I laugh at my stress test result

[sl@yer] said:
Yeah I know that.....I just didn't think there would be that big a difference. Would upgrading my RAM to 1gb help matters....as I've been considering this for a while. I realise this mainly has an impact on load times etc.....but is it likely to affect frame rates? I just don't see what could be casuing such a low value. I really don't want to reformat....

Hells nah, your compy is fine. Don't upgrade cause some shit arse bollocks test gives you crap numbers, if it appears to run fine to you then all is well, be happy with what you've got.

And I'm pretty sure ram doesn't help loading times, it's more to do with performing under stress. Wait till you play the game then decide if you need to upgrade :)

If HL2 gets less than 96% i will eat one
hat for every % it does get.


/me sabotages valve
Just to make most of you guys feel better, I'll be playing HL2 on my p4 2.4 GHz with 512mb ram and a Geforce 4 Ti4600, and I have no intention of upgrading. I'll happily play with no AA or AF, with less than full detail levels, at anything 800x600 or above, and I'll be satisfied with any framerate that stays over 30. ;)
for the people who dont really know what AF does here are two example pictures...


this picture shows the blurry effect on the floor (example is in quake 3) this is the same for all games... the higher the AF the "crisper" the image is when its further away... look at he 8xAF example and compare it to the bilinear/trilinear which games do as a standard...


this one also shows much "crisper" image...


I have all settings on high and I get 73 fps average

2500+ 1.83 GHZ
512 mb ram
5900 128 mb
I have it set with high settings, 1024x768, 4x AA and 16x AF and it runs at about 26 fps. With AA off but AF kept at 16x I get around 67 fps.

P4 2.53
1 GB RDRAM 800
Crucial 9700 Pro (overclocked)