I might be visiting Valve HQ this weekend.


Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
I e-mailed Gabe yesterday explaining that I'm going to be visiting Seattle this weekend and asked if I could get a tour. To my suprise when I got off work this morning (blah! from a graveyard shift) my cell phone rang and it was a lady (secretary?) from Valve saying Gabe received my e-mail and that they would try to arrange something for this weekend!

She said she would call or e-mail me back, and that she wasn't sure if Gabe was working on Saturday.

However, it is a possibilty. I may be the first Canadian to get a tour. WOOHOO! So it will depend if I get a reply.

Incase I do go, if there's anything you'd like me to ask. Lemme know.
I'm Canadian, and I've been...was 3 years ago though :p
get lots of pics and bring a vid camera too....... unlike merc which took 10 pics
have fun.. and... ask them if they can give you a pic of TF2... maybe acharacter render.. something.. anything.. *criesincorner*
lol @ virus...

Year, ask them about if TF2 details will be out soon. I think its about time we heard something (ANYTHING) about that game. ;)
Your number one order is to have fun and not worry about what people on the forum want you to do. Any info you can glean is just icing on your cake. :)
I'll bring my cam, it takes pics and can take 30 second clips of video at a time. But really I don't see what all there will be to take pics of. I'm not gonna sit there and take a million pics of their screens. I'd like to get some pics of myself with Gabe and whatnot tho.

I can't believe how friendly and outgoing they are to their fans.

However, I just received an e-mail saying Gabe won't be in this weekend. So I'm gonna try to arrange something for during the week, next week.

Maybe monday, I gotta wait to hear back from my buddy. *crosses fingers*
Here is a question..Have fun!!! Honestly, I don't care what you do, but have fun doing so.
Yah I thought alot of people were kinda of asses to Merc when he went.

I'm going as a fan, not as a reporter. Much like Merc.

However, I thought if there was a couple fairly common questions everyone wanted to know I would try and ask.
with the next tour and picture shots of white board, will come the next test of halflife2.net, I prophesize
eQUIV said:
Yah I thought alot of people were kinda of asses to Merc when he went.

I'm going as a fan, not as a reporter. Much like Merc.

However, I thought if there was a couple fairly common questions everyone wanted to know I would try and ask.

I wouldnt worry about the idiots who bash you because you didnt buy a brand new $1000 camera just to take shots of screens...

Most people understand that anything you do bring is a bonus and that we should not expect anything. :)

Try to have as fun as possible, take a few pics of the lads and stuff. And maybe of a whiteboard or a screen :naughty:

It would be fun if you could ask how they're feeling over there after all this time and stuff.
I wont ask you to do a damn thing.. just have fun and try to meet as many of em' as possible! Your a lucky dude!

Dude, get alot of new pictures, vids, and don't forget to steal HL2 2004 Build, OK..!!

Gorgon said:

Dude, get alot of new pictures, vids, and don't forget to steal HL2 2004 Build, OK..!!



PLZ ask about DoD:Source.

Dont ask how long they'we come, but ask for media, pictures, SOMETHING.

Would also be cool if you could get the Valve team to pose for a group picture :D
Make valve hostages and ask them to release the game pronto, else start killing them. Do it before the CTs arrive, though.
I think I had a dream last night I went on a tour of Valve.
cool hope you have fun! also ask about the hl2 sdk!

One thing that wasn't dealt with the last trip, was the 'packaging' issue.

Hopefully they are closer to having some nailed down packages.

So if it were me, I would ask:
What retail packages are there going to be, with what contents?
Will it be possible to pre-order the collectors edition through steam (so we can play instantly, and still get the physical extras).

Answering these would be good for valve, because I am holding off my preorder until I get this info.

And have fun!
eQUIV said:
Yah I thought alot of people were kinda of asses to Merc when he went.

I'm going as a fan, not as a reporter. Much like Merc.

However, I thought if there was a couple fairly common questions everyone wanted to know I would try and ask.

If you feel like taking a picture of a whiteboard, make sure it's the whole thing. I suspect Gabe will order his Whiteboard Team to conjure up some magical scheme like they did last time!

Yah, and what everyone else said, have fun. You'll most likely to play Half-Life 2, so if you do, make sure to take a look at the GFX quality ;)
I have 2 Q's if you can or want to ask him. Was this intentional with the white board incident? And info on the collectors edition! :bounce:
WANT...arghhh GIVE me..QUICK!! neeeeed information arghllll....
Bring a CD-R and 'convince' them to let you burn as many binks to it as possible. :)
Question 1 Ask if Valve are still confident about a summer release

Question 2 Is there going to be a worldwide retail release

Otherwise, PHOTOS.
neat to see a fellow Canadian might get a chance to visit :)
try and get some info.. anything on the Collectors Edition..
im dyin to know something about it :p
thehunter1320 said:

Yes, and for god's sake, this time THE WHOLE WHITE BOARD!!! :E
Varsity said:
Bring a CD-R and 'convince' them to let you burn as many binks to it as possible. :)

Please do! Bring a CD-R, ask if you can burn the ultra-high-res E3 video on to it! :D Merc said it looked so kickass.
Any new info at all would be great, regardless of what it is (pictures of whiteboards, screens, etc.)
bring a dvd-r and 'convince' them to give you a copy of hl2 ^^
Just have fun!! Hl2.net sent you in good faith!! Ween as much info as you can and try to get a few photo's of thigs we haven't perhaps seen (i.e. no more bloody whiteboards!).
Just enjoy your trip...and you might ask them about expansion-packs
If the binks are ready and available, the burning thing isn't a bad idea indeed... That way they don't have to overload the Steam system (yet) and let us do the distribution ^_^

Would work for both parties I'd say...
Thank them for us for all the fun we had with the whiteboard - let them know we appreciate it. Also, mention our passworld/co-ordinate theory for the location of City 17, that might give them a laugh or two.

But most importantly, just relax and enjoy - don't feel any pressure from us.