I know this is the halflife 2 forum but...

Fenric said:
If they were innocent this would have been cleared up in no time. All they need to do is get proof from the companies database to check their registered legit users.

Maybe they are innocent.. Just nothing seems to point at that right now. Sorry :(

It does seem like they would have immediately cleared this up if they could have doesn't it?
wow.. Far Cry looked to be a decent game.. and now.. it looks as if it may not even hit the shelves.. heh

oh well :|
Everyone does seem to have missed what maximus and the other guy posted. One of Farcry's developers already said this is, for the most part, a small scale incident, and the whole company is not involved. FarCry will still hit the shelves..
I always suspected that alot of these European/Eastern European developers were using at least SOME pirated software. Guess one of them finally got caught. It just sucks that to develop a game you need to license software costing six-figures that you can't afford until after you sell your game. Although you'd think that Ubisoft would have put up at least a little money so these guys could buy the tools they needed.

Anyway, I hope this all turns out to be a big misunderstanding.
DarkStar said:
I always suspected that alot of these European/Eastern European developers were using at least SOME pirated software. Guess one of them finally got caught.

are you joking? we're not backwards over here in europe. this is in GERMANY. the big efficient manufacturing behemoth, GERMANY. not a relative third world country like Serbia or a similar country.

they deserve to get punished if they've been pirating. what example is this gonna set for the community?
Dedalus said:
are you joking? we're not backwards over here in europe. this is in GERMANY. the big efficient manufacturing behemoth, GERMANY. not a relative third world country like Serbia or a similar country.

they deserve to get punished if they've been pirating. what example is this gonna set for the community?
If they get away with it, it'll basically say to everyone else, hey, its ok to pirate software cause you'll never get punished... Kiss goodbye to all the companies who'll lose enough profit to cease trading.. Then what will the pirates or anyone use when there's no more new software being developed.. Any new programs will become in house only. The public and the pirates will suffer from it.

Ubisoft should drop Crytek and let the game and the company die as punishment, aswell as those running Crytek should be atleast fined, or imprisoned, since using more licences than you've paid for is technically theft afterall anyway.
Fenric said:
Ubisoft should drop Crytek and let the game and the company die as punishment
With comments like that you won't make many friends on a gaming forum. HL2 is still months away, and I'm very much looking forward to play Far Cry in the mean time. I'm sure many people on this forum will agree with me. No point in pissing them off.
DarkStar said:
I always suspected that alot of these European/Eastern European developers were using at least SOME pirated software.

Yeah you're right, they're not decent hard working Americans like you huh? Huh, I mean, for all we know they're COMMIES, right?
You, sir, are an ignorant asswipe.

As for you Fenric, normally I like you, but right now you are being a true blue ****wit. You have absolutely NO PROOF or even evidence that Crytek is guilty. I, personally, am going to wait for the official verdict before I start lynching people.
huh? fenric has in no way accused them of using pirated software. he's only used the 'if...then' scenario. if they used pirated software, then they should go down for it. i partly agree with him, but i'd still like to see Far Cry as the AI looks awesome. but still, if Crytek want to take risks then they'll get burned, and if they did pirate software no matter how trivial they need to be made an example of, otherwise fat little 12 year old kids around the globe will continue pirating with glee. if Crytek get busted for this, a lot of gamers will see what happens when you get caught using pirated software, and it may change a few pirates over.
I agree with elephant here, Fenric. The developers already said it's not as big an incident as believed. It appears as though they bought licenses, but not ENOUGH. FarCry isn't going to be dropped, and Ubisoft is in no way threatened legally. Besides, until you read the official press release, it's all hearsay.

Dedalus said:
huh? fenric has in no way accused them of using pirated software. he's only used the 'if...then' scenario. if they used pirated software, then they should go down for it. i partly agree with him, but i'd still like to see Far Cry as the AI looks awesome. but still, if Crytek want to take risks then they'll get burned, and if they did pirate software no matter how trivial they need to be made an example of, otherwise fat little 12 year old kids around the globe will continue pirating with glee. if Crytek get busted for this, a lot of gamers will see what happens when you get caught using pirated software, and it may change a few pirates over.

Fenric said:
Maybe they are innocent.. Just nothing seems to point at that right now. Sorry :(

He's basically saying here that he believes they're guilty.
crap this is really bad news, but if they were using pirated software then it's really their own fault.
Yeah Fenric. I think its true that they bought the lisence but put it on too many computers or somthing stupid like that. The crytek team seem like very good people from what ican tell (Played with a few in beta etc).

I don't think theres any real reason to jump at them like that. Not yet anyway.
Dr.Sbaitso said:
hahaha, i played the demo and was not in the least bit impressed with far cry, its just another shooter, adds nothing new to the shooter genre and i hope the game gets shut down just so it pisses off a bunch of people

really well thought out reply there ... not. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

People think in one dimensions here, this isn't just a game (and what looks to be a very entertaining one at that) but peoples lives. The games industry is tough enough, and this has been even more so evident with the closure of some quality development studios. We should be supporting even half decent shooters and anyway Far Cry seems well above par, it may not be revolutionary but neither may Half-life 2. Sure HL2 has some fancy effects and a history to support it but so far Far Cry has a lot more to show. I'm looking forward to both games.
Shuzer said:
I agree with elephant here, Fenric. The developers already said it's not as big an incident as believed. It appears as though they bought licenses, but not ENOUGH. FarCry isn't going to be dropped, and Ubisoft is in no way threatened legally. Besides, until you read the official press release, it's all hearsay.

He's basically saying here that he believes they're guilty.

I'm basically saying all signs point to yes they are.. If they were not guilty then how in gods name did they let it go this far? Everyone, even a little kid knows your not supposed to install these programs on more machines than their licenced for.. Many of which you CANT without cracking them. So if Crytek did that, which > THEY ADMIT TO < Then Crytek knowingly broke the law. Those who run the company must take responsibility for the company and the actions of those who work there.

If i hired someone and let them use pirated software at work, I would be the one who gets fined or worse. It's my name, and that of the company on the line. And its no good saying "oh I didn't know lil Jonny was using a crack" thats bollocks, as a company director you HAVE to know what your staff doing otherwise you shouldn't be running a damn company.
Fenric said:
I'm basically saying all signs point to yes they are.. If they were not guilty then how in gods name did they let it go this far? Everyone, even a little kid knows your not supposed to install these programs on more machines than their licenced for.. Many of which you CANT without cracking them. So if Crytek did that, which > THEY ADMIT TO < Then Crytek knowingly broke the law. Those who run the company must take responsibility for the company and the actions of those who work there.

If i hired someone and let them use pirated software at work, I would be the one who gets fined or worse. It's my name, and that of the company on the line. And its no good saying "oh I didn't know lil Jonny was using a crack" thats bollocks, as a company director you HAVE to know what your staff doing otherwise you shouldn't be running a damn company.

Yeah yeah, I agree if they did do what they did, it was a big mistake. However, it's not as though they were running pirated copies, sounds more like a miscommunication of some sort. Either way, I still think you should reserve your judgment for when they make a press release.
Shuzer said:
Yeah yeah, I agree if they did do what they did, it was a big mistake. However, it's not as though they were running pirated copies, sounds more like a miscommunication of some sort. Either way, I still think you should reserve your judgment for when they make a press release.

How can it be miscommunication? It's stated quite clearly that you pay per licence per machine. You don't buy these things off the shelf you know, its not like buying some game in Walmart. They knew full well they needed licences per machine, they paid for some but not all of them.. That just makes it worse, in a court of law they are gonna seriously struggle to talk their way out of that.. If they hadn't bought any extra licences for other machines and just paid for one, they might have had reason to say they didn't understand.. But to buy a few then crack the rest. You can't tell me they did that by accident
Miscommunication is possible. You don't know what software is in question here, and I don't believe every last bit of "corporate" software needs online activation.

Point being, it CAN be a miscommunication, you, nor I, know at this point.
That ex-employee that ratted them out should be executed for being a filthy rat - Soprano's Style. Cause once you're in the family, there's no getting out!
Fenric said:
How can it be miscommunication? It's stated quite clearly that you pay per licence per machine. You don't buy these things off the shelf you know, its not like buying some game in Walmart. They knew full well they needed licences per machine, they paid for some but not all of them.. That just makes it worse, in a court of law they are gonna seriously struggle to talk their way out of that.. If they hadn't bought any extra licences for other machines and just paid for one, they might have had reason to say they didn't understand.. But to buy a few then crack the rest. You can't tell me they did that by accident

If your on a network system, then the licences are probably hubbed from a central server. So in order to run more copies than you have licences for, you just disconnect those machines from the network for the day once you've fired up. It's an old trick, but it works well for a lot of applications and you don't need cracks. I don't condone it as a course of action, I'm all for licencing in business, but there are always times when needs overtake circumstances with any business.
Shuzer said:
Miscommunication is possible. You don't know what software is in question here, and I don't believe every last bit of "corporate" software needs online activation.

Point being, it CAN be a miscommunication, you, nor I, know at this point.

They confirm on the link further up that it was MAX and Maya

someone else said possibly Photoshop, but from their end it was Max and Maya
***** Quote: *****
However, both companies addressed the most important issue to gamers--whether or not Far Cry will slip from its March 23 ship date. "The Crytek team has started working again normally as of Wednesday at 2 pm," read the Ubisoft statement. "The game will ship as planned at the end of March." The German developer was similarly soothing; "Crytek would like to assure its fans that completion of Far Cry remains on track."
***** End quote *****

Thats good enough for me :) ... for now

Will give SWpirates another reason to not pay for SW though :(
Here's some quotes from Crytek Fenric, seeing as how you think "All sign point to them being guilty"

Despite false allegations that have appeared in various media and forums, no inventory or personnel were affected in any way

The game will ship as planned at the end of March. Crytek would like to assure its fans that completion of Far Cry remains on track