I need a ****ing space game!


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Can anyone recommend a great space shooter? :borg:

I was thinking of buying Dark Star One, because I have a serious craving to blow up some shit in space. The screenshots look insane. However, I have heard that it is a bit lacking. I might like it, but don't know what it's like. If you have this game, can you tell me if it fits the type of game I'm looking for?

I like simple. I like fun. I like great explosions and sound effects. I like amazing graphics. I like a top-down view. I like RPG elements (upgradable ships and stuff)

I don't like complicated controlls, buying and trading too much, lots of bullshit before you can get to the action.

I have heard of Freelancer, Wing Commander, and Nexus, but I know nothing about them, except that Wing Commander has been around longer than your momma. That is the extent of my knowlege of space shooters.

Thank you so much.
Freelancer (if you can find it) is the best choice. Brilliant, if a bit old now.
EVE Online (too epic to comprehend really, more addictive than WoW)
Dark Star One is good too.
Freespace 2
Darkstar one is decent, but not as good as the three above.
noob! there's more than one asteroid in Asteroids

My brother has Asteroids, and Asteroids Deluxe the arcade machines, in great condition.

Asteroids is probably my favorite classic arcade game, though I really liked Tempest as well as a few others.. So it goes without saying I'll like a space game that is very simple. As long as the sound effects are cool, and the explosions are cool, and the gameplay is tight, I'll love it. I have Geometry Wars, don't ask me how. That game is really cool.

I have the original Asteroids program, emulated on my computer. It's not quite the same as the real thing because... it's not the real thing. So I go to my brothers house and have at it.

There was this game on the Dreamcast called Armada. I really liked that game, it's too bad it wasn't much more varied and deep... I bet they made a sequel. I should find out.

I haven't had a chance to check out reviews of all of these games you guys mentioned yet, but the graphics looked incredible in some of them. I really appreciate it.

I did read a review of Dark Star one, and it sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. It's too bad about the shortcomings though, it seems like they could have easily added more sounds and background graphics. Bummer. I'll probably get this game. Possibly one of the others as well.

Or Alien vs. Predator (PC) or System Shock 2 (PC)
Freespace. 2.

'Nuff said, it's the only space sim you'll ever need.
DOn't get X3. Oh god, I thought it would be the best game ever. But the acting is so horrible, the city designs are worse *I know it's a space game, but come ON.* It's over complicated for what you want to do.

These are all my opinions, and I'm sure aren't viewed as truth with ANYBODY else. The game is beautiful though!

Go get Good Ol' Fashioned X-Wing
I think he'd like darkstar one ..there's a demo, it's worth playing
The greatest space sim in existance is Universal Combat Special Edition, from the infamous Derek Smart.

It's the DEEPEST space sim ever created, and I speak of experience, having played all the Elite games and plenty of other space sims, BUT, you'll need to handle a steep lurning curve and reading a 100+ page manual.:p
Imagine Freelancer2 in DX10 glory, shame I haven't heard anything about a sequel.

There will be a sequel to the Elite series, but that won't be for some time; The developers are currently working on The Outsider, which they will be incorporated tehnology from, and integrating it into EliteX

You can download the Space Combat Test for Infinity: Quest for Earth
Best games I can think of are Escape Velocity Nova, and Space Rangers 2.

EV Nova seems like your best bet IMO. Its isometric view, real time action, decent amounts of weapons, armour and equipment, and multiple storylines makes it one of the most enjoyable space sims I've played. Mind you the graphics are dated, but they do the job.

Space Rangers 2 is more of a turn based game, but at the same time, its so much more than that. So much gameplay varieties, including arcade shooter, RTS, and even text adventure. Graphics are beautiful, and there is almost infinate replayability.

Give EV Nova a try (a trial is avaliable on the official website). Its only $30 to register, and to me it seems like the simple fun you are looking for.
I say get X2. X3 needs a beast of a PC, and I'm not talking graphics card necessarily - the AI takes a hell of a lot of computing.

X3 tried to improve the UI and make it clickable, but IMO it's worse than X2's, and it's not even close to a game like Eve's UI.

X2 will be cheaper too.
x3: reunion is on Steam ..it's complicated space trading sim so it might not be your cup of tea

this is supposed to be pretty good:


I love it... I have over 600 hours on one save game, Call me crazy but its the only game that I like more then HL2... I have the paicence of a Saint lol.

X3 isn't that hard on your pc, I had no troubles running it on and X1600 AGP 1gb DDR-400 and a Pentium D 840
I loved X2 building your own empire, and controlling capital ship fleets, and all that. Takes a long while to get into, to even get enough money for 1 capital ship.

Never played x3
I have 37 capital ships at the moment..all costing 120mil+ credits each...lol... in the process of clearing out the Paranid..
Yeah, I think I'm going to have to see if I can find some demos for these games when I get home from work. I can't wait to be old so I can retire. I don't have time to do any ****ing thing.

I think I would like any game where it has awesome ships on top of awesome backgrounds, with awesome firefights and huge ****ing particle explosions and sound effects that shake the house and shit. I could get used to bartering. (hell I played wow)

I know this game exists. Can't wait to play it.
I heard rumor of a game called Sins of a Solar Empire which appears to be Galaxy: Total War. Sounds damn fun. Anyone know anything more substantial on it?
Freelancer (if you can find it) is the best choice. Brilliant, if a bit old now.
EVE Online (too epic to comprehend really, more addictive than WoW)
Dark Star One is good too.

Freelancer... ahh I remember that game well.

I used to have a demoCD of it about 5 years ago. It didn't run very well on my computer (kept crashing and no sound) but I loved it to bits.
I REALLY wish they would make Freespace 3 :((((((

The first 2 are the best space games ever.
If you have a Gamecube or Wii, I'd recommend Star Wars: Rogue Leader or Rebel Strike.

Not much space combat, but it's got explosions and fun, simple gameplay.
You don't need a demo for Freespace 2

Freelancer was fun but I found it got repetitive and the huge distances you would have to travel at times were annoying.

Killer, thanks for that! I can't wait to try it, but I hate clogging up my bandwidth for 4-7 hours while it downloads. I might set it up before I go to bed.

The full version ay? Fooken Nice. The graphics seem great. I hope it's fun.

Thanks again everyone for the suggestions.
You don't need a demo for Freespace 2

Freelancer was fun but I found it got repetitive and the huge distances you would have to travel at times were annoying.

Well I got Freespace 2 and Dark Star One. I'm having trouble getting the controlls set up. This is probably why I don't like these games. Games that use a combination of a joystick and keyboard piss me off.

Anyone have any tips on how to set up the controlls? Er, any sweet controll set ups? I wouldn't mind using a mouse and keyboard instead of a gamepad.

I'm going to go play asteroids.
tacyon is quite fun if you can get a hold of it, its on gametap
I remember playing TIE Fighter a lot. Of course I have a lot of desk space so sliding the keyboard over a bit so I can set the joystick up there isn't an issue. I'll have to give freespace a try.
I remember playing TIE Fighter a lot. Of course I have a lot of desk space so sliding the keyboard over a bit so I can set the joystick up there isn't an issue. I'll have to give freespace a try.

Freespace 2 - graphics/sounds aren't bad or anything. Not like Dark Star one or anything, but...

I didn't think of a joystick, I might have to get one. I've been trying to use a gamepad or mouse/keyboard. It's just pages of controlls for both games.

I thought I would be able to just use the dual analog sticks to steer, and have shit load of fire buttons. :Devil:

Instead there are like 20 other buttons you need for various shit that I don't want to do.

I want a much more simple shooter game with a top down view and sick graphics. :SIGH:
So you don't want any kind of simulator?
Well I got Freespace 2 and Dark Star One. I'm having trouble getting the controlls set up. This is probably why I don't like these games. Games that use a combination of a joystick and keyboard piss me off.

Anyone have any tips on how to set up the controlls? Er, any sweet controll set ups? I wouldn't mind using a mouse and keyboard instead of a gamepad.

Last time I played I used a mouse and keyboard without any problems (well after I wrote down some of the controls I would forget).
So you don't want any kind of simulator?
You have to be kidding.

I tell you what game rules - Asteroids Hyper 64 for N64. Subwoofer=enable :cheese:

Asteroids with really nice graphics. This would be a great game for the DS if they remake it.

I want basically a game like Asteroids with DX9 graphics, scrolling backgrounds, and shit loads of enemy ships to blow up and gain experience and loot.
You have to be kidding.

I tell you what game rules - Asteroids Hyper 64 for N64. Subwoofer=enable :cheese:

Asteroids with really nice graphics. This would be a great game for the DS if they remake it.

I want basically a game like Asteroids with DX9 graphics, scrolling backgrounds, and shit loads of enemy ships to blow up and gain experience and loot.

Then you really don't need us, there's thousands of flash games like what you're looking for.
Nexus: the Jupiter Incident is awesome, yeah

I do like Eve a lot too. But it only really works in groups until you get good.
You have to be kidding.

I tell you what game rules - Asteroids Hyper 64 for N64. Subwoofer=enable :cheese:

Asteroids with really nice graphics. This would be a great game for the DS if they remake it.

I want basically a game like Asteroids with DX9 graphics, scrolling backgrounds, and shit loads of enemy ships to blow up and gain experience and loot.
Go play Call of Duty then slits your wrists plz thx.