I Miss black mesa :( :( :(



Realy... i would love hl2 to have been purly Present day and gordons return to black mesa... the whole Black mesa research facility story was great and realy grabbed you into the story and made you feel like you where alone as the bleak desert land scape was all you could see when you reached the surface.... and more idealy it would be a present day not moderd as again i didnt feel as much part of the game with these robots flying around and white men who look like mysterons or something out of star wars... all in all it was a great game but i did feel the kind of left the whole story aspect out and that modern look ruined the feel.
yeah make no doubt about that.

Or you could play HL:S.
Yeah, it has gone more sci-fi... in terms of new technologies than black mesa, but it's not far off the later guns in half-life, the guass cannon etc. It is mostly very contempary, the architecture, the tv's and all that.
They'd need to build a new Black Mesa or go to a similar place.

In Opposing Force, after you disarm the nuclear bomb, you see G-Man doing something to it. Then in the end sequence, as G-man talks, there is a white flash. I think that was Black Mesa getting nuked.
Yeah Black Mesa was def. blown off the map. Sorry fellas but I dont think we will be returning there anytime soon. Unless of course we go back in time...
I want an add-on where you play as the combine and it's centered around squad combat and taking and defending key parts of the city. Like a hybrid fps/rts that's more FPS action than resource strategy.

Oh yea and Black Mesa was cool but I think it was too bleak a place to get and dev team excited with all the new technologies and capabilities. It's gonna be all about real world architecture and dynamic lighting in open enviorments.
Yes im pretty shure we all miss black mesa especially me i beat hl2 twice and to be totally honest i wasnt mind blown amased...and i really hope someone will mod black mesa then i will defunatly be mind blown amased :p hehe well thats my opinion
i dont think thet there will be official epansion in black messa... that chapter of the story is done... there is many new areaso t oexplore and blow up!
yeah i kinda miss the BMRF as well...perhaps in an expansion they may have an objective or two which requires u to re-visit the place or some such.

hmm..i was thinking.. games hardly have "flashbacks" the Max Payne series would be an exception to that.. but i can't think of another game which tells at least part of a story through "flashbacks"
i think a "flashback" for Gordon or Adrian might really fit in well...especially if u consider the "stasis status" which both of them probably go through thanks to the G-man ;)
Honestly I think I will miss City 17 even more when playing HL3 :)
games hardly have "flashbacks" the Max Payne series would be an exception to that..

The Max Payne series was one of the best I've ever played. The story and the gameplay were both top notch. HL2 is the only game that has a better single player that I've ever played.
doomed - uk said:
They'd need to build a new Black Mesa or go to a similar place.

In Opposing Force, after you disarm the nuclear bomb, you see G-Man doing something to it. Then in the end sequence, as G-man talks, there is a white flash. I think that was Black Mesa getting nuked.

Obviously! The G-Man was making sure that no one from the outer world knew about the incident at Black Mesa.
doomed - uk said:
They'd need to build a new Black Mesa or go to a similar place.

Black Mesa East fits that description. :p

I bet we'll see more of it in whatever expansions happen next.
Someone should email Valve and ask them if there is any chance of us being able to revisit Black Mesa, maybe in an official expansion or dm map. I would but i'm lazy.
When Gordon and Barney go their separate ways....one of them turns to the other and says......

"We'll always have Black Mesa.........." :cheese:
another point if i remember correctly hl1 was over 2x longer than hl2... im not having a go at it cause it is the average lengh of a game but playing hl1 i always thought i was comming to the end but the game carried on ...
Fluffeh said:
another point if i remember correctly hl1 was over 2x longer than hl2... im not having a go at it cause it is the average lengh of a game but playing hl1 i always thought i was comming to the end but the game carried on ...
True, but Half-life is like one of the longest fps out there today so what can you expect?
I'll be more than happy if you get to play as Barney in an exp and get to talk to Kleiner about BMRF. Barnye, Kleiner, Lamarr and BMRF are all I need to be happy.
what was the last level in op4 called? i want to see that :)
ahh i found it, that was pretty cool, i remember getting far in the game but never beating it

ya i wish we had some form of black mesa back, perhaps they could make a dm map with it... that would be so awesome
It was called "Worlds Collide" and it was sort of okay. The boss was even shitter than Nihilanth. :D

I don't miss BMRF at all. After all, my favourite parts of HL2 were those bits where you were outside in the open air...with the exception of the Citadel (okay and Nova Prospekt). Black Mesa just wouldn't have done the engine justice and I for one welcome the new direction HL2 has taken the game in.
Yes, even though it was nuked. Return to a miles-wide crater in the Mojave Desert? I can hardly wait.
hhahaha sulkdodds :)
well i love everything about hl2, and im happy it was outdoors and everything, but i just think for kicks they should put in an old dm map or something that involved black mesa somehow, that would be cool... because afterall, dm isnt part of the actual story
Guys, we have no idea how big Black Mesa east is... It could be the Black Mesa's counter-part as opposed to few little underground hallways that we got to see.
Top Secret said:
Guys, we have no idea how big Black Mesa east is... It could be the Black Mesa's counter-part as opposed to few little underground hallways that we got to see.
Do you realise how big BM was? BME is only an old hydro plant!
Varsity said:
Do you realise how big BM was? BME is only an old hydro plant!
Yup, so unless the combine rebuilt Hoover Dam in eastern europe and then for some reason dropped down security on it, you're out of luck!
HadouKen24 said:
The Max Payne series was one of the best I've ever played. The story and the gameplay were both top notch. HL2 is the only game that has a better single player that I've ever played.

yeah max payne 1 ruled...2 was not so got...

LOL ic Jonn!! is using my avatar without my permission... :eek:
Theres always Black Mesa: Source...give it a year or so to remake HL1 and we will have it. :D

(Seriously, it looks absolutly ROCKING).
At the end of Opposing Force, as the G-Man talks, you see a flash. This supposed to be the nuke G-man set to explode taking out Black Mesa. Well, you can't see a flash from a nuke set off underground unless it was near enough to the surface to blow the stuff above it apart, and if it was that close to the surface for that it's not going to be doing much damage to a complex that is almost totally underground.

Most of the blast of the nuke would have been absorped by the rock that Black Mesa was built into, much like US military's NORAD is built into Cheyenne mountain to withstand a direct nuclear blast.

Test footage of real underground nuclear explosions in systems of tunnels show that the ground collapses in a fairly small area around the explosion. That's what would have happened to Black Mesa as well, and it was far too wide for a single warhead to take it out.

The nuke wouldn't have destroyed Black Mesa, just collapsed the area around the explosion and filled the corridors first with extremely hot blast and then radioactive fallout. Doors which were shut would have kept out the blast but the fallout might have got through the air-conditioning.

So I think Black Mesa is mostly intact but with a big hole in it and filled with radiotive fallout. It'd be uninhabitable but mostly not destroyed.
doomed - uk said:
They'd need to build a new Black Mesa or go to a similar place.

In Opposing Force, after you disarm the nuclear bomb, you see G-Man doing something to it. Then in the end sequence, as G-man talks, there is a white flash. I think that was Black Mesa getting nuked.

Damn, guess I should have bought the exp packs as well, eh? ;)
sabbey said:
Damn, guess I should have bought the exp packs as well, eh? ;)

It doesn't occur to many people to think about saying *spoilers* for a game which is about 5 years old, and I'm one of those people it doesn't occur to. :E

If they haven't played it by now, they're very late indeed.
doomed - uk said:
At the end of Opposing Force, as the G-Man talks, you see a flash. This supposed to be the nuke G-man set to explode taking out Black Mesa. Well, you can't see a flash from a nuke set off underground unless it was near enough to the surface to blow the stuff above it apart, and if it was that close to the surface for that it's not going to be doing much damage to a complex that is almost totally underground.

Most of the blast of the nuke would have been absorped by the rock that Black Mesa was built into, much like US military's NORAD is built into Cheyenne mountain to withstand a direct nuclear blast.

Test footage of real underground nuclear explosions in systems of tunnels show that the ground collapses in a fairly small area around the explosion. That's what would have happened to Black Mesa as well, and it was far too wide for a single warhead to take it out.

The nuke wouldn't have destroyed Black Mesa, just collapsed the area around the explosion and filled the corridors first with extremely hot blast and then radioactive fallout. Doors which were shut would have kept out the blast but the fallout might have got through the air-conditioning.

So I think Black Mesa is mostly intact but with a big hole in it and filled with radiotive fallout. It'd be uninhabitable but mostly not destroyed.
That is the way I see it too. If Black Mesa were mostly a surface facility then yes there wouldn't be anything to go back too. However since it was a huge underground system of tunnels I doubt one nuke would have taken out the whole thing.

Personally I would have liked it if in HL2 you would get warped to Black Mesa to do some sort of task. It would have definately been one of, if not the most scary atmospheric settings in any game up until now I suspect. Source engine combined with alien-infested long abandoned half destroyed underground research facility would have been absolutely amazing.
Yeah, a dark and abandoned Black Mesa with who knows what running around inside it would be such a cool location. :smoking:
I have thought about this for a bit now and wanted to share my thoughts:
First of all, I really really miss BMRF. And I have found out what (for me) made Black Mesa so different from City 17 and what distinguishes HL1 from HL2.

Although you as the player visit BMRF for the first time, everybody knows you there. From the moment you step through the door, everybody knows who you are, and you somehow feel at home because the people welcome you and know what you are trying to achieve with your experiments.
This is similar in HL2, but with the difference that you don't feel at home. People know who you are, but they only "like" you because they hope you can help them. They are desperate of your help, not of your person.

Then at BMRF it is you (Gordon) who starts it all. It doesn't matter now if it was really Dr. Breen, the G-Man or whoever who might have started it before, because as a player you felt responsible for what happened. People trusted in you, and now they are all dying because you screwed up. This makes you feel really sad, and I always had the feeling that when a NPC died it was my fault. So you want to make up for it, really relieve the people because you created the mess.
This is where HL2 screwed it up a little IMO. You are not directly the one who caused the scenario (overall you might be responsible because of the Resonance Cascade, but the game just puts you in this fixed situation). When NPC's die, you might feel bad for them, but only because you know it's wrong. You don't blame yourself, and thus I didn't care about the NPC's as much as I did in HL1, although they are much more developed now. As the player, you of course still want to clear things up, but in the end you just have to because there is nobody else. You have no direct connection to the situation, as it was already like this. You just don't feel responsible for the things that happen, and this is where I think Valve should have put in more work. NPC's will die, you will feel sad, but in the end it is not really your fault, because they would have died anyway even if you hadn't shown up.

Another thing that makes the two games different, is the development. In BMRF, you always think things are going to get better soon. When you escape the champer, you think it is enough the get outside and everything is fine. When the marines show up, you first think "Phew, now we are save" but then again things only become worse, because now you have two enemies.
Things aren't going well in City17 either, but from the beginning you know that things aren't going to get pretty very soon. From the beginning you know that the whole regime will have to be stopped or there won't be an end to it, so there isn't really a development in your situation. From the start you know you are the one who has to stop the whole regime, and not like in HL1 where you should escape or just get some help.

This is it for now. Don't get me wrong, please. I really enjoyed HL2, it is a really great game. But it just didn't blow me away like HL1 did when I played it the first time. And I just wanted to try to explain why that was. There might be more, and I will be adding to this when I think of something new.
Hercules331 said:
Yeah Black Mesa was def. blown off the map. Sorry fellas but I dont think we will be returning there anytime soon. Unless of course we go back in time...

My guess is that will be HL3...to stop this all before it starts.