I love working tech support!

oMeSSiaHo said:
This dosent need any words!
Yes.. actually, it does...
And are you running windows in 256 color mode..? o.O
Compression? File size would have been too big.
Sorry that was actually a screenshot from their computer. It looks like that uncompressed. For whatever reason the KVM switch we use does that to screenshots.
HAHA, how did the guy reacted when you told him he is a n00b (i hope you did tell)
ALEXDJ said:
HAHA, how did the guy reacted when you told him he is a n00b (i hope you did tell)
Oooh!!! I didn't even pay attention to the address line ><
Now i get it XD
Thats real? o.O Dear god...
Your job must be painful sometimes..
I don't get it ... you seem to be accessing the PC remotely, yet how are you managing this if the internet config is broken?

It's like winding your car window up from the outside ... there's an underlying flaw.
Exclamatio said:
i still dont get it lol
The poster of the thread works in a technical support call centre.
They use remote connections to take control of the customer's computer.
Was helping customer configure his LAN settings.
Instead of putting a LAN IP address the customer has put his home address.

Get it?

I work in technical support too. My favourite is a guy calling in saying "My keyboard keys are sticky. I need a new one". Upon further investigation it had become apparent that the customer was using Windows XP and he'd tapped the shift key 5 times. This activates a Windows feature called StickyKeys... Oh how I laughed when I heard that one.
I confused my girlfriends Dad severely last week over the phone with:

"Ok, so you have XP now yes?"
"Um, I think so. It says when it starts up."
"Oh, well, surely there's..."
"Oh, I restarted it."
"But we hadn't finished formating your hard drive. I meant your XP CD."
"Oh. Right."
Chris_D said:
I work in technical support too. My favourite is a guy calling in saying "My keyboard keys are sticky. I need a new one". Upon further investigation it had become apparent that the customer was using Windows XP and he'd tapped the shift key 5 times. This activates a Windows feature called StickyKeys... Oh how I laughed when I heard that one.
StickyKeys ... possibly the worst legitimate program ever created...
Sorry for the confusion. I work at "IQ crew" at Circuit City. Customers can drop off their computers for us to fix. The customer couldnt get his network running. I think we figured it out! ;)
Reminds me of a story I once heard from a tech support (Really cant authenticate, oax for all I know)

A man called tech support with a very odd question. He told the operator that his coffee cup holder was broken and needed fixing. The operator had no idea what the man was talking about so he sent someone to go to the location and take a look. When the computer repairman arrived the man took him to his computer and told him to fix the coffee holder, the repair man, puzzled, replied "Sir, there are no cup holders on computers." "Oh sure there are," the man replied and he pointed to the CD-Rom Tray.
Yeah, thats become an urban myth among tech support people. However, there seems to be actually more than one documented case of a call like that. :D