I love this song.


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score

Edit: different vid. 1st one sucked. my apologies.
I used to be a huge SOAD fan..but after Toxicity I stopped listening to them. Then last year I heard "BYOB" and it sucked (imo)
I used to be a huge SOAD fan..but after Toxicity I stopped listening to them. Then last year I heard "BYOB" and it sucked (imo)

I agree that they haven't been able to reproduce the quality of toxicity, but I loved BYOB. Nice blend of heavy and light elements IMO.
Yup, this song is cool, love the guitar. The video aint too great though. You'd have to be a fan to enjoy it. If you wanna see a great concert check out this! [GVIDEO]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1125464420441257250&q=system+of+a+down+duration%3Along&total=615&start=10&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=6[/GVIDEO] -- 21 minutes long, best video I could find of system live.
mastag;2345584Notice the guys from Rammstein watching :bounce:[/QUOTE said:
Ok. so nazis like them.

much better live vid:

I have a soft spot for SOAD. Toxicity holds some good nostalgia for me. Fun band to listen to.

I really don't like when the guitarist sings though. Such an annoying voice.
the only thing i ever liked was chop suey..the rest seem to suck.
I really don't like when the guitarist sings though. Such an annoying voice.

Yeah, sometimes he can ruin live songs. But he does a great job with "Lonely Day", one of my favorites.
Prison song was better.