I might be visiting Valve HQ this weekend.

screw all this, get an actual concrete statement about this lunatic release date! Just pin someone down and force an honest answer from them...what month will this game be made available to consumers?
If you could, please ask them when the Bink-videos are going to be released. :)

And have fun over there!
Loke said:
If you could, please ask them when the Bink-videos are going to be released. :)

And have fun over there!

Exactly what I was thinking. Ask Valve what they expect the HL community will do if they dont release HL2 on time. :)
Say we loved the white board-test and we want one more. Ask them if it is really the location of City 17 and some info about Sven Co-Op 2 would be nice :p
And if you play the game: plz tell no spoilers here or you will get hunted down and raped :)

Or just have fun and forget my whole post :D
take photos of anything
ask about things that we dont know like enemie's and stuff
and enjoy your time
Well i couldnt get sunday night off work, so it appears it won't be happening this week.

Ah well, I will do it sometime within the next few weeks if they will still have me. I will take the time off work in advance this time.

Gabe is only their during the week. So Im screwed. :flame:

Sorry guys.
About the whiteboard... just take a pic... that's the only semi-reliable schedule we can hope for.
Ask how many goats gabe sacrificed when they were hunting for the hackers
lol hes probably not even going after all and you guys are giving him pages of information
Rupertvdb said:
screw all this, get an actual concrete statement about this lunatic release date! Just pin someone down and force an honest answer from them...what month will this game be made available to consumers?
And remember, it's your god-given right to carry fire arms...
Too bad eQUIV, hope you can organise something else though, and have fun when you do get there :thumbs:

<BrokenRecord> Could you please get info/media about DoD:Source? </BrokenRecord>
eQUIV said:
However, I just received an e-mail saying Gabe won't be in this weekend. So I'm gonna try to arrange something for during the week, next week.

Maybe monday, I gotta wait to hear back from my buddy. *crosses fingers*
Err, he seemed to think he was going there....
eQUIV said:
Well i couldnt get sunday night off work, so it appears it won't be happening this week.

Ah well, I will do it sometime within the next few weeks if they will still have me. I will take the time off work in advance this time.

Gabe is only their during the week. So Im screwed. :flame:

Sorry guys.

you better have a hat that says "canucks" on it when you walk in VALVe's door eQUIV... you just damn better... hopefully something will work out... shame you couldnt go, but if it was me, i'd tell work that i'm having a kidney removed, or donating blood or something.
Lol.... I'm gonna have to save up like $2000 and fly over from Australia to Seattle :)
That sucks that you couldn't go man, hopefully you can get something arranged soon. ;)