I LIKE the water splash in the docks video

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
I LIKE the water splash in the docks video. It looks fine. As far as I can tell, there's not much wrong with it. Alright it's not perfect, but then what is? At least it's not a sprite. Who knows, it might even look better in the final product. Besides, I myself could do no better and, therefore, have no right to bitch about it.

I LIKE the G-Man's teeth. In fact, I don't really notice them, especially when compared to the rest of his face, his eyes, his lip-syching and voice-acting. Alright, it's not perfect, but then what is? Who knows, it too could look even better in the finished game. Again, I doubt I could do better, so I have no right to bitch.

I LIKE the zombie blood splat sprite. Alright, it's just a placeholder, and it WILL look better in the finished game, but the fact that it's exactly the same as in the ones in the original game makes me feel all nostalgic, and reminds me that this is truly Half Life's sequel and reminds me of how good it could be. A blood sprite maybe I could manage... But I still don't feel like I have the right to bitch.

I LIKE the planks on the dock. Alright the textures are slightly mis-alligned, and that's a little bit irritating considering the attention to detail that's gone into everything else, but then I remember that it's precisely this attention to detail that'll make Valve re-allign the otherwise gorgeous textures. Plus the fact that the planks will splinter fantastically and act just great. Again, I couldn't do any better.

I LIKE Dr. Kleiner's little glitch in his animation - it's hardly important but that you notice it means you're focussing on the superb animation. Again, I couldn't do any better.

I LIKE Half-Life 2. Or at least, I feel sure I will. And I'm sure most of you will. And I have every faith in Valve and so should you. Just think, if this game's as good as HL, then their first and only two commercial releases will have been the best game ever at their time of release. That's a staggering acheivement. Valve know what they're doing and they're going to deliver to us something the likes of which we've never seen. And what we HAVE seen isn't even the HALF of it. And you couldn't do any better. So you have no right to bitch.

Rant over.
I don't like the bird shit in the docks movie... It's totally unrealistic , I'm not going to buy hl2 untill they fix it.
Originally posted by El_Chi
Besides, I myself could do no better and, therefore, have no right to bitch about it.

You just cant think like that, then almost noone could ever criticise a game, or any movie....or anything else for that matter :D
You aren't a professional, and you for sure dont get paid for doing this kind of work!

If you pay for a professional product, then you can complain and demand and compare to others, doesn't matter what you can do yourself lol
Thanks for the input, but this could have gone inside another thread.
Yeah I realise that but it was simply to counter the "I don't like the water splash in the docks video" thread and actually have a positive praise thread for Valve... But sorry to clog up the forum.
yeah, you do make an important point, but isn't this thread just as useless as the "I DON'T Like..." thread?
Originally posted by Nathaniel
yeah, you do make an important point, but isn't this thread just as useless as the "I DON'T Like..." thread?

yes it is, that is the point, neither thread should have been made, they both suck equally, well no, this ones a bit better because it's not valve bashing, nitpicking, etc... but still.
Originally posted by G·Man
I don't like the bird shit in the docks movie... It's totally unrealistic , I'm not going to buy hl2 untill they fix it.

You like everything because you're a fanboy. There were issues with some of those things. And they may or may not be fixed. Either way the game is still likely to be superb.
I think both the video clips could have used a healthy dose of AA. But its not a big deal to me
I never noticed any of the things you said except for the zombie blood splatter, which I didn't like but it will be fixed. I guess if I don't know its there then whats not to like huh?
anyone remember the misalinged texture in Blast Pit?

There were actually quite a few misaligned textures in HL....but you really had to hunt for them - most of them were not the sort of thing you'd notice the first time through, and even then only if you were familiar with worldcraft.

Quite often the mapper and the texturer are different people (especially in the case of HL2 with it's orange room mapping). A few misaligned textures are bound to slip by - although I'm sure that dock one has already been fixed.

And i like oral sex.

Originally posted by Animal
I R teh goinorz 2 bedorz!

This is a quality reply worthy of bumping a month old thread.

No, wait...
I like th shiny stuff in the videos. Ohh, I also like the girl who has boobies. Ohh, and the guns that go BANG BANG BANG BANG, are cool too. Oh, you know what else is cool? The fan that chops them up. That is awesome. Make me go UHH UHH.

The water, it's NOT that important.
heh, how come the IMG tags arent working, least they werent last time i tried.
They aren't... I don't know why. They should be.
posts - 666...........AHHHHH

EDIT: Damn nm, i already past 666
LMAO yeah it is, i didnt see the month number swicth over, was just lookin at the day =)
thats what I thought, I saw it when I was looking thru old threads, on the fvicking LAST PAGE!
Originally posted by G·Man
I don't like the bird shit in the docks movie... It's totally unrealistic , I'm not going to buy hl2 untill they fix it.

thats stupidity to the fullest length
I actually think the first post provides a strong message and moral idea that we can't complain for all the small silly things for all the great things that we couldn't do if we wanted to :) ( at least in the current state of employment, thinking, education, whatever)
"I can't do any better" is no arguement. If I buy a car and it breaks down, I certainly couldn't build a ****ing car, yet I wouldn't stand for one that is unreliable. We are paying for this, "I couldn't do any better" isn't going to fly.