out that Crytek is not some East European modding team working in a back room sweat shop, but a professional outfit based in several large offices in the affluent German town of Coburg. I'll leave the particulars for the press release, but I think you can probably work out the likelihood of the accusations being true from the fact that everyone is back here working, and has been since early this afternoon.

Just be glad that if they pirated any software it was 3DSMAX or MAYA, and not the Source engine.
ok just got new information...

from a supposed worker that contracts out with crytek and doesnt actually work for crytek, just works in their offices said there will be a official press release on this soon but basically everything has been blown out of porportion......and that they are continuing to work on the game since this afternoon...here is a link to the german sight, that I had translated in babel fish so it will be a little off on the english, but here it goes:

"Police scans Crytek Firmenbuero"

The criminal investigation department Coburg accomplished a search of the office buildings of a Coburger software company as well as the dwelling of the managing director today according to own data. The police acted thereby on arrangement of the emphasis public prosecutor's office for Wirtschaftsdelike in yard and looked for illegal software for the production of computer games. The criminal investigation department did not call the name of the company concerned. As was confirmed in the meantime however, it concerns thereby Crytek, developer of the play planned for at the end of March "far Cry". Opposite games.markt confirmed managing directors Faruk Yerli the house search, which took place after a reference of a former coworker. It could not reconstruct the estimate of the police that by the illegal employment of the software a damage had occurred in the six-digit euro-range. It is not to be excluded that coworkers use arbitrarily software without license, however not in this extent. According to Yerli the team works since the early afternoon again with high pressure on the advancement of "far Cry". The title is to be appeared planned as at the end of March.

Source: gamesmarkt.de

OK we will look for the press release later, but basically it looks like thing are continuing to be developed on the game and that their working hard to finish it by end of March.....well see...if anyone finds the official press release stateing the facts then please post here and it will be much appreciated...after all this sort of is halflife 2 related since their source code got stolen.
Fenric said:
Ha! serves em right. Trying to make money without paying for software, lowest of the low. Even lower than kids who use pirate software.


im sad becuase i dont feel like paying £15 for a possibly sh*t album?



Mad Dog said:
It's not as bad as it sounds, at least not yet. There's a press release planned within the hour, and a Crytek employee that posts at QT3 had this to say:

Just be glad that if they pirated any software it was 3DSMAX or MAYA, and not the Source engine.

Actually if they've been using pirate versions of Max or especially Maya. Discreet and Alias are much much bigger than Valve are. Same with Softimage, you don't screw them around. If its those and they take action, the farcry dev team could be really up shit creek without a paddle or a boat

Their fault though, hope they get the book thrown at them for this. It's bad enough pirating atall but to pirate software that you can afford just to make yourself more money is really frowned on.
I read that it was imageing editing software. You know like photoshop i guess.

Something like that...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I read that it was imageing editing software. You know like photoshop i guess.

Something like that...
heh some lil developer vs Adobe

like a one horse race
$5 says they used pirated Half Life 2 source code software!


Mayne ANON works for UBISOFT?

Hmm, I sense hate towards Far Cry, and, as the great Yoda once (or twice) said , "fear leads to hate ...

Hmm, I can sense heat building up, near combustion...
thats too bad,

not really planning to buy the game though anyway, just want to try out the demo.
i hate how people are raving about how spectacular that game is. i agree it is cool, and i do want to play the full version, but just look at how poorly the physics are done. i know HL2's will be better. just look at max payne 2 (i keep aluding to mp recently, dont know why). those physics, especially ragdolls, impressed me. and if HL2's are even a little better than those, it will easily beat farcry. I believe that with the work valve put into havok, they will be stunning. plus, what do the physics add to farcry? not much. in HL2 physics look like theyll play a huge part in gameplay mechanics.
Oh man, this is sad.

But god damnit, 90% of all developers use pirated software.. It's just Crytek that got caught.
damnit :(

I was excited about this game because it seemed nearly as good as HL2/Doom3/Stalker, but it would be out sooner.

Oh well...we'll have to wait and see what happens.
hahaha, i played the demo and was not in the least bit impressed with far cry, its just another shooter, adds nothing new to the shooter genre and i hope the game gets shut down just so it pisses off a bunch of people
Dr.Sbaitso said:
hahaha, i played the demo and was not in the least bit impressed with far cry, its just another shooter, adds nothing new to the shooter genre and i hope the game gets shut down just so it pisses off a bunch of people

You sir, are an idiot. There's no other way to put it, alot of people, including me, are looking forward to FarCry. It's just pointless flamebait to wish something like that here.
He is:

a) A troll

b) someone who hasn't played the farcry demo
Shuzer said:
You sir, are an idiot. There's no other way to put it, alot of people, including me, are looking forward to FarCry. It's just pointless flamebait to wish something like that here.

Yeah. I recently downloaded the demo and I think it's awesome. Everything's so awesome, it reminds me so much of good ol' Delta Force.
MaxiKana said:
He is:

a) A troll

b) someone who hasn't played the farcry demo

I agree on a :) But, b, eh, he probably has played it. Not everyone liked the demo, not sure why. I went over this in another thread, people keep saying FC isn't bringing anything new to the FPS genre, but neither is HL2 or Doom 3.

And yes, I realize it's probably going to be true HL2 will have the more immersive storyline, but still, no one has ever been able to point out to me what HL2, Doom 3 or any other of the upcoming FPS games are bringing to the genre. All the games technologies are similar..

They need to clarify what they say. Not just "FC is a shooter that brings nothing new to the table," that's all the nextgen FPS are. While no one knows the story behind FC, no one knows the story behind HL2. They're going on VALVe's (short) track record assuming that they'll churn out a great story with the same feeling HL1 has.
CrazyHarij said:
Oh man, this is sad.

But god damnit, 90% of all developers use pirated software.. It's just Crytek that got caught.

Where'd that figure come from?
Fenric said:
Actually if they've been using pirate versions of Max or especially Maya. Discreet and Alias are much much bigger than Valve are. Same with Softimage, you don't screw them around. If its those and they take action, the farcry dev team could be really up shit creek without a paddle or a boat

Their fault though, hope they get the book thrown at them for this. It's bad enough pirating atall but to pirate software that you can afford just to make yourself more money is really frowned on.

You seem to be automatically assuming that they are guilty, when in fact we do not know that at this time. Before I wish "the book thrown at them" I'll wait and see if it's actually true.
Troops is filmed on location with the men and women of the Imperial forces.
All suspects are guilty. Period.
Otherwise they wouldn't be suspects, right?
hahaha i was planning on downloading the game when it came out !! hahahahaha
Neutrino said:
You seem to be automatically assuming that they are guilty, when in fact we do not know that at this time. Before I wish "the book thrown at them" I'll wait and see if it's actually true.
If they were innocent this would have been cleared up in no time. All they need to do is get proof from the companies database to check their registered legit users.

Maybe they are innocent.. Just nothing seems to point at that right now. Sorry :(
Neutrino said:
You seem to be automatically assuming that they are guilty, when in fact we do not know that at this time. Before I wish "the book thrown at them" I'll wait and see if it's actually true.

nobody is listening the second post I did in this thread....they continued to work diligently on farcry this afternoon and are hard at work aiming at end of march release date.....it was blown way out of porportion. Far cry is comming YEAH!!!
You do realise that is a legal matter that you must bring up if you suspect that the company you work for may be using pirated software?

In the UK theres a huge piece of legislation about this.
maximus0402 said:
nobody is listening the second post I did in this thread....they continued to work diligently on farcry this afternoon and are hard at work aiming at end of march release date.....it was blown way out of porportion. Far cry is comming YEAH!!!

Actually, if you look back, someone else already beat you to that information :)