I need help with choices



Ermm... I have limited budget with me right now. I can afford either one of these PC games.

1) Halo
2) Battlefield 1942 Deluxe Edition

I wanted to post this question at Halo and BF Forums. But I fear biasness...
Go for Battlefield, as long as you have a good connection and like multiplayer then you will be in heaven.

Halo can come later when you have more money.
/me waits for mrBadger and the other Halo fanboys to enter... :p
depends... BF1942's SP is quite weak but MP its awsome. Halo is great in MP and SP But BF1942's MP still has the edge over Halo.
Halo will be a great choice, since the single player is awesome replayable fun... I'm still messing around on Assualt, trying to do skateboard tricks in a Ghost :D

And yes Mullins, I'm here

However, I hear good things about BF1942 if you are into WW2 (if not, there are mods)... anyway, thats not available to me since I'm a 56k warrior :p
Originally posted by Shift
Ermm... I have limited budget with me right now. I can afford either one of these PC games.

1) Halo
2) Battlefield 1942 Deluxe Edition

I wanted to post this question at Halo and BF Forums. But I fear biasness...

Actually, you'd probably get quite the opposite effect.

Most people on the 'offical' bf1942 boards hate it, and with every patch they complain even more. The boards are in an uproar now because of the secret weapons expansion. (Which, don't buy that, it only makes 1942 seem like it was 2014)

And people on the Halo boards are complaining about framerates, and things like "Why can't I see anything when I zoom the sniper rifle?".

Buy the base BF1942, if you have DSL or above, multiplayer will be a blast, be sure to have a good sound card to or otherwise you may have to sacrifice alot of sound quality to get good fps online.

It depends on what you're looking for, offline experience, Halo. Online gaming, BF1942. :bounce:

If you like single player, and haven't had the Hal ostory ruined for you, Halo's SP is amazing.

otherwise, BF42
Bah BF1042 got so old and boring, all the mods for it got old really quick and boring also.
Just wait for Call of Duty and get that.
Well yes I agree bf1942 stinks and you should get Call of Duty but between those two its still bf1941 because HALO is old news.
Maybe if you want bf1942 you could get BF: Veitnam when it comes out, it looks awesome.
Woot... Call of Duty sounds good. I'm abandoning Halo, after I've tried the demo. Doesn't worth my money. I'm getting BF1942, if I still have extra cash, I'm getting Call of Duty. Ermm... CoD reminds me of Castle Wolfenstein though... Does it runs with Quake III engine too?
Originally posted by Shift
I'm abandoning Halo, getting BF1942, if I still have extra cash, I'm getting Call of Duty.

Good choice, although I'd wait a couple of days to get CoD, and get BF if you have the extra cash. CoD seems to be more alround: fun SP ánd MP.
Half Life 2!

Heh. Halo has certainly polarised opinion. BF sounds cool.

Buy Homeworld 2.

Yeah. I know. It's late.:E
I just picked Halo up the other day. It runs great on my XP3200/geforcefx5900ultra system. I havnt really played the Xbox version so I am not poisaned to where I hate the game. But it could be more pollished. Vehical Driving could be better.
The vehicles are good in BF1942 - the fighting is crap :/

Halo's good fun in multiplayer - but in single player it's not as good as on the XBox :(

I'd get neither tbh
Originally posted by |MaTT|
badger? fancy a game of Halo? :E

Yeah, as soon as I have my 512K connection in a few months :D

I'm PM you then! We'll organise a grand Halo match!