The only reason I don't like it is because it hates me. It would not install on my computer untill after around 8 attempts of different drivers. Then I got it installed, restarted my compter and it gave me another error. Until now, it is working fine now. But I still hate it.
Well what do you think I should do to get it to stop causing these errors? I mean I could reformat and start off clean.. Although, I don't really want to do that at the moment. Even though, I just recently reformatted..
Did you uninstall all your drivers from the old card properly? Download a driver cleaner, run it, it'll get rid of all drivers or what's left of them including the 9800 pro ones, so once it's done you'll have to download drivers from or use the ones that came with it. Just go to google and search for "driver cleaner," it should find something.