I need Help Installing Halflife 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bobby
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I just got a brand new computer its a sony vaio a 200 gb hard drive and so on well i went out and bought halflife 2 used from game stop and when i install the game it first installs steam then when i click on install halflife 2 its like it installs steam again i install all five cds everythings fine but when i tr y to play the game it say error steam can only be ran once at a time whats with that i had registerd with steam that was done i cant figurt out what the problem is can somebody walk me thur this or at lease refer me to a site or someone that might be able to help me out please thankyou

Well, Steam is a program that distributes games. It is also an anti-piracy program, so two people can't use the same account (If that happens, Valve, the makers, lose money). So you have to log in into Steam. When two people are logged in using the same account, they are kicked off Steam. You can create a Steam account for free, and then you can enter game CD-keys that will enable you to play those games through Steam. Half-Life 2 is one of those games.

When you install Half-Life 2, Steam first installs, and then asks for the game CD-key. You then also have to specify an existing Steam account or make a new one. If you made a new one, you will have to have put in an e-mail address. Check your e-mail inbox for a Steam confirmation e-mail that contains your Steam account name and your password.

You can log in into Steam by starting it (Sometimes it automatically starts when you start the computer), and fill in the account name and password boxes with the account name and the password you got in your Steam confirmation e-mail.

It should log you in, and you should now be able to go to the 'My Games' tab and start playing Half-Life 2 :D (Although it will have to download a lot of updates that will make the game more fun and make it load faster)