I need a good topic.


Jun 28, 2004
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I am writing an argumentative paper for English and I need a topic. The only thing is, if possible, to stay away with any topic dealing with morality. I go to a catholic school, and my teacher wants the topic to not deal with morality.

example- I cant chose abortion as a topic, because the Catholic church's stance is against it.

Any ideas would be awesome. Thanks
write about the caltholic church's censorship of your essay, get kicked out of school and sue.
Argue against ruler-beatings.

Or, you could try to keep a video game from being produced, lol.
Talk about how religion influences contemporary american culture.
argue the driving test is WAY too easy.

which can break off into other things involving drivers and driving technology.
How about the problems with institutionalized communism? Or the state of the oral hygene of triceritops based on fossil evidence and conjecture.
Write about how a person should be pulled off the road for their driving skills (or lack of), and not because of their blood alcohol content, which shouldn't factor into the picture.
Why animal crackers aren't really crackers, because they are actually cookies.
Ah, I love those kinds of assignments.....
The past, present and future of american folklore.
Combat Whacko Jacko, tell the world why he's wrong, ruin any attempt at him giving the senate ideas, turn him to the light side, be hailed as a gaming hero, be put in Valves next game!