I must be going now...


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
This will be my very last post, my very last thread, and my final goodbye. I'm afraid it's in my best interest to never visit this site again. Lots of things are ahead of me, and now even, so I am dedicating myself to priorities and what should come first.

God knows it's been wonderful. I can remember the days now. All of them. So many memories. I will never forget.

Toodle-loo to all and to a forum I've become most attached. o/

*joule logs out and removes halflife2.net bookmark once and forever*
whoah. I can't think of ANY reason to do things so... final, unless you absolutely hated the site and we scared you away. But, bye.
cya dude, i remember we chatted a few times on msn and stuff, take care :)
wow...didnt see that one coming :|
Here's to a popular long time member of our great forum - hope that you are successful in whatever it is you want to accomplish
Bye buddy! You will be forever missed!
I didn't really get to know you all that well, but bye bye! Bon Voyage.
loves you forever joule :) sad to see you go.

at least keep msn around :D
Bon voyage and, best of luck in your future endeavours! Wherever, or whatever, that may be.
Good Bye, have fun at the things you accomplish.

*breaks out the guitar

*starts singing a random song
Bye Bye, I remeber I thought you were a girl and you laughed at me.
Bye joule. Have fun doing, whatever it is you do.

Yeah, good luck with eternity....

However, I still don't see the reason to make threads like this. Is spending 15 minutes on this site every few days really going to turn your life into a living hell?
OvA said:
Yeah, good luck with eternity....

However, I still don't see the reason to make threads like this. Is spending 15 minutes on this site every few days really going to turn your life into a living hell?
some guys spend practically their whole days surfing the forums...i expect thats what joule was doing too
Bye Joule!
Good luck in life, hope you have a good one :)

Bye and good luck with whatever your priorities are.
Kamikazie said:
some guys spend practically their whole days surfing the forums...i expect thats what joule was doing too

What ever happened to self control?

I usually have this site up while I'm doing homework or whatnot, and I stop to post whenever I take a break....
So why are we posting in a thread he has promised never to visit..?

Oh well, hello bandwagon, good-bye Joule.
Just because you're not going to be reading this:

Good luck :p
That was... unexpected.

Cya. And I mean it... you know you'll at least read this ;]
why does everyone have to "leave" the forums? I mean you can have a life and still visit the forums. Hmm anyways see ya
I think he's trying to show off that he is advancing in his personal life :p
Good points raised about 'leaving forums' here, could be worth a discussion...

Goodbye friend of sorts, never really knew ye, but still, dasvydanya
vegeta897 said:
I think he's trying to show off that he is advancing in his personal life :p

Quick! Break his legs so he can't leave!
TollBooth Willie said:
If you do it with a .50BMG you won't need to break them, they'll be broken already.
People who really leave, do just that - they leave. Not make /exit threads.
Yes... /exit threads just seem to be an attention whore thread, and people have said that before.
No offense directed, or meant.
EDIT: Why not just sig you are leaving, then if someone looks at previous post, they know.
When I leave I'm making a "goodbye" thread. Although it really won't be a "goodbye" thread, so much as a "**** you all" thread.
Of course, that'll only happen if I'm admitted into the inner halls of
, which is really just another way of saying probably never.