I need a date to go with me to go watch matrix revolution

I'm going with a mate, but I don't mind going solo or with my dad :) I'm one of the few people that actually enjoys WATCHING the movie, although eating all your friends' popcorn is fun.
I understand the matrix movies so far. but my bros dont understand it at all. they kinda got the 1st one but didnt get the 2nd one. :(
Originally posted by Chris_D
The Matrix isn't the best film to go and see a girl with dude. Most girls I know think they all suck.

Why do you need a date to go to see the Matrix anyway. Go on your own, with parents or take a mate.

Not true, I'm going with my sister....
Well your first problem is that you are asking for a date on an internet message board about half life 2 ;). If you have any friends that are girls I'm sure at least one will be happy to go with you. If that is not an option if you have a sister about the same age as you you should ask her to hook you up with someone (I bet you thought I would say take the sister out :) ). If that fails try placing an ad in the paper or some thing like that if you have time.

Good Luck,
Originally posted by thenerdguy
Ive got the problem solved. Im taking my bosses daughter.

That could be a mistake and a half.

EDIT-Ah but I see youre only 18 so your job might not be so permanent , if its just fast food or something , go for it of course.
OMG I'd have the wife and the daughter
I will not have sex with her! Im not that stupid! There are too many movies about sleeping with the bosses daughter that get very bloody(as in chainsaws and axes and sword and flame throwers) somewhere in the middle of the movie.
Damn't I need a date!!!Any offers???
I think the whole event is going to be pretty akward. I mean your the only one there who will not be family.
I'm teh sexay lady! Let me shave my armpits, beard, legs, chest, and back and I'll go wit any of ya!
YAY, i'm going to the 2 o'clock showing tomorrow WOOOOO!

all my Graphics class are coming with me, and taking the afternoon off, even the lecturer :cheese:

IT gonna be so cool.....that's if i can get some cred together because i don't get paid till the 15th ;(