i might get the game but...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gajdycz
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1. why do all the women have big titties

2. is it for the pc?, will i need to buy a pc-console like controler

3. preveiws, reviews plz
Because boobs rock, yes it's for the PC, no you don't need a controler, and I don't know any previews and reviews.
1. Why do you make it sound like such a bad thing?

2. PC, you won't need a controller.

3. There are plenty of previews and movies. Reviews should be along shortly I think.
1.Sex appeal
3. Read the sticky at the top of this forum.
Gajdycz said:
1. why do all the women have big titties

2. is it for the pc?, will i need to buy a pc-console like controler

3. preveiws, reviews plz

1: It is a Tzimisce plot, they secretly found out the discipline of dominate, and for better seducing the prey they have fleshcrafted all the female vampires with bigger breasts so that they could easily seduce any man and suck out his.. blood yes.
Later in the game you find out that the Tzimisce have indeed infiltrated the Camarilla with female asassins having bigger breasts and thus more easyer able to infiltrate(as mentioned before). However it is the the Inner Circle's own fault. Clan Gangrel warned them about tit, but they where laughed away. That is why Xaviar left. His scentence however is, due to obvious reasons, never made public. So, there you are, as a young fledgeling. Your remaining humanity notices something is wrong about the breasts, so you are the only one to notice! It is up to you to save the inner circle, and thus the Camarilla as a whole, from complete destruction!

...should I place spoiler tags here? ;)

2: Yep, no controller needed.

3: Look around a bit, you'll find a lot of stuff.
Gajdycz said:
1. why do all the women have big titties

Its a computer game; see: key demographic for computer games.
1. Sex sells.

2. It's for PC

3. No reviews yet. Go to the useful info thread for previews.
1. As I understand it, the Los Angeles etc in this game is perverted, spoiled, and well, dark. Results in more hookers and stuff like that, including the phenomenon (:P) you mentioned.

2. It won't even come out on the consoles.

3. What everyone else said.
Yes, it takes place in L.A. and everyone knows that every woman in L.A. has had a boob job.
1. this is the world of darkness vampires r dark seductive beings that humans fall in awe when they see you, well thats where th boobs come ine but u have to have at least 3 points in appearance :P

2. all out pc game (not a crappy port)

3. you must check out the video tutorials 4 or 5 parts in all. i think u can find them @ yahoo
vampires and sexual imagery is a common theme no?
so why is this guy surprised?...
Everyone read Foraus post as he is the only one whos explained it without saying "Lolol boobs are fun" >_>

Vampires are all ment to be perfect, looks wize, if they had any marks or something from life, they would go away when they became a vampire, that explains why everyone looks so perfect (of coruse there not all like that, some vamp clans have monster like vampires)

For reviews/previews, read the sticky ;)
Ritz said:
Everyone read Foraus post as he is the only one whos explained it without saying "Lolol boobs are fun" >_>

Vampires are all ment to be perfect, looks wize, if they had any marks or something from life, they would go away when they became a vampire, that explains why everyone looks so perfect (of coruse there not all like that, some vamp clans have monster like vampires)

For reviews/previews, read the sticky ;)

but... boobs are fun!!!!